

TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

なぜ we wereと過去形になっているのでしょうか? どのような用法が適用されていますか?

13:01 10月27日 (金) < 解答・解説 Questions 18 through 20 refer to the following conversation. M: Allison, can I ask you for a favor? W: Sure, what do you need? M: ① Could you call the restaurant where the company dinner will be held on Friday and let them know we'd like to start at seven P.M. instead of six P.M.? W:②I thought we were going to finish early that day. M: ③Oh, that's right. You couldn't make this morning's meeting. ④ They announced that we'll be doing a company_photo shoot before the party, and that'll take about an hour. W: Oh, I see. Hmm... I can't find the details about the party venue. ⑤ⓢ Do you have the phone number? M: Yes. I have it right here. M: Allison さん、 お願いがあるのですが。 W: もちろんです、 何が必要ですか。 人間に人 2日目 2 0:39 : 17. K 12. 日日4人 19. 00×1?0 履歴 > Why does the man say, "You couldn't make this morning's meeting"? (A) To express disappointment (24%) (B) To provide an explanation (33%) (C) To request a reason (20%) (D) To show concern (23%) (A) 落胆を伝えるため (B) 説明を提供するため (C) 理由を求めるため (D) 懸念を示すため 男性はなぜ "You couldn't make this morning's meeting" と言っています か。 正解 (B) 解答: (A) ① 43% x1.0 A+ Abc 女性が②で早く終わると思っていたと認識を述べた後、 男性は③で、そう だったと納得を示し、 引用文に続く④で説明を加えています。 自動遷移 0:43

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

こちらのプリントの回答教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

4 eehaupbsorl elstog 空欄にあてはまるものを (A)~(D) の中から選んで記号を書きましょう。 rinom soon tundA (8) 1. My first of Toronto was very positive. (A) impressed (B) impressing (C)impressive (D) impression swdua vd oo visuay 1 (5) 3. 2. The special equipment was (A) originally (B) origin (C) original (D) originality 4. The manufacturer (A) produces vaboj alriemriserter prind soinom bib vilW..t A teacher's class. Sum ob incinu vertone (A) friendship (B) friendlily (C) friendly (D) friendliness Autoledad blow approach makes new students feel comfortable in their new es new students fee (B) has produced shwob trand enirkham y 5. It is necessary that the applicant 8. Would you mind (A) open made for those who have mobility problems. mismo2( bloo out a'fariT (8) Of(0) tripim men (8) TV sets in developing countries ten years ago. (D) has been produced (C) produced (A) fill (B) filled (C) fills (D) would fill 6. Tomoko invited me to see the musical with (A) she (C) (B) heraners 10. Is there anyone (A)whom blueWF Tesy jasi cio 7. The CEO by the charity foundation to speak at their annual conference, but he had to decline the request because of a scheduling conflict. (A) asked (D) had been asking (B) was asked (C) has asked 9. The meeting will be held (A) in dar out the form before the job interview. toy bollit need cen (A) admun orong olidam ym e'evgH (8) Jeneves need even ment (2) eldabil opening prupiolansi (B) whose blow reiwi at sol no (D) herself them. the window for me? vietne.m (C) to open (D) to be opening Houp (0) (B) on (C) for (D) at nismen (0) Meason (2) gribnstalue (8) 10:30 in the conference room. is against this alternative proposal? (D) which m) boysin .GP .er Deda briced OS eldialval (A) 11. Tim is as as Linda. (A) more intelligent (B) intelligent (C) less intelligent (D) better intelligent for storage. (A) designated (B) detained (C) reciprocated (D) signified 12. According to the proposal, a large block of rooms in the east wing of the new building will be

