

英語 高校生


主語を決める Lesson 1 1 日本語に合うように,( )に適切な語を入れなさい。 1. 君の笑顔はすてきだ。 (広島国際大 *) )( have. 2. 日本の天然資源は豊かでない。 ( Japan 3. 先日、私のコンピューターはどこか具合が悪くなった。 (成蹊大*) (Something) ( went :) ( wrong ) with my computer the other day. 4. 夏休みが始まるまでにまだ1週間あります。(摂南大*) is ) still ( There ( )( week 66 ) a nice (smile (西南学院大 * ) ). 形 ) ( is )( not i) rich in natural resources. ) to go before the summer vacation begins. 2 日本語に合うように,( )に適切な語を入れなさい。 1. カナダでは何語が話されていますか。(中部大*) What language ( ) ( is 2. 今年はいつもよりずっと雨が多い。 (愛知学泉大*) (We )( have :) ( had 3. 昨日から食欲がなくなってしまったんです。(関西学院大 *) I )( have )((ost 4. 中間テストのできは良くなかったね。 (順天堂大 *) (You ) didn't ( do ) ( well ) on the mid-term exams. 5. この道をまっすぐ行くと, その銀行は右にあります。 (東京理科大 * ) Go straight down this street, you :)( will )( find )(spoken ) in Canada? ) more rain than usual this year. Jan appetite since yesterday. ) the bank on your right. 3 日本語に合うように, 下線部に適切な語句を補いなさい。 1. 「今, 雨が降っていますか。」 「はい, すごく降っていますよ。」 (三重県立看護大) Is it raining. now?" "Yeah. it is 2. 暗くなる前に必ず戻ってきなさい。(つくば国際大*) raining really hard." Be sure to come back before it gets dark. 3. あなたと最後に会ってからどれくらいたちますか。 ( 広島経済大 * ) How long has it been since I saw you last? 4. 外は寒いのでコートを着るようにメアリーが言ってくれました。 (龍谷大*) Mary said I should wear a coat as it was cold out. 5. いちばん近いコンビニエンスストアまでどのくらいの距離がありますか。 ( 足利工業大 *) How far is it to the nearest convenience store? 6. 我慢できない,もしくは不快感を表す場合, 「我慢できない」 と言う。(駒澤大 *) When you want to express impatience or annoyance, you say, ". I can't stand it."

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英語 高校生

並び替え問題です。 文法など確認したいので、並び替えた全文を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。 ちなみに書いてある記号はほとんど間違ってます💦💦

C 次の英文が自然な文になるように、( )内の語(句) を並べかえて、2番目と4番目にくるものを記号で 答えなさい。 (完答②×10) 1. For our homework, our teacher asked us to prepare ( 7 a five-minute / a subject / care about / I on/speech/we). +7 1093 2. There were many interesting plans for our school festival. So, as class president, I ( 7 everybody / difficult / for / found/it/on/ to agree) one idea at first. エオイウアキカ thanks) that medicine. 3. Rita has had a bad headache, but she is (7 better/feeling/to/ I much/ 4. When I visit a new town, nothing makes / I my way / than / me 03, 900 more / to lose / 205 70+ P * uneasy). 5. I like both rock music and classical music, so it is (to/1 prefer / difficult / music / which ). ウエキカアオイ 6. I didn't believe Kate at first, but in ( fact/quite/said/she/ was / \ what). 7. Ellie (asked / black / my coffee/1/if/ liked / me). I said I liked it with milk. T 8. When you visit Rome, you (excited/find/ many historic places/may/ * see / ħ to / * yourself). 10 301 € 7. I 9. You can look through your text book and choose (you want to/topic/ I whatever / fwrite about) for your essay. 10. I address to / would have コチウオキカイ true / アイオウユカ you ifI/ I told his / had known) it. say / 1/

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英語 中学生

問5でthe peopleではだめなんでしょうか? peopleだけの方がいいのですか?

3 (Yuna) さんとレストランでメニュー (Menu) を見ながら話しています。 メニューと会話を 日本に留学中のロビン (Robin) さんは, クラスメートの健太 (Kenta)さん、由奈 読んで、あとの各問に答えなさい。 (dishes) Hamburger Egg Sandwich Tuna Sandwich Spaghetti with Tomatoes Spaghetti with Seafood Spaghetti with Mushroom Pizza with Potatoes Pizza with 4 Kinds of Cheese Pizza with Seafood ¥300 ¥300 ¥300 ¥450 ¥500 ¥500 ¥500 ¥600 ¥600 Menu (drinks) Coffee Milk Tea Orange Juice (others) Salad Apple Pie Cheese Cake •The tomatoes used in the Spaghetti with Tomatoes are picked in this town. You can order a bigger size of each dish. + 50 yen. •You can get a 100 yen discount if you buy a drink and a salad with any dish. * If you have any questions about this menu, you can ask in English. Robin: Look! This menu is written in English. Kenta: I often see a lot of people from other countries. Many of them speak English. This kind of menu will help those people. They can order in English Robin I see. easily. ¥200 ¥250 ¥250 ¥280 Yuna Right. Also, it says that they can ask questions about the menu in English. That means people working in this restaurant speak English, right? Now, what are we going to eat? Robin : A yen. Kenta: I'm going to order a dish made with bread. I don't want to eat spaghetti or pizza. Robin: Then you can choose one of these three dishes. Each one is three hundred Kenta: I don't want to eat egg or tuna today. So I'll choose あ Robin: How about you, Yuna? How about you, Robin? Robin: I love cheese, so I'll have a pizza with 4 kinds of cheese. Yuna You can choose a bigger size. (1) Robin: Oh, yes. I want a bigger size because Kenta: I'd like a bigger size, too. And a coffee. ¥250 ¥250 ¥280 Thank you. Yuna : I'm going to eat spaghetti or pizza. Which should I choose? pictures at the front door of this restaurant. choose/look/ that/ can't/good) one from them. Robin: The menu says that the tomatoes used in the spaghetti are picked in this town. Yuna: Right! I want to eat い So I'll order a spaghetti with tomatoes. I saw their All those dishes (1/so/ eat an apple pie. Do you want an apple pie? Robin: Oh, yes, I'll have that, too, and I'd like a milk with it. Yuna: I'd like a tea and a salad, too. - 3 - Robin: I'd like an apple juice because apples are my favorite fruit. Yuna: They don't have apple juice. The only fruit juice is orange juice, but you can Ke Re Y K Robin: You will get a 100 yen discount because you will (2) Yuna. Yuna: Does the menu say that? Oh, that's true. Won't you order a salad, Kenta?

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