

英語 中学生

🚨至急🚨 間違っている問題を教えてください!

5 次の対話文を読んで,あとの各問いに答えなさい。 Rika: Hi, Vanessa. Are you free after school tomorrow? Vanessa: Let me see.... I don't think I have anything special. Do you have any plans? Rika: 5 Vanessa: Rika: Vanessa: 10 Rika: I'm planning to have my birthday party tomorrow and I *want you to come. Actually my birthday is March 5, but.... That's today! Happy birthday, Rika! Thanks. But today is Thursday and I have my piano lesson going to have the party tomorrow. 3 That's a good idea, because we don't have any classes tomorrow afternoon. That means we can stay together longer. You're right. The party will start at two. for us. That's my favorite. That's my favorite, too. Oh, I can't wait. I'm also going to invite some of my friends in this class. Let's have a wonderful time together. Can I take my little sister with me? *I don't think she's ever been to such a party in 5 SV 0 Japan. Why not? I have a sister, too, so they can play together. want... to ~ ・・・に~してほしいと思う Vanessa: Rika: 15 Vanessa: Rika: 〔注〕 問5 問6 My mother is going to make chocolate cake I don't think she's ever been to 〜 彼女は今まで〜 へ行ったことがないと私は思う 問1 下線部①と同じ文型の文をア~オから1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア The news made her sad. イ He always buys me flowers. ウ She looks very nice in her new dress. エ Do you know the tall building over there? . オ Every morning he walks in the park before breakfast. 問2 下線部②とほぼ同じ内容を表すように, に適する語を[]内から選んで書きなさい。 any every all〕 Thursday [ some every 問3 ヴァネッサ (Vanessa) が下線部 ③ のように思った理由を日本語で答えるとき, ()の部分を補いなさい。 (金曜日の午後は2人とも予定がない 午後は2人と から。 問4 下線部④とほぼ同じ内容を表すように, My mother is going to make に適する語を書きなさい。 us 下線部⑤が第何文型であるかを答えなさい。 on Thursdays. So I'm 本文の内容と合うように,次の問いに英文で答えなさい。 What is Rika and Vanessa's favorite? a big chocolate cake. chacolate cake it 〔エ〕 第〔3〕 文型

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


2 〈不定詞 動名詞〉 (ア) A : Isaw your brother in the park last Sunday. B: (イ) A: B: (ウ) A: B : (エ) A : Oh, did you? He went (1. to 2. taking 3. of 4. there 5. take 6. pictures) flowers. I hear your dream is to be an actor. That's right. But my (1. is 2. to 3. wants 4. be 5. father 6. me) a teacher. Do you have any plans for tomorrow ? Yes. I'll join an event for children in the hospital. We (1. singing 2. are 3. to 4. sing 5. enjoy 6. going) with them. Do you think( 1. books 2. lot 3. are 4. reading 5. a 6. is) of fun ? B: Yes, I do. I like to read love stories. (オ) A: Please (1.watch 2. me 3. your 4. tell 5. see 6. let). I left my smartphone at home. B: All right. Here you are. (ア)3番目〔5〕5番目〔6〕 (1) 3番目〔3〕5番目〔4〕 (ウ)3番目〔3〕5番目〔4〕 (エ) 3番目〔 [] 5番目〔2〕 (オ) 3番目〔2〕 5番目〔 1〕 3 〈接続詞〉 (ア)A: I called you about 2:00 yesterday, but no one answered the phone. B: Sorry. I was (1. that 2. you 3. called 4. Bob 5. visiting 6. when) me. (イ) A: Do you have any plans for this weekend? B: Yes. I'm going to play baseball with my friends (1. on 2. sunny 3. is 4. if 5. will 6. it) Sunday. (ウ) A: What's your dream, Masami ? B: I want to be a (1. like 2. because 3. teacher 4. I 5. music 6. but) singing and playing the piano. エ) A: I'm sorry, I can't go shopping with you today. I have a headache. B: That's too bad. Lisa, (1. you 2. hope 3. after 4. will 5. that 6. I) be fine soon. (イ) 3番目〔5〕5番目〔1 (エ) 3番目〔4〕 5番目〔5〕 (ア) 3番目〔6 〕5番目〔3〕 (ウ) 3番目〔2〕 5番目 [ ] 〈文型〉 ■ A: Keiko, I heard you took many pictures in Okinawa. Can (1. to 2. I 3. them_4.me 5. show 6. you) ? B: Sure. A: You have a sister, right ? B: Yes. Her name is Akiko, (1. her 2. I 3. calling 4. Akko-chan 5. but 6. call). A: I want to give a birthday present to my mother. B: Great! A : Hi, Dad. B: All right. I'm sure (1. makes 2. will 3. it 4. her 5. make 6. happy). Mom hasn't come back from work yet. I'm hungry. Jim, (1. to 2. you 3. make 4. something 5. I'll 6. for ) eat. (イ) 3番目〔 3 (ア) 3番目〔 (ウ) 3番目〔 〕5番目〔4〕 [] 5番目〔6〕 (エ) 3番目〔6〕 - 22 — 5番目〔4〕 5番目〔 〕 1

