

英語 中学生

リーディングの問題です。 色付き下線部の英文の訳し方がよくわかりません。 どのようにして,回答のようになるのか教えて下さい🙇‍♀️

3 Jill, Ellen, Bob, and Edward lived near a lake/They could go for a swim every day. A man named Mr. Black lived near the lake, too./Sometimes Mr. Black went swimming with the children. One day they asked him to go for a swim with them./Mr. Black said "We can't go for a swim. We may never swim in the lake again." "Why not?" asked Edward. "Because the lake is polluted," said Mr. Black. "There's a new sign at the lake. It says No Swimming, Polluted." "What is polluting the lake?" asked Jill. "Let's go down to the lake and look at it," said Mr. Black. (ア) Mr. Black and the children went to the lake on a sunny Sunday. They looked into the water. It wasn't clean/They walked around the lake and they saw why it wasn't clean. “Look at that *garbage in the water," said Jill. "That's what's polluting the lake.” Edward saw oil floating on the water./"That oil pollutes the water, too,” said Edward. "It comes from boats on the lake." "Come here," said Ellen. "Take a look at this. There are tires in the lake !" "Why would people throw tires into a lake ?" asked Bob. "They just don't stop to think," said Mr. Black. "But they are not the only ones who pollute the lake. The people who run that factory pollute the water, too." Bob looked at Mr. Black/"What can we do? How can we stop the pollution ? he asked. "Well, we must get help from other people. We can't do it alone," said Mr. Black. Mr. Black had a friend who worked for a newspaper company. He asked him to help. The next day the story about the pollution was reported in the newspaper. Many people read about the story. They talked of the pollution. They talked of ways to clean it up. people met at the lake./They came to clean it up./ They cleaned out the garbage. Then they cleaned out the tires./They set up big cans. Then they put signs on the cans. The signs read, "Put Your Garbage Here." /People who lived near the lake came to help./People who had boats came to help./And, people from the factory also One day (イ) came to help. They knew that it would take a long time to get the lake clean again. But they did not give up. They all hoped that someday the "No Swimming” sign would come down and the people could swim in the lake again. 注) 〒garbage=ごみ

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 高校生

高校1年生です。英語の教科書はlandmarkIを使ってます。 コミュ英の範囲なんですけど、先生が「単語のどこを強く読むかのアクセントの問題とか、読み方が似てるやつの単語を聞くよ」って言ってたんですけど、範囲が広すぎてこの単語出そうとかわかる人教えてください😭 多いほう... 続きを読む

Question Question Part 1 What did Iraq do on March 17th, 1985? Which country's airline helped Japanese people out of Iran? 0.0.0 Genetfl ¹) On March 17th, 1985, during the Iran-Iraq War, March 1) shute- woled enollzeup er 19wane Iraq suddenly announced, "Forty-eight hours from rloge at smop of griep 16 inel re now, we will shoot down any airplane flying over Iran.” Foreign people in Iran began to return home in a hurry on the airlines of their home countries. Unfortunately, s 5 at that time, there was no regular airline service between Iran and Japan. モンドシー 2) The Japanese embassy in Iran made every effort 日本大使館 アイランのをしたあらゆる努力 to get seats on foreign airlines. However, the airlines 外国の航空会社の 航空会社は しかし gave top priority to the people of their home countries 10 最優 TE! EL C 自国のジャ COLORS and refused to accept the Japanese passengers. More 拒否した 受け入れを 日本人乗客 than 200 Japanese people were left in Iran. Just when 200人以上の日本ラ 残されたイランに they were losing hope of going back home, the Japanese embassy received a phone call that said, "Turkish Airlines will offer special seats for the Japanese people 15 left in Iran." Two planes from Turkey appeared in the ・タラキー

