

英語 高校生


入試問題で 復習 & 力試し 5 1 ( )内に入る最も適切な語句を ① ~ ④ から選びなさい。 (1) It ( ) me a few minutes to realize that his email was a kind of joke. 1 consumed 2 lasted 3 spent (2) He seemed to be unfriendly, but I've ( 1 become 2 come (3) Please ( 1 allow ) me have a look at the picture. 2 force (4) Our school allows students ( 1 use 2 to use 4 took ) to realize that he is kind at heart. 3 imagined (6) We should have the patient ( ) by a doctor. 1 examine 2 examined (8) I like it when I can feel the rain ( 1 ran 2 runs 3 let smartphones after all the classes end. 3 to using 3 to examine Tooh Word Gift viksva (7) The waiting room was so noisy that I didn't hear my name ( call 2 calls 3 called (9) Many residents saw the car ( be stopping (10) ( (5) The light in the stairway was broken for months. It took way too long to get ( 1 someone 2 someone to (3) someone who ) in the middle of the street. 2 been stopping 3 to stop ) down my cheeks. E3 running () showed up for the politician's speech. Little person 2 Little of people (12) A good education will ( 1 enable ). ) you to have your own view of the world. 3 make 2 let LESSON 13~15 (13) A face shield might ( ) you from getting infected with viruses. 3 lead 1 bring SHONEntie sidin (2) cause (14) You are not ( ) to talk loudly in the library.JEY @better (3) capable 4 suggested 4 permit 4 into using 3 Few of person 4 gets (11) Listening to late-night radio programs (on) them relax after a long day. 1 kept 2 took 3 helps 4 to run (関西学院大) 4 someone will 4 stop (同志社女子大) (同志社女子大) 4 to be called 4 to be examined 4 take fix it. (慶應義塾大) (東京歯科大) 4 Few people (関西学院大) 4 supposed ayod) (杏林大) (群馬大) (獨協大) (芝浦工業大) (神奈川大) (宮城学院女子大) 3 (1) (日本大) gits be found ohsnt fid 4 prevent bue funds LadW ( 長崎県立大) (2) (3 (4

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

和訳など書かれている事は理解出来ました。 でも英文で書くときに書くか、書かないか 判断しにくそうです。 和訳文には、コンマから後の赤文字部分の訳文が 書かれていないので必要ないと思います。 逆に、それがあると和訳の時に日本語訳が意味わからなくなります。 必要性と、無かった場... 続きを読む

B 付加疑問文 Svedt brid 910 en sdf (t Pe 文の後に付け加える簡単な形の疑問文で,主に会話で使われます。 salil voy (S 1. Mr. Sato is a new teacher, isn't he? ● (佐藤先生は新任の先生ですね。) ②.You don't like this song, do you? (この歌は好きじゃないんでしょう.) d to Tubi ① 肯定文の場合 6 「~ですね」 「~でしょう (ね)」 などの意味を表す. ふつう肯定文には否定の付 加疑問,否定文には肯定の付加疑問をつける Moobs ps intle 付加疑問の主語には代名詞を使うことにも注意。 SHEKH It's a beautiful day, isn't it? (いいお天気ですね.) 肯定 否定 ○You play soccer on weekends, don't you? 肯定 否定 (君は週末はサッカーをするんだよね.) ② 否定文の場合 7 FUN.ob 1.29Y (29) 98 The speech wasn't interesting, was it? -No, it wasn't. 肯定 6 7 1042 Check 否定 (そのスピーチはおもしろくなかったのですね. -ええ, おもしろくありませんでした。) *答え方については, p.41 参照.

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

3はこれでもおっけーですか?答えにwhenを使って書いてあったんですけど、、、 9はmadeを使ってはだめですか?

Standard 次の文を太字部分に注意して英語に直しなさい . 1. あの道を行けば町に出ますよ. That road will takes you to the town. 2. 何で戻って来たんだい? Why did you come back ? ? □□ 3. その話を聞いて私は悲しくなりました。 I became sad to hear the stor story. of his speech 6. 昨日は雨でどこへも出かけられなかった. Rainy prevented me from going anywhend The rain □□ 7. この検査で彼の血液型 *がわかった. 4. 彼は給料がよいので楽な暮らしをすることができる. His large income enables me to live in comfort. 5. それで彼の演説を思い出したよ. It reminds me That INDO □□ 10. コンピュータでやれば多くの時間と手間がかからなくてすむ. (Computers) The story made me sad Inusteno This medicine will help your 1. 無生物主語 es tenday The sudden disease made me to Cancel the thip. nudis ahirt This test showed his blood type 8. 温度計は18℃ * を指している. The thermometer says eighteen degrees Centigrade reads 9. 急病のため、僕はその旅行を取りやめにした * . ➡69 The computer will save you alot of time and thouble. us.me for gaibrooo A □□ 11. 頭痛にはこの薬が効くでしょう. headache 8 ➡10 ➡12

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

③はat first になるんですけどどうやってとけばいいんでしょうか?なにか方法があれば教えて欲しいです

結化(Yuka), リリ 九里(M. Greenの英語の授業で発表を行いました。 発表を聞いたクリー ン先生は, 結花さんの発表についてコメントを書きました。 【 結花さんの発表】 【グリーン先生のコメント を読んで,後の1から8までの各問いに答えなさい。 sog vin 【結花さんの発表】 He Many people in Shiga have worked as volunteers. My grandfather is one of them. worked as a junior high school math teacher for many years and retired five years ago. He has worked as a volunteer at the community center since then. Many children go there to play and study together after school and on weekends. He helps them ( 1 ) every day. He always says that working for other people makes him happy. His words made me interested in volunteer work. bon OR I became a high school student and wanted to try something new. So I did volunteer work at the community center this summer. Now, I will talk about my experiences. I hope my speech will give you a chance to think about volunteer work. During summer vacation, I visited the community center. The community center 【used / many /is/ people/byl living in my city. And the volunteers do a variety of work. My first volunteer work was to take care of elderly people. I played some games and talked with them in the morning. Mr. Sato, one of the elderly men, said to me, "I had a good time today. I live alone and don't have so many chances to talk to other people, especially to young people like you. So I enjoyed talking with you." I was happy to hear that. In the afternoon, I saw a little foreign girl in the playroom. She was drawing a picture alone. ), I hesitated to talk to her because of my English. Then I remembered Mr. Sato's words. So I went to the girl and said, "Hi, I'm Yuka. You are good at drawing pictures. [4]" She smiled and showed me her picture. Then she said, "I will give this picture to my Japanese friend for her birthday. I want to write 'Happy Birthday!' in Japanese on the picture. Can you teach me how to write it?" I was glad to hear that. I taught her how to write it in hiragana. She practiced many times and looked very happy when she saw the picture after she finally finished 5[write] her message in Japanese. Then she said to me, "Thank you for helping me!" Her big smile made me very happy. These experiences reminded me of my grandfather's words. Before doing volunteer work, I thought that helping other people was to make them happy. However, I realized that helping other people made me happy,) too. So we can [ 6 ]. Now I'm looking forward to doing volunteer work again during spring vacation. Thank you for listening. (注) volunteer(s): ボランティアをする人 retire: 退職する community center: E play : 遊ぶ hesitate : ためらう chance : playroom: 【グリーン先生のコメント】 Your speech was great. I'm glad that you learned an important thing. I do volunteer work, too. I visit the city library every Saturday. I help foreign people there. Some foreign people don't understand Japanese. So I help them borrow books. Do you like to read books? The staff members are looking for someone who can read books to children. If you are interested, why don't we visit it together this Saturday?

未解決 回答数: 1