

英語 高校生


Never mention it again. Djudge a person by his looks 60 al admit that I was wrong. oreflect the mood of the times MINIMAL PHRASES mention 乗す( [ménfan] 語法 62 61 judge (Vo+ [dzíd3] The plane is approaching Chicago. 飛行機はシカゴに接近している 自分がまちがっていたと認める 時代の気分を反映する 63 approach 多義 [apróutf] admit [edmít] 64 名? Q目的語となる動詞の形は? reflect [riflékt] 14 | Q He approached to me. は A 前置詞不要。 He approached me. が正しい。 なぜだめ? 232AH JAMINIM 二度とそのことを口にするな 人を外見で判断する = refer to) ~について述べる,言及する( doras • mention A to B「Aについて B (人)に言う」 Don't mention it. 「どういたしまして」 ( 礼やわびに対する返答) = You are welcome.n 多義 not to mention A 「Aは言うまでもなく」 = to say nothing of A Smin right 雪が増える」 ~を判断する ~を裁判する 名裁判官,審判員 judging from A 「Aから判断すると」(独立分詞構文) ◇júdgment 名判断 が日に当てはまる」 はる 多義 (1qa3a6 同?s 名?◇admission/a> 名入学 (許可), 入場 (料) 入会(金) A Ving (動名詞)。 admit to V は不可。 ①〈自分に不利・不快なこと〉 を認める (+ that~) epai2 lememebnu opera る ① (~に) 接近する ② 〈問題など> に取り組む 名 研究などの) 方法, 取り組み方: 接近 ( +to) (例)a new approach to teaching English 「英語教育の新しい方法」 surviv [sorviv] を許可する (~ted; ~ ting) 191 ②〈人〉の入場[入学] 98 動~を認める =acknówledge ① ~を反映する,反射する sought: sought) ②(+on A) Aについてよく考えると努hdog291 12 ◇refléction end 名反射 反映 : 熟考 [bnqan MINIL operfor □a very □survive [ Words Gargue 65 perfor [parférm 66 bore [bó:r] Q He is bors はどう違 67 68 repres suit 69 argue [:rgju:]

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英語 高校生

大学受験の長文問題です。 解答がないので答えをお願いします🙏

問題 3 以下の英文を読んで、次の問いに答えなさい。 (*のついた語には語注が ある。) If you are able to step outside and hear many types of birds, you might also have a greater feeling of well-being. Two studies show that hearing diverse birdsongs may help increase our happiness. (A) One study was done by researchers at California Polytechnic State University. A research team studied the effects of birdsong ( 1 ) people walking through a park in the U.S. state of Colorado. A biology graduate student, Danielle Ferraro, led the study. "There could be an evolutionary reason why we like birdsong so much. And the idea is that when we hear birdsong it could signal safety to us," Ferraro says. There could be many other reasons, too. Ferraro states that in some areas around the world birdsong can also signal the arrival of spring and nice weather. Bird diversity, she adds, can also mean a healthy environment. She explained her study to Voice of America (VOA). Ferraro and her team played recorded songs from a diverse group of birds native to the area. They did this on hiking trails in a park in Boulder, Colorado. (2) several weeks, the researchers played recorded birdsong at certain times of the day and other times they did not. Then they talked with hikers after they ( 3 ). Hikers who heard the recorded diverse birdsongs reported a greater sense of well-being than the people who heard simply the natural birds. The researchers suggest that both the bird sounds and biodiversity* can increase feelings of well-being. Ferraro explained that she used native birdsong for the study. This way it would sound as natural as possible. They also did the study during the summer. She explains why this is important. "So the study ( 4 ) in the summer and that's kind of important because the spring is most birds' breeding* season. And if we play the birdsong during breeding season, that might have disturbed them. (B) We didn't want to disturb the birds too much." The study was published in an academic journal called the Royal Society B in December 2020. - 10- ◇M2 (310-15)

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