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


PART 1 文法 11 関係詞 Q Data Research 関係代名詞の what (421) 前置詞+関係代名詞 (295) 関係副詞 where (178) 関係代名詞目的格の省略 (177) 非制限用法 (175) 頻出 センター UPGRADE 101 345. The king had a daughter() was very beautiful. 2 whose( 3 whom qr who 348. (頻出 第1位 関係代名詞の what-pa 195 Uponthe 107 第2位 〈前置詞+関係代名詞>3.127 Uposune 102 第3位 関係副詞 wherep. 1si p104 先行詞が the place, the city のような「場所」の場合に 係代名詞 which との区別を問う問題が頻出で、ここでも構 文的な理解がカギになる。 Inic 第4位 関係代名詞目的格の省略p.127,350 語句整序問題が半数以上を占める。 日本語にも選択肢にも 存在しない関係代名詞を頭の中で補って考える必要がある ため、難問になる可能性がある。 The boy ( ① who 1346.ジェーンは,私たちがメアリの彼氏だと思っていた男と結婚した。 Jane married the man [ thought / Mary's boyfriend / we / whom / to [be]. whem we thought to be Mary's be (興工業) thieno □ 347. She threw a glance at him () could have killed a buffalo. ② then (頻出 ① she which センター ! Check 31 関係代名詞の形 (PRODIGY 英語研究所) Diw qu dotat ④ those who (東海大) ) bicycle was stolen reported its loss to the police. ② that ③ from which ④ whose whese roof we see erer there A ④ who (明治学院大) 349. 向こうに屋根が見える家が私の家です。 stemila misw The house [over there / roof / we / see / whose ] is mine. 主格 目的格 who [that] whom [who, that] which [that] which [that] 345. その王にはとても美しい娘がいた。 347. 彼女は野牛をも殺すことができたであろう一瞥を彼に投げかけた。 348. 自転車を盗まれた少年は, その紛失を警察に届け出た。 先行詞 所有格 人 whose 人以外 whose ★目的格の関係代名詞(青字)は省略可能で, 実際に省略されることが多い。 (関西学院大) (朝日大)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

答えをなく困っています。 教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

I 次の英単語で最も強く発音する部分(第一アクセント) を、 それぞれ記号で答えなさい。 1. del-i-cate アイウ Ⅱ 次の英文を読み、 設問に答えなさい。 How many hours a day do you spend on your *cell phone? Today, more and more young people are spending more and more time on smartphones and computers. According (D) a 2013 *survey carried out by the *Japanese Cabinet Office, 97.2% of high school students owned a cell phone; of these, 82.8% had a smartphone. This is a *drastic increase from 2010, when only 3.9% of those with cell phones had smartphones. The survey also shows that the spread of smartphones has led to increased access to the Internet among children, whose average access time on a weekday is 107 minutes. The Cabinet Office also found that 40% of Japanese children *log on to the Internet more than two hours a day, and that 8% spend more than five hours a day online. This has led to some serious social and *psychological problems. Heavy Internet users become *obsessed with staying online and @develop an *addiction to games, social media sites, and free communication systems such as LINE. The various *adverse effects of such addictions have been reported in most developed countries. Many young addicts suffer (2) headaches and sleep disturbances such as *insomnia. They fail to maintain normal weight *due to eating irregularities. And many are more likely to experience emotional distress, isolation, anxiety, and depression. A British study suggests a clear link between excessive Internet use (3) lower self-esteem. Those young people who spend more than four hours a day looking at a screen are particularly *vulnerable to mental *disorders. Several related studies conducted in China make clear the effects of Internet use on brain structure. One study has shown that *volume @losses were seen in the *gray matter areas of Internet addicts' brains. These areas are involved in people's ability to develop *empathy and compassion for others. Another Chinese study used MRI scans to look at the brains of Internet-addicted teenagers and found significant damage in the *white-matter nerve fibers connecting the brain areas governing emotions, decision-making, and self-control. Similar (4) can be seen in the brains of heavy alcohol and drug users. 2. a-bil-i-ty 3. access 4. va-ri-e-ty 5. in-tro-duce アイウエ アイ アイウエ アイウ () cell phone: ## 1. ( survey: drastic: 極端な log on : アクセスする obsessed with~: ~に夢中になる addiction: insomnia: I due to~: ~のため volume: disorder: # U empathy: # white-matter: Japanese Cabinet Office: psychological: 心理的な adverse effects: vulnerable to~: ~になりやすい gray matter: K Я, + ①~④に入れるのに最も適した語をそれぞれ一つずつ選び、その記号で答えなさい。 1 ( with into A to = at) 2 ( from in on = above)

解決済み 回答数: 1