

英語 高校生


例を参考に、以下の語を使って1~10のセンテンスを完成させなさい。 cloth needle seams clothes dress pairs shoes pair shirt formal wear machine pants *perfume sweater 例 She needs to wear (formal wear) to the party. 彼女はパーティにフォーマルな服を着る必要があります。 1. I bought a ( 私はブルーのズボンを一本買いました。 ) of blue pants. 2. Lisa is wearing Chanel Number 5( リサはシャネルの5番の香水をつけています。 3. Her sewing ( 彼女のミシンには糸と新しい針が必要です。 4. The boy in the green ( ). ) needs thread and a new ( ( ) is my niece. 緑のシャツの男の子は私の甥で、 赤いドレスの女の子は私の姪です。 5. Her mother mended her ( ) is my nephew, and the girl in the red Ragus ) because they came apart at the ( ). 彼女の母は彼女のズボンを修繕しました。 なぜなら縫い目がほつれたからです。 6. My sister knitted a ( 私の姉はセーターを編んで、 私にくれました。 7. The used ( 箱の中の古着は私のです。 捨てないで。 8. Mary dyed two ( ) of her white jeans pink. マリーは彼女の2本の白いジーパンをピンクに染めました。 9. Her mother bought some ( ) and gave it to me. 私は、その靴屋で革靴を一足買いました。 ) in the box are mine. Don't throw them away. dress. 彼女の母は娘のウエディングドレスを作るために布を買いました。 10. I bought a pair of leather ( ) at the shoe store. ) to make her daughter's wedding

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英語 高校生


◆例を参考に、以下の語を使って1~10のセンテンスを完成させなさい。 cloth needle seams clothes dress pairs shoes pair shirt formal wear pants sweater 例 She needs to wear (formal wear) to the party. 彼女はパーティにフォーマルな服を着る必要があります。 1. I bought a ( 私はブルーのズボンを一本買いました。 ) of blue pants. 2. Lisa is wearing Chanel Number 5 ( リサはシャネルの5番の香水をつけています。 3. Her sewing ( 彼女のミシンには糸と新しい針が必要です。 4. The boy in the green ( machine perfume ). ) needs thread and a new ( ( ) is my niece. 緑のシャツの男の子は私の甥で、赤いドレスの女の子は私の姪です。 5. Her mother mended her ( 私は、その靴屋で革靴を一足買いました。 peimon al ) and gave it to me. noqxs of gnil). ) is my nephew, and the girl in the red svomer.l ) because they came apart at the ). 彼女の母は彼女のズボンを修繕しました。なぜなら縫い目がほつれたからです。 6. My sister knitted a ( 私の姉はセーターを編んで、私にくれました。 7. The used ( 箱の中の古着は私のです。捨てないで。 8. Mary dyed two ( ) of her white jeans pink. マリーは彼女の2本の白いジーパンをピンクに染めました。 9. Her mother bought some ( dress. 彼女の母は娘のウエディングドレスを作るために布を買いました。 10. I bought a pair of leather ( ) at the shoe store. ) in the box are mine. Don't throw them away. ) to make her daughter's wedding

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英語 高校生

英語の文法についてに質問です。 一と二枚目の緑の蛍光ペンのところの文法が合っているか確認していただきたいです。  三枚目に参考資料を載せてあります。 お願いします🙇‍♂️

CUTTING EDGE 1-05 絶滅危惧種の選定 Have you ever heard of the "quagga"? Perhaps not, but you may have seen a zebra before. (1)The zebra is a horse-like animal with 形M distinctive black and white stripes covering its body. The quagga was a member of the zebra family, brownish in colour with white stripes FOS around the neck and the front part of the body. (2)It is often said that quagga looked like "zebra which had forgotten to put on their pajama trousers." Quaggas lived in Southern Africa, but they died out in the 19th century due to overhunting. We can now only see their wild beauty as 3stuffed specimens. Some researchers, however, have tried to "revive" the quagga. Because of its attractive stripe pattern, the quagga has gathered much attention from those interested in animal conservation. Those who would like to see the animals walk around the savannas again have conducted the Quagga Project for over thirty years in South Africa. Fas 模様のない (3)It turns out that the quagga is genetically close to the plains zebra. In this project, researchers have attempted to selectively breed plains zebras: they chose plains zebras which have fewer stripes and look slightly like quaggas. Baby zebras born to a slightly quagga- like mother and father may look more like the quagga, with a 13 significantly reduced number of stripes. (4)This project has achieved a certain level of success, producing several lovely baby zebras which have striking similarities [to ] the quagga. . However, should we be happy about this? (5)While this new generation of zebras is visually impressive, it only resembles [X]

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英語 高校生

下線部(4)の和訳に関してです。 どうしてfindが使われていて、かつ、このような和訳になっているのかがわかりません。 また、underの対象が明記されていないのは省略でしょうか?

