

英語 高校生

答えが合ってるか不安です💦 DualScopeⅡ のunit13の解答の提示お願いします! (A〜Cまでお願いします。) 何度も質問失礼致します。。

旧 in the blanks with the words below. Use each word only once請請較還間II who / which 人 whose 名 when / where ) Chisato introduced me to a girl,( ) Would become my Wile. 2) They visited the shrine, ( ) they prayed for their happiness. ) Last night Akira took a bath at eleven, ( ) all the lights went out. ) We celebrated Mr. Smith, ( ) building design got a prize. ) George promised to call me back, ( ) was a lie. し 紅く hange each underlined part into one word. . みる 36 | Joevek / (でw< 信和 1』) Anyone who got under 30 points on the exam /wil have to take_a makeup. 2) No jiatter how busy you are never fail to have breakfast. 人 8) Kazuki did anything that his father told him to do. 4) No matter which DVD you rent, you can get a 20% discount today. 5) The kitten followed me to any place I went. xpress the following in English and complete the sentences. 1) オリビアは有名な歌手だが, 私は長年彼女と友人だ. Olivia is a famous singer, with 2) 私は10 時までには寝ようとしたが, それは不可能だとわかった. I tried to go to bed by ten, (3) あなたのご都合のよいときにいつでも私にご連絡ください. Please contact me (4) 部活でどれほど疲れても, エミは必ず 3 時間勉強する. Emi always studies for three hours,

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

答えが合ってるか不安です💦 DualScopeⅡ のunit8の解答の提示お願いします! (A〜Cまでお願いします。) 何度も質問失礼致します。。

誰| Choose th 。 1) Finish ( io clean / 、 (2) We promised ( to meet 共 ) Your room by the time I come home. imeeting ) at 10 am. tomorrow. (3) Mr and Mrs. Green are considering ( to move / moving ) to the suburbSs. S(④⑭) Do you plan (te go / going ) anywhere this Vacation? (5) It was a wonderful night. I really enjoyed ( to talk / talking ) with you. IB| Change the words into the correct form. (1) Iregret ( say ), but I have to decline your invitation. (2) My father deeply regrets ( change ) jobs. (3) IT remember ( turn off ) the electric fan when 1 left home. (4) Remember ( mail ) this letter on your way to school. の 77ひ 5) Sorry. I forgot ( bring ) you the book you need. (6) I will never forget ( take part ) in that event last summer CI Express the following in English and complete the sentences. (1) マキの仕事は顧客のためにウェブサイトを制作することだ. Maki's job js (2) エリックのお気に入りの気晴らしは彼のイヌの動画をアップロードすることだった. Eric's favorite pastime (3) 成績が落ちたので, 私はテレビゲームをするのをあきらめた. 1 because my grades Went down. (4) 私は日記をつける決心をしたが, 1 週間も続かなかった. 1 , but I couldn't continue even for a week.

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

答えが合ってるか不安です💦 DualScopeⅡ のunit3の解答の提示お願いします! (A〜Cまでお願いします。) 何度も質問失礼致します。。

Write neW sentence< 「 Similar meanings. ) 半 you use a smartphone, you will be able to access this information. っーA smartphone will ( ) (( ) (( ) access this information. (2) Because of a traffic jam, we did not arrive at the stadium on time. ーA rraffic jam ( ) ( ) (( ) arriving at the stadium on time. に (3) When I see this photo, I remember my happy days in Akita. っThis photo ( り折( ) (4) Jeff plays the violin very well. ーJeff is a ( ) (( ) (( ). (5) Hf you go along this street, you can get to the supermarket. ーThis street will ( ).( ) ( ) my happy days in Akita. ) the supermarket. Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. (1) You are tred, arent you? Shall ( a / take / rest / short / we )? (②) Congratulations! Tm glad to ( your / the experiment / hear / success / in / of ). ⑬③ This train ( to / you / will / the airport / in / take ) about 20 minutes. (④⑭ The heavy rain has ( vegetable / to / caused / prices / rise ) sharply. (⑮) When I told her the truth, ( robbed / the shock / Speech / of / her / her ). Express the following in English and complete the sentences. ) 資金不足のために彼らは計画を変更せざるを得なかっ 7 A shortage of funds forced (2) この動画をよく見でどらんなさい.。 どこかにネ コが了れているよ. Have (3) 私の姉は絵を描くのがとても上手だ. My sister js a (4) その事件によって, 私は医者になること を決心した. The incident made me at this video. A cat jis hiding somewhere.

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

答えが合ってるか不安です💦 DualScopeⅡ のunit2の解答の提示お願いします! (A〜Cまでお願いします。)

稚| Fill in the Bis 2iete the sentences. Q①) 増水時にこの川 It isS dangerous ( / ( ) ( ) this river when it has risen. (2) 君が彼の皿告を無捉したの は愚かだった. It was ( ) (6 り( ) to ignore his advice. . (3) ドアを閉めてもよろしいですか. Would you mind ( ) (( ) the door (3 彼は暫くなりすぎて最終電車に問に合わなかった. It was too late ( ) ( )。(( ) (( ) the last train. IB| Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. 1) ( language / foreign / requires / a / mastering ) a lot of time and energy. (②⑫②) (to / expect / little sons / my / I ) be considerate in the future. 線 (③ The students ( being / of / exams / my / complained ) too difficult. (④ ( hard / i / Lucy / was / to / for ) make sense of his story, (5) He wants to make ( cookware / to / children / use / for ) easily. Express the following in English and complete the sentences. (1) このマニュアルは娘が読むのに十分簡単だ. This manual is simple enough (2) その計画を今あるらめることは大きな間違いだ. (3) ニキは母親が彼女の服装についてとやかく言うのが好きではない、 (3) 定期的に運動することが健康を維持する有効な方法だ. _ would be a big mistake. Yuki does not things about her clothes. to maintain your health. と1」IN

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