

英語 中学生

英検対策の問題です。 中1なのですか分からないとこばっかりで…。 解説も出来れば、出来ればでいいので お願いします🙇‍♀️⤵️

13 (1) から (15) まで ( 1つ選び、その番号のマークをぬりつぶしなさい。 (2) (1) A: Mike, have you called Jill to tell her about our meeting tomorrow? B: No, not ( 1 yet ―次試験 筆記 ). I'll call her after lunch. 2 over 3 always Brian is going to visit the (> ) with his class next week. He wants to see many kinds of fish there. 1 college 4 garage 大学 EL (3) A: These are delicious tomatoes. B: Thank you. We ( 1 grew に入れるのに最も適切なものを 1,2,3,4の中から 2 aquarium 3 stadium *17 (7) A: It's so hot! 2 thought 2 special (6) Helen and Yumiko ( they're good friends. 1 put (4) Jeff went fishing on Sunday. He caught nine fish. One was very big, but the () were small. 1 another 2 ones 3 others 4 sometimes (5) A: I heard that you're going to Rome next week. B: That's not ( ). I'm going to Paris. 1 true 2 thought ) them in our garden. 3 fought 4 knew 4 all 3 met 3 common 4 main 3) in the tennis club at school. Now 4 found B: Here, use this (2). It will cool you down. 2 fan 3 hill 71% 1 line 4 head 頭 75 78 (8) People think I can speak French because my mother is from France. But (A ) fact, I can only speak English. 1 by 2 on f 3 for 4 in (9) The rock group was very popular, so the concert hall was 3) of people. ( 1 thick 2 full 3 deep 4 high (10) Lisa and her family didn't go ( planning to go on a trip this year. 1 away 2 at B: OK. 1 pass (11) A: I told my mother that I would be home by 7:00. I don't ) my promise, so I have to go now. want to ( 2 se 4 lend 2 color 3 through 4 behind (12) Jim bought a new house, so he had to move his things. All his friends were on vacation, so they couldn't give him a (/). 1 part ) last summer, so they're 3 break (13) A: Excuse me. Could you tell me ( map? 2 won't 3 front (14) A: Jack is a police officer, (3 B: No, he's a doctor. 1 isn't 2 to teach B: Sure. There's a bookstore on the fifth floor. 1 which 2 why 3 what 4) I can buy a world ) he? 4 hand 3 doesn't 3 teach 4 where 4 can't (15) I can't ride a bike, but my brother can. I asked him (3) me. 1 teaches 4 taught 19年度第1回 記

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生


The response of local people to volunteer work by high school students 2 The importance of volunteer work by high school students in a community 1 Understanding the community in which high school students live 3 The success of a high school through the efforts of a great principal 2. According to the glaph and table, which of the following is true about the students at 2/4 速読編 【目標時間8分) 8点 1 Which is the best title for the passage? 精読編 【目標時間 12分) 内容理解 St. Martin's? 0 Nearly half of them did five to ten hours of volunteer work a month (6点) 2 Alarge percentage of them did not do any volunteer work. 。Thev were not so interested in helping others as in learning something new. The most popular reason for volunteering was to get work experience. 3. According to the passage, which of the following is true about St. Martin's High School in 2008? (6点) 0 Parents wanted to move the school toa new location in a new city. 2 Mr. Amster thought the students should learn more about the community. 3 The students did more volunteer work with their families than in 2009. 1 Half of the students and their families decided to leave the communitv. (6点) 4. 下線部(1)の this の内容を日本語で説明しなさい。 5. 下線部(2) を和訳しなさい。 (6点) (8点) 6. According to the passage, which of the following is true? U Volunteering has helped many students improve their self-esteem. The 2009 volunteer projects mainly involved cleaning the environment. 9MOS students stop doing volunteer work when thev graduate from school. Parents of the students do not take part in volunteer activities. 5

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

解き方や解答を教えて下さい。 (1枚目を参考に) 動名詞が苦手で、出来るだけわかりやすくお願いします…

12 動名詞(1) LESSON $1動名詞の基本的用法:名詞的性質 p.200) 0 Getting up early is good for your health. 2 His hobby is drawing pictures. 3 My father enjoys playing golf on Saturdays. (早起きすることは健康によい.) (彼の趣味は絵を描くことです。) (主語) 〈補語》 〈目的語》 (父は土曜日にはゴルフをして[←コルフをすることを]楽しんでいます。) (僕はピザを作るのが得意です。) OI am good at making pizza. 〈前置詞の目的語> 注意 ふつう前置詞の後に不定詞を置くことはできない.×I am good at to make pizza. 今動名詞の否定形:否定語 not [never]を動名詞の直前に置き,「~しないこと」の意になる. >I'm sorry for not being (× being not) in time for the meeting. $2動名詞の意味上の主語 p.202) 6 She is proud of being a pro tennis player. (彼女は(自分が)プロのテニスの選手であることを誇りに思っている.) 6 She is proud of her son ('s) being a pro tennis player. (彼女は息子がプロのテニスの選手であることを誇りに思っている.) 今動名詞の意味上の主語は,(代)名詞の所有格か目的格で表し, 動名詞の直前に置く. 6= She is proud that she is a pro tennis player. She is proud that her son is a pro tennis player. 6 = Unfo Would you mind ::opening the window ? - No, not at all. (窓を開けていただけませんか[←(あなたが)窓を開けるのはいやですか]. 一いいですとも.) Would you mind my [me] opening the window? - Of course not. (窓を開けてもよろしいですか[←私が窓を開けるのはいやですか]. 一いいですとも.) p.202, R0 $3 完了動名詞 p.203) 1《動詞の原形+ing>:述語動詞が表す時と同じ時を表す。 >My mother is proud of being a nurse. : My mother is proud that she is a nurse. My mother was proud of being a nurse. My mother was proud that she was a nurse. 三 2《having+過去分詞〉(完了動名詞):述語動詞が表す時より前の時を表す。 O She is proud of having been a nurse when she was young. 現在 前の時 (彼女は若いころ看護師であったことを誇りに思っている.) = She is proud that she was a nurse when she was young. 今文の述語動詞が過去形の場合,完了動名詞は過去のある時点 (was proud)より前の時[過去完了]を表す。 >She was proud of having been a nurse when she was young. (彼女は若いころ看護師であったことを誇りに思っていた、) = She was proud that she had been a nurse when she was young.

解決済み 回答数: 1