

英語 中学生

ベストアンサーつけるので 答え合わせお願いします🙇‍♀️ 間違っていたら意味も教えてほしいです🥹

復習テスト 4 1 答えは別冊15ページ 次の ( )内から適するものを選び, ○で囲みましょう。 (1) (When / Because / If ) I got up, it was raining. (2) Please give (I / my / me) some advice. アドバイス (3) His name is Hirotaka. We call (he/his / him) (4) I'm sleepy (because / when / that) Ⅰ went to bed at two. 眠い 246 次の( )内の語句を並べかえて. 英文を完成しましょう。 (1) 私は, 数学はおもしろいと思います。 I think that math is interesting... 季 math "おもしろい : interesting (2) もしひまなら 私を手伝ってください。 Please help me if you. ひまなfree (3) 彼女は彼が先生だと知っています。 She knowo. 得点 050 (4) 彼女は私に彼女の日記を見せてくれました。 She showedime her diary... 4 接続詞など (math / that / interesting / think / is) B2: diary (5) そのニュースは私たちをうれしくさせました。 The news made us happy.. 【各5点 計20点】 (are/ help/you / me / f / free ) are free.. (he / knows / a teacher / is ) he is a teacher. 100点 [各5点 計30点】 (6) 私は彼女に自分の名前を伝えました。 I toldinerimynamen. ( diary / her / me/showed) (us / the news/made / happy ) (my/ Ⅰ / told/ her / name) 3 次の日本文を英語にしましょう。 (1) 今行けば、あなたはそのバスに間に合うでしょう。 You'll I catch the bus if you gonow そのバスに間に合う: catch the bus (2) 彼は忙しいので, パーティーに来られません。 He doeshit came to the party because hets busy (3) 伊藤先生 (Ms. Ito) は私たちにたくさんの宿題を与えました。 Msiito gare wletakotofhome work. たくさんの: a lot of 宿題: homework 【各10点 計50点】 (4) 私は,学校で私たちにはコンピューターが必要だと思います。 I think that we need computers atsclool. 必要である: need コンピューター computers 学校で at (5) 伊藤先生 (Mr. Ito) が教室に入ってきたとき. 生徒たちは着席しました。 Stadtents Sat dawhwhen Mr. Ito. に入ってくる: come into ~ する: sit down (sit の過去形は sat) the classroom. Comeinto 答え合わせが終わったら. 音声に合わせて英文を音読しましょう。 051 ・I knew that Takuya liked dogs. (私は拓也が犬が好きだと知っていました。) I knew that she could swim fast. (私は彼女が速く泳げると知っていました。) -can の過去形 that に続く文に助動詞がある場合は、助動詞を過去形にします。 ・もっとくわしく 「~と思いました」 の文 「私は~だと思いました」 「私は~だと知っていました」と過去のことについて言うときには、動詞の形に注意が 必要です。 that のあとに続く文の動詞も原則として過去形にします。 ・Ⅰ thought that my mother was busy. (私は母は忙しいと思いました。) 23

未解決 回答数: 2
英語 高校生

4の解き方がわかりません。 例えば(a)で、続く文であくびを謝っていることも全て把握した上で、挨拶なのでpolitelyかと考えたのですが、なぜ誤りなのか教えていただきたいです。

13 Lucy is a British schoolgirl who lives in Oxford. She is talking to her father, Fred, in the kitchen of their home. Read the conversation below and answer the following questions. Lucy: (a) Good morning, Dad. Oh, sorry for yawning. What are you doing with that microwave oven? It looks heavy. Do you need a hand with moving it? Fred: I think I'll be OK, Lucy. I'm just going to put it in the car and take it to the city dump. Lucy: Couldn't you send it away to be repaired? Fred: It's ten years old and well out of warranty now, so I very much doubt that the manufacturer would do it. They probably don't even carry the spare parts anymore. Lucy: That's a shame. Oh, I know what! Why not take it to the Repair Café near my school? Fred: What's that? I've never heard of it. Lucy: It's brilliant! We visited it as part of our environmental science course recently. It's a meeting place where people can get together to mend broken items cooperatively. And have a chat and a cup of coffee! Fred: I'm all ears. Tell me more. Lucy: Well, the first Repair Café was started by a Dutch woman called Martine Postma in Amsterdam in 2009. (1) 彼女は,使い捨て文化で環境が破壊されて, ゴミの量が地球規模で増えることを心配してたん . She wanted to find a local solution to this global problem. Fred: That's what they call "thinking globally, acting locally," isn't it? Lucy: Exactly. She also wanted to address the decline in community spirit amongst urban dwellers and do something about people's loss of practical skills and ingenuity. Fred: And the idea (2) caught on? Lucy: Very much so. The concept has grown into a global movement. The one in Oxford started about four years ago. Fred: Impressive! What kind of things do they repair? Lucy: Oh, all sorts. Electrical appliances, clothes, furniture, crockery, bicycles, and even toys. Fred: How successful are they at repairing things? Lucy: Well, of course, they cannot guarantee to fix every item brought to them, but they have a fairly good success rate. One study found that on average 60 to 70 percent of items were repaired. The rate is higher for some items such as bicycles and clothes but lower for things like laptop computers. Fred: I can understand that. Just between you and me, I think some electronics manufacturers deliberately make products in such a way that you cannot disassemble them and repair them unless you have specialized tools and equipment. Lucy: Yes, and that's where Repair Cafés can help. But these cafés are not just about repairing things for people. They are places where we can meet others, share ideas, and be inspired. The volunteer repairers are very keen to involve the visitors in thinking about the repair and actually carrying out the repair themselves. They also encourage people to think about living together in more sustainable communities. Fred: I suppose you could say they are about repairing our minds, not just our things. Lucy: Quite so, although often the two are very closely related. Many people attach (3)sentimental value to old things that might, for example, be part of their family history. Fred: I see what you mean. It almost sounds too good to be true. (a)Is there a catch? For example, how much does it cost? Lucy: Advice and help from the repairers is free, but people who use the café are invited to make a donation. That money is used to cover the costs involved in running the café. If specific spare parts are needed, the repairers will advise you on how to obtain them. Fred: Well, that's marvelous! (e)Then I'll take this old microwave there. Are they open today? Lucy: Yes, and I'll come with you. I've got a pair of jeans that are badly in need of some attention. QUESTIONS 1. Translate the underlined part after (1) into English. 2. What does the underlined phrase after (2) mean? Select the most appropriate expression from the list below. (A) became popular (B) hit a dead end (C) occurred to you (D) played a significant role (E) worked in practice 3. The underlined phrase after (3) means the value of an object which is derived from personal or emotional association rather than its material worth. Give ONE object that has "sentimental value" for you and explain why it has such value. Your answer should be between 15 and 20 English words in length. (Indicate the number of words you have written at the end of your answer.)

解決済み 回答数: 1