

英語 高校生


dovecameron to the most beautiful man I have ever known, and my best friend: yesterday marks 5 years since you've left us, and I still feel you all around me every day, all the time. I feel as though I understand you more and more as I begin to understand myself in these formative years, and although it can't ever replace the years I've lost with you, I know I am never without you because you are in me :) I am so happy every day, dad, and so is Claire. Both of your girls are following their bliss and living their great adventure. Taking no prisoners, loving all they can and eating ice cream bars and overly salted popcorn in bed. I wish you could meet all of the amazing people I've brought into my life and know how safe and loved I am. I know that wherever you are you know all of this, and you laugh at me when I speak as though you're gone. You taught me how to love, and you are love to me. The gift that you have given to me and Claire, the intense pain and loss, has brought a clarity, a deep human connection, an empathy and a color to our lives in a way that nothing else could. I can never go back to who I was before, and I would never want to. You still teach me lessons every day, and make me laugh as the lessons you instilled at a young age begin to settle into my bones and make more sense. You set me up for the best life imaginable, and I plan to make your proud every single day and never waste it. I love you eternally, and can't wait to see you again, maybe in our next life as we find each other over and over. Forever your best friend, and your little girl.

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英語 高校生


Grammar & Vocabulary 文法・語い B 各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように,( Theme 受動態 (1) @ People eat rice in Asian countries. b Rice ( )( (2) @ Richard threw the basketball. ⑥ The basketball ( )( (3) @ Does John use this computer? ⑥ [1] ) this computer ( (4) ⑩ They will clean this room tomorrow. ⑥ This room will ( )( に適語を入れなさい。 DO ) in Asian countries. 語い D ) by Richard. ) by John? 内の語(句) を並べかえなさい。 C 日本文の意味に合うように,( original song (1) その地震で多くのコップが割れてしまった。 (were / in / glasses / broken / many) that earthquake. (1) Mr. Wilson gives some money to l buy food for children in Africa. @signal 6 digital to goods cod ballso g ) tomorrow. mud ottonedt srom sbemは・・・ hool teacher, composed (2) この魚はフランス語では何と呼ばれていますか。 (French / called / in / is / this fish / what )? lavor her youn (345) gave sd of (各4点) /12 1 hools. Some に入る適語を下から選び,記号で答え, 下線部を和訳しなさい。 © station (2) Lisa made up her ( ) to study art in Italy. mind 6 thought ⓒhead boneildua 動詞call Worloset loorlpa rigin call A B 「AをBと呼 ぶ」という形にな る。 このBの部分 を問う文を作る。 (3) これらのシャツはイタリアで作られたのですか。 本日まれた (shirts / Italy / made / these / in / were)? birthdays of peopl tter way to express our points&hirt n /J530E34XS03 Tesori übe 動詞の活用 (1) (2) ともに、 詞の活用に注意 しよう。それぞ タ詞の過去 未来を表す助動 willが受動態 この前につく場合 @ wish (各6点) *記号と訳ができて6点。 ) every year. It is used to @charity イタリアで作ら イタリア製」 「日 日本製 」 を英語で いうと・・・

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