

英語 高校生

問3 6、問4 4で答え合ってると思いますか⁇ 違っていたら何番か教えてください💦

のまり) Your study group 1S DTG 3 Thoughts on "Welcome to the Ne1 the fictional story beloW. ing a DOSter presentation entitled *Ou、 Daring on dP using information fron 8! Race fter our neighbor。 for almost a Ye8T NR S The house next door Sat Co Soon my family grew used to it | 人 e "For Sale" Bign in the front yard. and 議 3 0 We kk Tnew Yery curioug 本 our new | ne day, the si 時 aG・. my parents | neighbors. 1 hoped they'd have children my OWT 8B @e whi i is phone. | を ” sa dad while looking at his p rugged. “We find out Soon said my RAかho nort weekend, a moving truck pulled up. Let's meet the | 1 1 neighbors!” T said. later? | <Theyre busy moving in,” said my mom. cWell meet them later 8 times Saw Buf later never came. From my 9 4 308s. 6 neighbors outside. They were a fun, hapPy COUP al new cars on the weekend, they inyited friends over. We SaW RGMeP9 Street and heard 18ughter next door. BOSS Whenever T asked about meeting the neighbors, TYP に too busy. My mom took a new job at her companツ and she iA hd ate. My dad started on a new project designing a large BuMMdingifor a university. One Sunday, pushed them a ittle. “Mom and Dad, you always say to be giendly to new kids at school, right?” "Of course, Mary,” my mom answered. “Youre jgnoring your own advice! 尼s been months, and we havent welcomed our new neighbors yet!” "Now's not a good time, Mary,” she said. 和T have an important meeting tomorrow.” “TI just take 10 minutes,” 1 said. “Your mom's busy, Mary,” said my dad, “And you have homework. 民W youre right. TI go sayhellonow” 2 T was disappointed not to go Aglad wed finally learn more about Tnen 20, 30, and 40 minutes went by before “Theyre friends withJeremy!" he said t 10 15 20 25 30

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英語 高校生

この問題の答え、問1 5、2、3、4、1 問2 2 で合ってると思いますか⁇ 違うっていたら何番か教えてください💦

7 ee の Your study group S DrG う 和Thoughts on "Welcome to the Neig the fictional story beloW. 一 after our neighbors SI r almost a ye8T が y family greW used to it front yard. ster presentation entitled <Ou、 1 0 ェ ・ DO hood"” uSing information from hbor」 The house next door sat empty 司9 moved away in the summer of ya le" sign in the and no one was interested in the very CuriOUB about our new One day, the sign Wa8 gOne. 1 greW Es M Buf mmy Darents > children my oOwWT 8 6 4 Eh 0 B said my dad while 了 了 7 Re を weekend, a moving truck pulled up. ets meet the | neighbors!” T said. “Theyre busy moving im, Buf later never came. From my neighbors outside. They were a fun, hapPy couple in their 908. weekend, they inyited friends over. We saW several new cars on the Street and heard 1abghter next door. Whenever T asked about meeting the neighbor8。 too busy. My mom took a new job at her companツ and she Often Worked Jate. My dad started on a new project designing a large building for a Unrversity. One Sunday, ] pushed them a itlle. “Mom and Dad, you always say to be friendly to new kids at school, right?? "Of course, Mary,” my mom answered. “Youre jgnoring your own advice! HEs been months, and we havent welcomed our new neighbors yet!" “Now's not a good time, Mary,” she said. “] have an important meeting tomorrow.” TI just take 10 minutes,” 1 said. “Your mom s busy, Mary,” said my dad.“ And et SW youre right. TII go say hellonow” 6 + was disappointed not to go RUE glad wed馬 mly1 上 our neighbors. Soon, 10 minutes went by and my dad Mk Thnen 20, 30, and 40 minutes went by before he “Theyre friends withJeremy!” he said to 5 ? said my mom. cWel meet them later” my parents Were window, I sometimes saw the 1 15 20 25 30

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英語 高校生

教えてください! お願いします!

ーー Iorampmml pta | 1. 日本文の意味に合うように ぁ。 テクh= へ に> う【 に ⑪) 美術館に行 くことが明 EE し半当時を入れなさい。 四回 (Ge 9 ) to the art museum iS the main B (9) 彼の趣味は弟とテ。 POお event tomorrow. His hobby s ( pp NR ェ 加 7W9) chess with his 9 (3⑬) 私の妹は小説を番 く とと に奥味がある こさ BA SS Seems to be interested in ( wYittv9) anove のっとをし 1 regretted Gvの) (2eewg ) their soccer game. (5) 私は姉が新しい車を購入 したことに驚いた 1 was surprised at my (9usle の) buying a new car. 2. 日本文の意味に合うように. カッコ内の語を適当な形に直しなさい。 ただし, 1 語とは限りません。 ^lelcl (1) マヤは以前うそをついたこと を恥ずかしく思っている。 1Maya js ashamed of ( tell ) a lie before. (2) 私はその本を買ったことを忘れていた。 1forgot ( buy ) the book。 _ も by (3) ジャックはベッ ドへ行かなかったのでしかられた。 4 / (sf 99 Jack was scolded for ( go ) to bed. (4⑭) 私たちはジェイクがレースで1 位になったこと を誇りに思っている。 Were proud of Jake ( win ) frst place in the race. (5) 私たちは彼が別の街に引っ越すので悲しかった。 We were sad about ( he move ) to another town. 3. 次の英文を日本語にしなさい。 回回回 (1) My grandmother jkes talking with her friends on the phone. 私の祖母は o (2) Tm thinking of ordering a pizza tonight. 私は今夜 hild's jife by taking him to the hospital ド 人 2 その子供の命を救った。 (4④) Tom admitted fiShing at the pond without permission. トムは許可なく (5) The actor was tired of being chased by his fans. DD その俳優は > 不足語は補い, えずに 語にしなさい。 4. 日本文を参考にして, カッコ内の語 (句) を順番を変えずに使って英 帳還居 必要に応じて変化させてもよい。 ⑪ 2 レだ 9 を怒っていた。 (She, angry, her brother, Hide her shoes) doesnt like。 wash, cold Water) N ルルで洗われるのが好きではない。 (My dog, (2) 私の犬は冷たい水で洗わ 5 私は週末に映画を見るこ とを楽しむ。 (1 enjoy, watch moviesy on weekends) (3) 私( に

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