

英語 中学生


あと 次は,中学生のタケシ ( Takeshi) が書いたスピーチの原稿 の1~6の問いに答えなさい。 I am going to talk about my interesting experience. I went to London during this summer vacation with my family. This was my first trip to a foreign country. I wanted to know about London, so I looked for information about it on the Internet. I was able to see many famous things on the Internet before the trip. In London, we went to some popular places, for example, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge. I already saw them on the Internet, but they looked bigger and more beautiful to me when I saw them directly. I was ( )! When I walked around, I saw a lot of people from different countries, too. Then, we went to a restaurant to eat local dishes. They were very new to me, but I enjoyed them. When we finished our dinner and left the restaurant at about nine in the evening, I found 2one strange thing. It was not dark outside! I was very surprised. In Fukuoka, it is dark at nine in July, but it is not in London! This was the most interesting thing to me. I enjoyed this trip very much because I was able to discover new things. After the summer vacation, I told my classmates about my trip to London in an English class. Many of them liked my story and I was glad. After school, one of my classmates came to me and said, "I really enjoyed your story. I love Harry Potter, and I'm very interested in London. Can you tell me more about your trip ?" In fact, 3 was surprised when she came to talk to me. Before that, we didn't talk, and I though she was not interested in foreign countries. But that was not right. She knew a lo about London. We talked about my trip and Harry Potter. When we were talking she said to me, "Going abroad is a good way to study, but I have ( ) to Foreign country. I was glad to talk with you." I discovered new things about her o hat day. ) ( 4 You can get information about many things on TV and the Internet, and you ofte hink you know about people around you before talking to them. But you can discove ew things when you experience something directly. I want to remember this idea ar xperience a lot of things in the future. 主) foreign: 外国の Buckingham Palace: バッキンガム宮殿 Tower Bridge: タワーブリッジ directly : 直接に local dishes : その土地の料理 outside: 外で discover : 発見する Harry Potter: ハリー・ポッター

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英語 高校生


LESSON Practice 1 Purth words in the correct order to complete the sentences. wwed wim of eroblewA or em 1. J. & Rowling [a British writer / the Harry Potter series/ who / is / wrote ]. J・K・ローリングはハリー・ポッターシリーズを書いた英国の作家です. 2. She completed Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the first novel in the series in 1995. It was [ when / had / a difficult time / she / no job ]. 彼女は1995年にシリーズ第1作の『ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石』を書き上げました. それは彼女が 無職だった, 困難な時期でした. 3. The story [ learn/ where / at / students/ takes place / a school] wizardry. ストーリーは,生徒が魔法を学ぶ学校で起こります. 4. [ the novels / were based / the movies/ which / on ] were big hits. それらの小説をもとにした映画は大ヒットしました. 2 Complete the sentences. 1. Anne of Green Gables is 『赤毛のアン』 はLM モンゴメリーによって書かれた最初の小説です. 2. Anne Shirley is when she was just a baby. アン・シャーリーは、まだ赤ん坊のころに彼女の両親が亡くなった少女です. 3. Anne sent to a publisher. アンは自分が書いた2本の小説を出版社に送りました。 4. Muraoka Hanako was Anne of Green Gables into Japanese. 村岡花子は『赤毛のアン』を日本語に翻訳した作家です. 3 Put the Japanese parts of the passage into English. Genre たけひこ ① 『スラムダンク』 は井上雄彦によって創作された人気のある漫画です. ② 主人公は、けんか をするのが好きな高校生です. At first he is not interested in any sports but joins the basketball team because he hopes to be liked by the girl of his dreams. ③ バスケット ボールのコートが, 彼が自分の運動能力を示すことができる場所です. The scenes of basketball games are very vivid ④ それが, その漫画が日本だけでなく,ほかの国々でもとても人気があ る理由です . けんかをする get into fights 運動能力 athletic talents 『スラムダンク』 Slam Dunk by L. M. Montgomery.

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