

英語 高校生

答え合わせをしたいので「アップリフト英文法 文法項目別演習1000」の受動態の解答をお願いしたいです😭

4 受動態 空所に入る最も適当な語句を答えなさい。 077 Her dress was made (a) silk. 1 for How blo 2 by 078 He was seen 1 go 080 079 Luxury houses with ocean views are currently (lice being built 101 083 081 The patient ( .noitala yowdua sd) to dellyna ni 1 gave 2 gives 私はクラスのみんなに笑われた。TW I was 082 The old building will ( be able to ) into a coffee shop with his friend. ead of thron 2 going 3 gone went till he would be in southern India. (z) 2 building.no3 buildstonqarlı having built ni bonzin 088 086 The World Cup ( Ⓒhad played 3 has been playing 089 The thief was caught ( O stealing (2 085 The patient was made ( Obe staying 084 私たちはにわか雨にあいました。 We were caught ( I am often ( 1 said All the spectators 1 excited ) by every student in my class. JJSAJORS ) enough medicine to bring about a complete recovery. naloqa \ of \singissol 3 need to steal 2 stay 3 at ) a shower. 920or ) Illw lood won aid svalled you our the allpoiblos ( 東京工科大 ) 4 of ) torn down tomorrow 3 have berl grusom smisdi ) every ) a television from the hotel. four 087 Butter and cheese are made () milk. 1 by 2 for 10) that I look like my talked (2) 2 got excited JIEMSCHORCR years was given had 4 3 stolen - 15X0 savor sit to Jue Tot boiteitbazing broame to tazym boiteita (2) should study harder. neuon sit to Ipo gniam nsm si Wez to mo mun nese zow nam adf To tuo grinun awody med va in bed all day by the doctor. 3 to have stayed row morning. O 4 be since 1930. 2 has played 4 has been played 3 from elder sister. 3 told ) about Ichiro's two-base hit. 3 got exciting Iyabasten (京都産業大) was giving 4 stole 4 (関西学院大 ) to stay 4 in 4 spoken (名古屋学院大) (センター) (鶴見短大) (京都産業大) (日本大) ( 酪農学園大 ) ( 上智短大) (近畿大) were exciting 受動態

未解決 回答数: 0
英語 高校生


6 グラフと英文について問いに答えなさい。もの K There has been growth in the sales of computer and video game units in the United States for the past 12 years. Perhaps the largest growth was between [ ] and [ ], when the sales of computer and video game units increased about 42 percent. After 1998, there has been a steady increase in the sales except in ts sold than in []. In 2006, the US computer were fewer units [], when there were to and video game software sales grew six percent. none od oals U.S. Computer and Video Game DOLLAR Sales Growth orond noologa ORA 8.0 7.0 vien.n 7.0 -7.4 7.1 7.0 s or saoby 6.0 5.0 14.0 13.0 2.6-- 2.0 1.0 速読問題 43NTO 3.7. mouter and vi 4.8 computer STR. STEST 5.5-5.6... 6.1 【目標時間 5分 】 Talouno A-43 (関東学院大) (各4点) SMOO simsbine 320.0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 0.0 .noitonitys asgougnal ) Jonitzs „299sugnal artito e Year oqe sdb 10 Ilse Tho bollbl ti jeste sdo tir 1. 本文の空所に入る年の最も適切な順番を示した組み合わせを1つ選びなさい。 idal ① 1996-1997-2004-2005 regorin 2 1996 - 1997 - 2005 - 2004 3 1997 - 1998 - 2004 - 2005 to nl241997 - 1998 - 2005 - 2004 gablesqa gnirlismoe orbi xim yam yod 10 mi 10 ogsugnal assinoloo 2. 本文の内容に一致するように、次の質問に対する最も適切な答えを1つ選びなさい。 no senso que parve pegeuren enorget to sum gels Sie wer From this article, how high would the bar for 2006 for the total number of W morb 100 98 10qa amepad slenIA video games be? Approximately the same height as 2005. 2 Shorter than 2005. 3 Taller than 2005. 033ghel to vio 4 tell. It is impossible to go this fod Bhixe ed or go sew tadi sesugn tell. a los ama zagsugnal sviten od on T srit ni nosloga asw dojdw.raimoƆ bollas syaugmel och tarb bisa quong 002 【2 スニング なさい。英文は2度読まれます。 Fived