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

至急! 教えてください。

5 次の対話文を読んで,あとの各問いに答えなさい。 Rika: Vanessa: Rika: 15 5 Vanessa: Rika: Vanessa: 10 Rika: Vanessa: Rika: Vanessa: Hi, Vanessa. Are you free after school tomorrow? Let me see.... I don't think I have anything special. Do you have any plans? I'm planning to have my birthday party tomorrow and I *want you to come. Actually my birthday is March 5, but.... That's today! Happy birthday, Rika! Thanks. But today is Thursday and I have my piano lesson on Thursdays. So I'm going to have the party tomorrow. ③3③ That's a good idea, because we don't have any classes tomorrow afternoon. That means we can stay together longer. You're right. The party will start at two. My mother is going to make chocolate cake for us. That's my favorite. That's my favorite, too. Oh, I can't wait. I'm also going to invite some of my friends in this class. Let's have a wonderful time together. ⑤ Can I take my little sister with me? *I don't think she's ever been to such a party in Japan. Why not? I have a sister, too, so they can play together. Rika: 〔注〕 want... to ~ ・・・に~してほしいと思う I don't think she's ever been to ~ 彼女は今まで~へ行ったことがないと私は思う 問1 下線部①と同じ文型の文をア~オから1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア The news made her sad. イ He always buys me flowers. ウ She looks very nice in her new dress. エ Do you know the tall building over there? . オ Every morning he walks in the park before breakfast. 問2 下線部②とほぼ同じ内容を表すように に適する語を[ ]内から選んで書きなさい。 some any every all〕 Thursday 問3 ヴァネッサ (Vanessa) が下線部 ③ のように思った理由を日本語で答えるとき, ()の部分を補いなさい。 )から。 問4 下線部④とほぼ同じ内容を表すように, My mother is going to 問5 下線部⑤が第何文型であるかを答えなさい。 問6 に適する語を書きなさい。 a big chocolate cake. 本文の内容と合うように, 次の問いに英文で答えなさい。 What is Rika and Vanessa's favorite? 問7 本文の内容と合わないものをア~オから2つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 りか ア 里香 (Rika)の誕生日会は木曜日に開かれる。 イ里香は毎週木曜日にピアノのレッスンがある。 ウ里香の誕生日会は2時に始まる予定である。 エ里香には姉妹が1人いる。 オ里香とヴァネッサは2人だけで誕生日会をする。 9– 第〔 ( ) 文型 ( ) ( )

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

至急! 問1c、問4を教えてください。

6 次の英文は, ミカ (Mika) が書いた日記です。 これを読んで あとの各問いに答えなさい。 It was sunny and warm today. I went to Asahi Park with my family. The park has many *attractions. First, the gardens around the large lake are so beautiful. We can enjoy seeing many kinds of flowers. I liked the *roses the best. The park has a small animal farm, too. We could touch some of the animals and hold a baby *rabbit in our arms. It was so cute. We could ride a small horse there, but we (give) up riding because so many people were waiting. After we enjoyed the farm, we had lunch. There were no restaurants in the park, so we took our own food and drinks there. It was great! When I was ⑥ ( look) for a *garbage can, my mother 10 said, “ (to/garbage/we/take/ have/ our) home with us. Hereⓢ (be) some plastic bags. Put the garbage into one of them and carry it yourself." So, I did so. some There is also a museum in the park. On some holiday mornings, the museum holds special events for families. Today, we learned the way to make paper from plants. I couldn't do it well, but my father and sister ⓓ (make) some beautiful paper. We are going to ⓔ (write) some 5 15 letters on the paper. I got a little tired, but it was a wonderful day. I want to visit this park again soon. 〔注〕 attraction 魅力的なもの rose バラ rabbit ウサギ garbage can ごみ箱 問1⑩〜の()内の語を,必要があれば適する形になおして書きなさい。 (a) ⑥ lookina a give @makes 問2 下線部 ①が意味の通る正しい英文になるように,( )内の語を並べかえなさい。 Sunday, May 15 we have to take garbage...our... 問3 下線部②の例として挙げられているものをア~エから1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 イバラの花の栽培方法を学ぶ。 ア 動物の飼育方法を学ぶ。 ウ 植物から紙を作る方法を学ぶ。 エ すてきな手紙の書き方を学ぶ。 問4 本文の内容と合うものをア~エから1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア Mika didn't ride a horse in Asahi Park. イ Asahi Park has a nice restaurant. ウ Mika found a garbage can near the museum. エ The museum in Asahi Park isn't open on Sunday. 5 ⓒ write home with us. 〔ウ〕

解決済み 回答数: 1