

TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

英読解の問題です。 すっかり忘れてしまったため何も分かりません。 3問教えて欲しいです。お願いします><

5. 次のメッセージを読み、 [4×3=12] (1)~(3) A~Dで適切なものに○をつけなさい。 Sarah Rogovin [09:20 A. M.] Good morning. Li Na and Dave. Could you let me know the latest on the Taipei trip? Li Na Tsai [09:25 A. M.] Everything is prepared at this end. I've booked a meeting room for three days, ordered refreshments, and arranged daily taxis to and from your hotel. Sarah Rogovin [09:28 A. M.] Fantastic. Did you remember that three people are vegetarian? Li Na Tsai [09:30 A. M.] Yes, they have separate meals. The price is actually a little lower for them. Dave Kaplan [09:31 A. M. 1 And I just confirmed the new flights for you and Chen Wang. Sarah. You're now flying direct from Singapore to Taipei at 6 P. M. on Sunday. My apologies again for the misunderstanding. Sarah Rogovin [09:34 A. M.] Thanks for sorting that out. Dave. This makes the journey much easier. Could you e-mail the electronic ticket to Chen Wang when you receive it, please? Dave Kaplan [09:35 A. M.] Consider it done. Li Na Tsai [09:37 A. M.] Sarah, I've arranged for a projector, but do you also need a laptop set up in the meeting room? Also, the staff there will give you an access code for the room; you may need to ask for it. a Wi-Fi signal Sarah Rogovin [09:40 A. M.] As you said previously that there's throughout the hotel you've booked, I'll use my own. Thanks again for your hard work, both of you. (1) Why does Ms. Rogovin ask about food? (A) She wants to eat in a separate room. (B) Her colleague forgot to order meals last time. (C) Some attendees don't eat meat. (D) She thinks the meals are too (2) What is suggested about the flights? (A) They are booked for Sunday morning. (B) The original booking was incorrect. (C) A discount was offered on the price. (D)) There will be a short stop on the route. (3) At 9:35 A. M.. what does Mr. Kaplan mean when he writes, "Consider it done" ? (A) He will forward a document. (B) He will call Mr. Wang. (C) He will reserve two seats. (D) He will order a taxi.

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

c の答えと解説お願いします。 なるべく早く回答してくださるとありがたいです🙇

Vocabulary A Choose the correct definition for the underlined words. 1. They developed the new car in cooperation with Japanese engineers. ( ) 2. Take care to avoid any trouble on your journey. 3. Many birds are flying overhead. 4. Oh, that man threw trash from his car window! 5. When I read English newspapers, I can read 150 words per minute. a working together b things that are no longer useful above your head d for each e to prevent something from happening B Choose the correct word for each sentence below. 1. The satellite is now in (orbital/ orbit ) around the moon. 2. Can you (measurement / measure) the length between point A and point C? 3. I got a lot of exercise and lost a lot of (weight / weigh). C Fill in the blanks to rephrase the sentences. 1. Don't stand while the bus is still moving. → Don't stand while the bus is still (going ) ( on ). Lesson 5 Space Debris 2. I tried to pick up the old, dusty book, but it broke into parts as soon as I touched it. → I tried to pick up the old, dusty book, but it (Came) ( off ) as soon as I touched it. 3. Firefighters tried to control the fire. → Firefighters tried to (bring) the fire (and) control. 4. We continued to get information about the changes in the weather. - We ( ) ( ) of the changes in the weather. 5. They always prevent us from doing things. They always ( ) ( ) ( ) way of us doing things. Tips debris debris は「(破壊されたものの) 破片がれき」という意味である。 trash, garbage, fubbish などは 「ごみ」 を表す語で, trash と garbage はアメリカ英語, rubbish はイギ リス英語である。 一方, waste は何かを作った際に残った 「廃棄物」などを指す。 では、 litter はどのようなごみを意味する語だろうか。

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


pt] ko] ations) 5 10 foa of The attempt to silence Malala has only made her stronger. On her 16th birthday, she made a speech at the UN about the importance of education. mos s do at alde i jo, bluny Dear brothers and sisters, we want schools and education for every child's bright future. We will da mo continue our journey to our destination of peace and We believe in Our words education. No one can stop us. the power and the strength of our words. de Lin can change the whole world.or Q14 What was Malala's speech about? vonom down ban of them risk their lives for their beliefs. One of Many people have powerful beliefs, but only a few ouba bas afoorbe d which; il aquoss vuellim s them is Malala Yousafzai. She said, "I am Malala.iber lo stian al Q15 My world has changed, but I have not." Nothing vissit dairt of neublede can stand in the way of her dreams and hopes for 15 girls' education. 10 giri e who / which ) nomow( dobrowen af how Bible My yllsups bejberi od who / which house .yıemmuɛ edi eisiqmon pi suzemią bas zbrow otsinqoiggs ont now mineid odl of IF stands on that hill DrTvelleV inwa e'nstide ni qu Were Od BBW BIGLAM hum carthotty 919w jari aidgin sma sdt nevig Jon 975 bluoda mamow bas nem tad beveiled is my father's favorite en synol on blooster alig wetsmor Ted i bevitus remove bre fundat caint balcon i Q13 What did Malala do on her 16th birthday? rideriq This igación qleqanqielle la eaw savab ono blow edt 19vo la mort ( According to her speech, what can change the whole world? Q16 What does Malala risk her life for? tol a bevisse1 nudileT orb to darom Byd ballil

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


UNIT . 14 年 ① 下線部 (1) を the process の内容がわかるように日本語に直しなさい。 北極海を覆う氷の減少をはっきりと見て取ることができる。 ② 下線部 (2)の内容を具体的に日本語で説明しなさい。 ③ 以下の文は, 下線部 (3) のフィードバックループの例をわかりやすく説明したものである。 空欄 (A)~(E)に以下の ① ② ③ から適切なものをそれぞれ選びなさい。 ★ 氷よりも暗い色をした海水が ( A ) ことによってさらに多くの (B )ことになる。 これ によってより多くの (C) ことになり、 それが (D) ことによってさらに多くの(E) ことになる。 ①氷を溶かす ②熱を吸収する ③ 海水が露出する A[②] B[①] C[③] ④下線部 (4) の they と done が具体的に表すことを明らかにして日本語に直しなさい。★ D[②] E[①] ⑤ 下線部 (5) の2つの空欄には同じ単語が入る。 最も適切なものを選びなさい。 ① usual ② fixed 3 unexpected ⑥ ( 6 )に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい。 ★ 3 reluctant ① available ② likely ④ favorable〔⑤〕 ④ willing [②] ⑦ 下線部 (7) を日本語に直しなさい。 現時点では、データの収集が困難なため、このような事態が発生する リスクを評価することは困難だ。 (危険性) ⑧ 本文の内容に合わないものを2つ選びなさい。 ① It seems\that the author is looking forward to seeing the Arctic Ocean with no ice in summer. ② The release of organic material in the Arctic permafrost will have a direct effect on global warming. ③Various climate changes on the planet/can be explained by what is happening in the Arctic. ④ The estimated sea level rise of 74cm does not take into account the amount of water that would be produced if the ice-cap covering Greenland should melt. ⑤ The author thinks that by reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases, we will be able to solve climate change problems. (

解決済み 回答数: 1