

英語 中学生


GN ( Listen and Read Q. バリ島の姉妹の活動は、どのようにパリ全土へ広まりましたか。 So what can we do? In Bali, plastic bags were thrown away by tourists and residents. They were polluting the beaches. So two young sisters started a movement to ban plastic bags from the island in 2013. The movement that they started spread through social media. Finally, the Governor of Bali decided to ban all plastic bags from 2019. So you see (9) their daily lives. Bye Bye Plastic Bags (2) Take your bag when you go shopping. Recycle plastic properly. And tell other people. Don't give up on our beautiful Planet Earth! Read and Check 1. Q の答えを含む文に, 下線を引きま しょう。 people can start taking action in 2. 次の表現を探して, 本文に波線を引 きましょう。 (1) 「知ってのとおり」という言い方 (2) 「行動する」 という意味を表す語句 Reading Task 1. Hajinは自分たちにもできることとして3つのことを挙げています。 それはどんなことですか。 (1) 買い物に行くときは (マイバッグ )を持っていくこと (2) プラスチックは( 適切 )にリサイクルすること (3) これらのことを 他の人 )にも伝えること 2. 本文を読んで,次の質問に答えましょう。 (1) How did plastic bags harm the environment in Bali? They were (2) Who started the movement to ban plastic bags in Bali? Two polluting the beaches. young people did. Sisters 3. Think プラスチックごみを減らすためにできることを考えてみましょう。 マイバッグを持ち歩く。 音読する Summary Writing Hajin speaks about the movement in Bali. The movement was started by young sisters It spread through ban Governor of Bali decided to can start taking action in our daily two social media, and finally the all plastic bags. Hajin says that we to keep the Earth beautiful. lives

解決済み 回答数: 2