

英語 高校生


14 Section 14 should / ought to Once you make a promise, you ( 57 ① can ② may ③ should ) keep it. ④ will Try! If you did something wrong, you ( ) for that. Dapologize ② can apologize ③ should apologize ④ might have apologized 158 There ( ① should 3 can ④ must ) to be more parking lots in the center of the city. ② ought Try! If you are worried about your health, you ( 「・・・すべきだ」と <弱い義務・助置 表す助動詞は? 「約束を守るべきだ」 いう意味にするには? 62 62 My1 whe ① n Try! Wh kee ① 「・・・すべきだ」という <弱い義務 表すには? Sec ) to eat less salt and 空所のあとのto <助動 目。to不定詞が 過 動詞はどれか? <助 walk more. ① had ② would ③ should ④ ought 159 You ( ① not should be ) noisy in the library. ② should be not ③ ought to not be ④ ought not to be gobl Try! 小さい子どもは夜遅くまで起きているべきではない。 Small children (not / ought / stay/to/ until / up) late at night. Section 15 過去の習慣・状態 並べかえ ought to 163 H は? E not の位置に注意しょ う (Try! 64 160 My son ( ) like playing baseball, but now he only plays soccer. ② is used to ③ used to ④ has used to loo T100 「(以前は) 「だった」という過去 の状態> を表すには? ) ( ) be 現在はそうではないこと を表すには? Try! mid of 補充 ① had to Try! 1. It's really hot today! The summer in Japan ( less hot in my childhood. 2. There ( ① got 161 My uncle ( doesn't. ① used to ) to be a restaurant around here some years ago. comes 4 went ② used (駒澤大) ) drink sake a lot when he was young, but now he ought to 3 is going to 4 has to hart Try! 1.以前, ケンはよく道に迷ったが,今はスマートフォンで行き方を見つけられる。 Ken ( smartphone. ) to get lost a lot, but now he can find his way with his 2. When I was a child, my father ( ① was used to tell ) me fairy tales. ② used to be told ③ used to be telling ④ used to tell (東洋大) T100 (以前は) よく 165 ・・・した」 という過去 習慣的動作)を表 すには? Tr 選択肢が表す意味を えよう 16

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英語 高校生


1 Choose the best answer to fill in each blank. (1) Most stores in the Seaside Mall used to ( ) at 10:00 a.m. every day. 1 open 2 opens ③ opened 【関西学院大】 ④ opening (2) There were many people who ( ) to be served at the (1) 参 p. (2) 【立教大 】 その他 参 Þ counter before me. 1 had waited 2 have waited ③ was waiting 4 were waiting (3) Stamps ) in post offices. 【岡山商科大 *】 (3) 参 「する 1 sell 2 are selling 3 have sold 4 are sold pists (4) This soup ). (4) 参 S+V ①is tasting bitter tastes bitter (5) John and his brother ( days. Something must have 1 were absent 3 have been absent 2 is tasting bitterly 4 tastes bitterly from school for the past nine happened to his family. (5) 参 状態 2 absented 4 are absent (6) "Do you think Margaret will take one of your little cats?" (6) 参 第 "I don't know. She seemed ( ) in them, however." see ①to be interest 2 interesting 【 青山学院大 】 3 interested 4 interestingly (7) My mother has just ( ) to the supermarket. Now she's (7) home. 1 gone went ③3 visited been (8) Satoshi has wanted to ( ) his girlfriend since he was in (8) college. O marry 2 marry to 3 marry with 4 get married (9) Mr. Wallance will meet his friends at the restaurant to ( ) about their vacation plans. (9) 【京都外国語大 * 】 1 discuss 2 mention 3 express 4 talk (10) I ( ) for a parking place for half an hour, but I can't find [(10) 【亜細亜大】 one. 1 look 2 could look 3 will look 4 have been looking

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英語 中学生


次は,高校生の真希(Maki) と, クラスメートの一郎 (Ichiro) 夕紀 (Yuki), そして,ベー コー先生 (Mr. Baker) との授業中の会話である。 英文を読んで 1,2の問いに答えなさい。 barbecue=バーベキュー grandparents = 12 (注) volunteer= ボランティア chance = Mr. Baker Hello, everyone. Summer vacation is coming soon. What are you going to do during the summer vacation? Maki, please tell us about your plans. : 1 I'm in the basketball club, and I like playing basketball and talking with my club members very much. We'll have more time for club activities during summer vacation, so I'll do my best to become a better player. That's nice. Ichiro, how about you? 2 First, I'm going to stay with a family in Canada for two weeks. I've never been abroad, so I'm very excited. Next, I'm going to work as a volunteer in the summer festival. I did it last year, and it was a lot of fun. Third, I'll work This year, I want to enjoy talking with people of different ages. hard in the science club. I'll be I'm very interested in all of these things. busier than last summer, but I'm sure I can learn more through these experiences. Yuki, what will you do this summer? Good. I can't usually do that because I'm very busy with school activities every day. During the vacation. I'll have a barbecue with my family at home. I'm also going to visit my grandparents with my family. They'll show us how to fish in the sea. From these experiences. I hope I'll learn a lot of things. Mr. Baker: Great. Thank you, everyone. I think you should enjoy events that you can take part in only during summer vacation. Summer vacation is a good chance for you to spend a lot of time with your family, friends, or many other people. I hope you'll have a lot of wonderful experiences this summer. Maki Mr. Baker Ichiro Mr. Baker Yuki : f

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