次の英文を読み, 下記の設問に答えなさい。 There are few things on this planet that give me greater joy than making my home the most comfortable, relaxing place possible. So, one winter a few years ago, when my fiancé had a bout of insomnia, I sprang into action, gathering all the things that held promise for a great sleep: black-out curtains, a white noise machine, and the cult favorite a weighted blanket. Weighted blankets, which cost anywhere from $100 and up, are a sleep aid usually made in a duvet style, with the many squares throughout filled with heavy beads. Lovers of the weighted blanket claim that under its weight they can relax faster, leading to a better and deeper sleep. These blankets weigh anywhere from 5 to 14 kg, and manufacturers generally recommend choosing one that's not more than 10 percent of your body weight, although this seems to be just a rule of thumb and not based on scientific study. [1] "Absolutely love it," my friend Greg Malone tells me over Facebook one day. "Rotating shifts makes [a] to sleep hard, but my girlfriend got me one as a gift, and I have found it's made a big difference in falling and staying asleep.' However, Deep Pressure Therapy (DPT)— the act of using firm but gentle pressure on the body to reduce anxiety has been practiced for centuries in various forms. In 1987, a limited study found that many college students who used DPT reported feeling less anxious after [b] full-body pressure for 15 minutes (in an adorably titled "Hug'm Machine"), although the researchers did not note any physical changes like lowered heart rate or blood pressure that would indicate the participants were more relaxed. That being said, a 2016 study found that patients who used a weighted blanket while having their wisdom teeth removed tended to have a slower heart rate than (2)patients who underwent the procedure without, which may indicate that they were more relaxed. However, many patients didn't report feeling more relaxed, and since they each only went through the procedure once, it's difficult to tell if the weighted blanket was the key to calming down. 2 Some say that simply the fact that a weighted blanket makes it more difficult to toss and turn at night makes for a better night's sleep, while others claim it has something to do with [c] the blood vessels on the surface of our skin that causes our heart rate to slow down. It also could be that the feeling reminds us of times when we felt the safest, like getting a hug from someone who cares for us or when our parents would swaddle us as newborns. 3 Similar to how many people adore the feeling of a soft blanket against their skin or can't relax without their favorite scented candle burning, others might connect with the feeling of gentle, full- body pressure. The trick is finding the sensory cue that makes you the most comfortable. "Weighted blankets have been around for a long time, especially for kids with autism or behavioral disturbances," Dr. Cristina Cusin, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, told Harvard Health. "It is one of the sensory tools commonly used in psychiatric units. Patients who are in distress may choose different types of sensory activities holding a cold object, [d] particular aromas, manipulating dough, building objects, doing arts and crafts - to try to calm down." My fiancé immediately disliked the 9-kg blanket I had picked up and said it made him feel like he was trapped. He's not alone in (3) this. "I liked it at first, but then as the night went on, I felt trapped," Heather Eickmann, a family friend, told me. "Also, I sleep on my side, and it really started to make my hip and knee joints ache." With the weighted blanket making my partner's sleep worse, I decided to give it a try myself. And (4) while I didn't find it too heavy to curl up under, the 9-kg blanket did turn making the bed into a small strength exercise. Overall, I tend to be a good sleeper, so swapping out blankets didn't make any outstanding differences to the quality of my snooze. However, later that summer, (5) ² を使ってみたら, まったく別の理由で夜中に目をさましているのに気づいた。 The blanket was HOT. [ Jones, Emma. "Can Weighted Blankets Help You Sleep Better?" Healthing 15. 11 May 2021. 出題の都合上、原文の一部に変更を加えている。】 設問 1. 下線部(1)を日本語に訳しなさい。 ただし, "one” の具体的内容を文脈に即して明らかにすること。 2. 下線部(2)の具体的内容を文脈に即して30字以内 (句読点も含む) の日本語で説明しなさい。 3. 下線部(3)の具体的内容を文脈に即して35字以内 (句読点も含む) の日本語で説明しなさい。 4. 下線部(4)を日本語に訳しなさい。 5. 下線部(5) を英語に訳しなさい。

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英語 中学生

when did Dr.King die?の本文の根拠と同じキワードを教えてください。

I Have a Dream Class No.. Name 1. アメリカの公民権運動の歴史や人権問題について関心を高めよう。 2. よりよい社会にするための行動について考えよう。 3. 物語の流れを時系列に沿ってまとめるために概要を捉えよう。 2人は~だった Vin 1955, there used fo be many things black people に1955年、アメリカ合衆国の黒人たちが法律の下 in the United States could not do under the law. のでできないことが以前はたくさんありました。 There were restrooms they could not use. 彼らが使えないトイレがありました。 There were drinking fountains they could not use. 彼らが使えない噴水式の水飲み器がありました。 they could not use. 座席がありました。 There were bus seats 彼らの使えないバスの ~の一人 We shall never give up. " 「They fought in a peaceful way. 彼らは平和的な方法でたたかい ました | Some walked fo work and school. 生い仕事や学校に行く人もいま でする人もいる うる人もいれば した。 ② These unfair laws upset many people. これらの不公平な法律はたくさんの人々を 不快にさせました。 One of them was Martin Luther King, Jr. 彼らの1人がコーティン・ルーサー・キング He said, Wel ジュニアでした He heard about the arrest of Rosa Parks in Montgomery, Alabama. 彼は、アラバマ州・モンドゴメリカでの ローザズのパークスのたいほについて cannot stand it anymore. Let's start a movement. Everyone has a right 誰もがどのバスのどの座席にも 彼らはいいました。 ききました 私たちほうむ恐きがまんすることは運動を始めましょう。 to take any seat on any bus. どんな どんな 座るけんりをもちます。 決して~しない。 私は決してあきらめません。 ③ Dr. King led the people of Montgomery in a fight for justice. キング牧師は正義のためのたたかいでモントゴメリーの人のたを導きま They stopped riding city buses. 彼らは市のバスにのることを やめました。 Others shared cars. p74~76 Many たくさん 車を一緒に使う人もい ました。 people supported the Bus Boycott, even some white people. の人々、幾人かの巨人でさえものボイコット運動を支 [持しました。 n

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