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生


1 ()内に入る最も適切な語句を①~④から選びなさい。 (1) As far as I know, there are ( each 2 few (2) In developing countries, there are still a lot of villages with no 1 run 3 running ran (3) I didn't like the movie. It was not as ( 1 excited 2 exciting (4) I was so ( 1 disappoint (6) The company is planning a trip ( ) studies on the history of the region. 3 little ) when I heard the news 2 disappointed 3 disappointing and grolle Halid (5) Our office will not accept responsibility for items lost or ( 1 steal 2 stealing 3 stealth to go to swimming going swim (8) My sister ( 1 likes (7) Can I borrow something 1 to write (10) The student ( 1 what ) as I had expected. 3 excite (9) The singer is very talented and is sure 1 to win 2 won juo beatio )? I don't have a pen. 2 to write for (14) One reason 1 which (11) To my surprise, Paul gave me all the books ( 1 of 2 of which ) at a beautiful beach in Okinawa. 3 going to swimming CHE 3 to write with mundo ) the singing contest. ) he had. 3 that (13) Barcelona is the city () I spent last summer. 11 those 2 where 4 much lood a hell ) water. to pass the exam, for she spent a lot of time preparing for it. 2 is liking 3 likely nulol 3 which 4 have run Bürostuler e'an enw triguor (#****** to disappoint excitement Svi no es mob amse salt sven 4 stolen J - 4 what (12) There are only a few places around this area for children to play, (x) is 1 that 2 what 3 where E 4 is likely (東京電機大) idquodi L 4 to go swimming arbonogeek(岐阜聖徳学園大) 4 to write on COPY winning 4 3 for winning MAZSPRODAT ) had a temperature has gone to the nurse's room. lir)) (f (神戸松蔭女子学院大) 2 who 3 whom 4 whose VYSTIM 4 while is really a problem. 4 which (名城大) (日本大) 東京電機大) as C ESPERIEN (松山大) Kenji likes that class is that it is directly related to his dream for the future. 2 when na we 13 where ignoolew\ iady Soa 2 下線部のうち, 誤った英語表現を含むものを1つ選びなさい。 (福岡大) (甲南大) (S) ( 愛知学院大 ) og a spelliver to teriqeorts sil フェリス女学院大) 4 why X (1) Students who choose to 2 major in one of the Liberal Arts disciplines 3 will take courses 4 designing to foster independent thinking. (東北医科薬科大) (2) 1 After serving in the military, the man went back to his native village, 2 which he lived 3 among his Dk. \ ei, childhood friends 4 until he died. her family. (京都外国語大) (2 (2 (3) (5) (6) B D

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


1 日本語に合うように, 下線部に適切な語句を補いなさい。 1. 私は兄と同じくらい簡単にその数学の問題を解いた。 I solved the math problem as 2 2. 彼はあなたほど忙しくない。 He+Jol sdt) Stota suli 3. as you.anaqze Jasol odi saodo I S この新型の列車は旧式の列車の3倍速い。 This new model train runs 4. これはそのロープの半分の長さだ。 TELUGod teom od as that rope. manda This is 5. この水差しにはあのボトルと同じくらいの水が入る。 ASUNT: This pitcher can hold as A portame ont at adot I ai ndol 4. 私たちの学校はあなたの学校よりもずっと古い。 WIJ HET Bhow ads 3. Our school is (is the) (impor) ( 5. 今日の会議はいつもより20分遅く始まった。 Today's meeting started (ings) ( novos edt ei abana 2 日本語に合うように,( )に適切な語を入れなさい。 BH 1. 電子マネーは現金よりも便利だと思う。 I think e-money is (de in) ( kass..) (... 2. この建物が見かけより強いということはない。 This building is (T. Ker) ( ) ( )( 3. 私の仕事はあなたの仕事ほど大変ではない。 My job is () hard () your job. :) ( ) cash. ow inspi ) it looks. ) your school. fast as the old trains. that bottle. i boloail A ai Ha £ 10-11 E stitastill L[cr]ATO 特製 teom od ai svi2 -1455-l ) than usual. A [画]

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