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

こちらのプリントの回答教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

4 eehaupbsorl elstog 空欄にあてはまるものを (A)~(D) の中から選んで記号を書きましょう。 rinom soon tundA (8) 1. My first of Toronto was very positive. (A) impressed (B) impressing (C)impressive (D) impression swdua vd oo visuay 1 (5) 3. 2. The special equipment was (A) originally (B) origin (C) original (D) originality 4. The manufacturer (A) produces vaboj alriemriserter prind soinom bib vilW..t A teacher's class. Sum ob incinu vertone (A) friendship (B) friendlily (C) friendly (D) friendliness Autoledad blow approach makes new students feel comfortable in their new es new students fee (B) has produced shwob trand enirkham y 5. It is necessary that the applicant 8. Would you mind (A) open made for those who have mobility problems. mismo2( bloo out a'fariT (8) Of(0) tripim men (8) TV sets in developing countries ten years ago. (D) has been produced (C) produced (A) fill (B) filled (C) fills (D) would fill 6. Tomoko invited me to see the musical with (A) she (C) (B) heraners 10. Is there anyone (A)whom blueWF Tesy jasi cio 7. The CEO by the charity foundation to speak at their annual conference, but he had to decline the request because of a scheduling conflict. (A) asked (D) had been asking (B) was asked (C) has asked 9. The meeting will be held (A) in dar out the form before the job interview. toy bollit need cen (A) admun orong olidam ym e'evgH (8) Jeneves need even ment (2) eldabil opening prupiolansi (B) whose blow reiwi at sol no (D) herself them. the window for me? vietne.m (C) to open (D) to be opening Houp (0) (B) on (C) for (D) at nismen (0) Meason (2) gribnstalue (8) 10:30 in the conference room. is against this alternative proposal? (D) which m) boysin .GP .er Deda briced OS eldialval (A) 11. Tim is as as Linda. (A) more intelligent (B) intelligent (C) less intelligent (D) better intelligent for storage. (A) designated (B) detained (C) reciprocated (D) signified 12. According to the proposal, a large block of rooms in the east wing of the new building will be

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

一枚目の写真の下から3行目のbegging とadmiring がはいっている文章がよくわかりません。admireの意味を調べたら感嘆するや賞賛すると出てきて 2枚目の和訳の文にうまくつながりません

愛好家 ~だろう (推量) Vi ・つらやましがる ③ African elephants are social animals (with very strong family ties). Females live S Vi ・・・を持っている S Vi are driven out of the in family units/under the leadership of a mature cow o out of. ・・・のもとで 大人のメ drive 「Oを・・・から追い出す」 family (to form bachelor herds when they are <still> <rather young. Adult males live 結果ての群れ s Vi 「かなり S (alone / and <briefly> join a family unit/only at the time (when some female is ready to Q 一時的にV+ the time 「~する準備ができている」 15 have a child). Elephant bonds are 身近な人の 死のあと. SO S群れ 人との「子どもを作る」 that SV 「とても〜なのでSV」 SO 助(決して)~しょうとしない習性) companion behind / but will_stay by it for hours after its death. It seems as if urs the dead company 「まるで~かのように見える」 leave behind 「Oを後に残す」 not A but B 「ぼくB」 3 that the herd will not leave a dead 万んでぃー 「何時間も they were(in mourning/and holding a funeral/for a close relative. ② 「葬式を営む」 ... close <that 慎しんで行動 ずる 20 ① 「喪に服して」 前・・・ のために 4 Considering the characteristics above),/I think it is a (most) delightful beast (to V. 上記の 物 S Vto that] 同 set me free,/and let me rug on the set O free 「○を自由にする」「私を走らせる」 elephant's request), /probably I would 5 the をつけずに形容詞を修飾 すると「とても」の意味になる。 分詞構文・・・を考えると」 とても observe). But/at the same time,/I〈always> have pity on one whenever I see it in S 「同時に」 「…をかわいそうに思う」 = an elephant ~する時はいつも 200X wit with one of its powerful legs chained (to keep it from moving (too far). To me, with + 過去分詞 「Oが~されている状態で」 目的 「~するために」 keep from doing 「〇にさせない」 the gentle giant (somehow) looks sad and lonely. may be mistaken,/but/I often get S 「何かしら」 V₁ C1 C2 助かもしれない 「誤解している」 S the feeling that the poor creature is 《silently begging its admiring visitors,/ “Please, 懇願する。 plains Vof Africa! If I had the right (to grant the 平原 仮定法過去 「もし~なら, ・・・・なのに」 be glad <to do so >. 原因「~して」 = set it free, and let it run on the plains of Africa

解決済み 回答数: 1