

英語 高校生


14 LESSONS (38) (3) 次の各文の( )内に適当な疑問詞を入れなさい. (1) ( ) broke this flowerpot ? It's Tom's. (2) ( ) bike is this? ) are you waiting for? I'm waiting for Mary. ) did you have at the cafe? I had an apple. ) season do you like best? I like spring best. ( juice. (5) ( 疑問詞 2 次の各文の下線部が答えの中心となるような疑問文を作りなさい. (1) The school festival will be held next Sunday. (2) Ms. Sato is from Okinawa. 基本編 (4) Manabu went to the stadium by bus. (5) She ate three doughnuts last night. Bob did. (3) Yumi didn't come to the farewell party yesterday because she felt sick. 3 次の文中の誤りを正して全文を書きなさい. (1) I want to know when will he come here. (2) Where do you know the next Olympics will be held ? (3) Do you think where that brown-haired girl is from ? 日本文に合うように,( )内の語(句) を並べかえなさい. (1) あなたが外出している間は, だれが犬の世話をするのですか. (of, who, your dog, care, takes) while you are out? (2) 彼女は手に何を持っているのだろう. (she, I, what, has, wonder) in her hand. 今 2 HINTS 1 pp.381-384 (1) flowerpot 「植木鉢」 (3) wait for ~ ar 〔pp.381~387] (5) 「~を待つ」 「どの季節」 / 限定 されたものの中から選 ぶ, 2 pp.384~385 (1) school festival 「学園祭」 hold 「開催する」 (3) farewell [fèarwél] party 「送別会」 (8) (5) doughnut [dóunat -nit] 「ドーナツ」 4 (1) 3 pp.386~387 間接疑問文の語順に注意. (3) brown-haired 「茶色い髪の毛をした」 「外出している」 be out 「~の世話をする」 take care of ~ 18 問詞 1 次の各文の( )に適するものをa~c から選びなさい. (1) ( ) is Jane going to stay at your house? c. How old b. How long ) your father do ? a. How far (2) ( a. What does (3) Why ( b. What work ) they were absent? b. don't you suppose c. do you suppose )? c. What is a. you suppose (4) Do you understand ( a. what this means b. what does it mean c. this mean what 2 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように,( )に適語を入れなさい. [Why did you go to such a place alone? * (1) (2) ) did you go to such a place alone ( (How many people were there in China ten years ago? ( ) was the ( )of China ten years ago? (What has brought you here? Tell me ( (3) ) you have come here. 3 次の文中の誤りを正しなさい. (1) I wonder where did she meet Ken. (3) How do you think of that? [東京情報大〕 (2) Why do you know the earth is becoming warmer ? → 4 日本文に合うように,( )内の語(句) を並べかえなさい. (1)私たちは1日にどのくらい進めると思いますか. HINTS 1 )? 〔相模女子大〕 LESSON 38 (3) suppose 「思う」 (we, do, think, far, you, how) can go in a day? (1) 460 「何のために・・・」 (2) 人口を尋ねる. 〔朝日大〕 (2) この手紙を書いたのは彼らのどちらか知っていますか. (know, them, which, do, you, of) wrote this letter ? 3 (2) Yes / No で答えら れる。 B 4 〔関西学院大 * 〕 (3) 「断る」 turn (3) 私はなぜ私の提案が断られたのかわからない。 I (why, turned down, understand, my offer, don't, was). 発展

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英語 高校生

DUALSCOPE English grammar in 36stagesのlesson36[p73]の答えが2月4日に配信され、その日中に答え合わせをして提出しなくてはならないのですが、あいにくその日は予定があって答え合わせができないため、事前に答え合わせをしたいです。 ... 続きを読む

Lesson 33 MfTom said to me I left Tom (told mo thot(みる)(hょd?16で()cap on the bos the oby (besbré) Hay whcle Said to me l will give youthis woth y uncle (tod) me thot Che )(md)ve (me)(thas) match (3)Mti Shid to me, Is your sister home now( (mti Asked me (H) Cyo) ais ter home (then) (3)M, brother 90id to me, Who Tolol my brother (asked) me lwho) (you) thasl) (told)(you) The nens. のI said to Susan, How long have pou liypl hete 7 1 (asked Sussn (How)(lon3()() lived (there). () 1Jim Saiod て0 me, Con you Sehd these pictures To 1me Jim (asked) me (if)(yau)(coul) sengl_(these) pictures to(him). mySP on the bus yesterdlay his the news? you /she |2 SThe dortor Said to me, 1The doctor (tolW) me(tカ2come again (the) next week. (2} My mother SAil to me. Wash you hons befbre mesls y mather (tolol) me(t0)nash (my ) hends befre mea/3. Come again nexナ heek. ( y best friend s0id ~o me, Plese keep it SECket best thiend (asked) me (to)feep iて Secret. fothe 20id to me. Dont touch this bon ai 1 9ond father (tol/) me (not)(7o) toch (thet) bonsai.. 「)The norse 9aicd to the mon, Please dbn't use the smattphone here. Lhe nurse Sssted) the man (not)(to) (use)(the)(smattphohe)[there). 9one Ken told me thot he had tent to the museum tんo weeks befre.. 2Helen astedbne how ym wAs guing to 3peno/ Sammer VocaTioh ? 1 Asted the librorion if I might 60ttow five books Atatilme 1oby 's mothet told him to come back by dhnner time (My tencher told me not to 3tay up late t night 学作 M Sam Said to me,I have et been to Kamkora tuwite. 9am told me thet he had eet bech_to Kamakuta Thice. a 9aid to me. where Mid you go in ftenooh pesterdey 2/Yaki get ne nhare I hal beeninsetah the My be hee. LSsaid toMte," Haye you ever sen the Suad?11 0skey dike it he have ever seeh the Supme? OThe vopon Soid tohim; Plese wait here fotawhile: /Themaman stkal hin to keit thete for abhile.

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