

英語 高校生

問1の答えが2になる理由を教えてください!1にしてしまいました。 問4のnoがはいる理由も知りたいです

5 10 § I 準否定・部分否定と全否定 Level 3 英文読解問題 次の英文を読んで、以下の問いに答えなさい。 National, religious, geographical, linguistic and cultural groups do ( 1 ) タイ 198 fulx correspond to racial groups, and the cultural features of such groups have no clear connection with racial features. (1) Americans are not a race, nor are Frenchmen nor Germans. Moslems and Jews are no more races than are Roman Catholics and Protestants, nor are people who live in Iceland or Britain or India, or who speak English or any other language, or who are culturally Turkish or Chinese. In speaking of such groups, the use of the term “race” may not be a serious error, but it is (2)one which is often made. Hall Human races have been classified in different ways by different scholars. up of of the However, most of them agree in classifying the existing mankind into at least three large units, which may be called major groups. (3) Such classification does not depend on any single physical characteristic. For example, skin color by itself does ( 1 ) distinguish one major group from another. 13 SREIC 問1 空所( 1 )に入る適切な語句を下から選びなさい。 ① not necessary ② not necessarily 問2 下線部 (1) を訳しなさい。 GALBOS & OFF 19van ton £1CIE 3 not any 4 no ITR00 問3 下線部 (2) は何を指すか英語で答えなさい。 Ils Ja tail is ton si SH asil traven ei H 問4 下線部 (3) を以下のように言い換える場合、空所には何が入るか。 適切な1語を 答えなさい。 Such classification depends on ( ) single physical characteristic. vode si st reel edt of tail is jon er at

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