

英語 高校生

この長文がどんな話なのか理解できません😥 出来れば段落ごとに要約して頂けると助かります😔 よろしくお願いします!!!!!!!!!🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️

We are,(to a remarkable degree, the right distance from the right sort of star, one e 5 of ten billion and we wouldn't be here now./ We are also fortunate to orbit where we that is big enough to radiate lots of energy, but not so big as to burn itself out swiftly t 1s a curiosity bf physics that the larger a stor the more rapidly it burns. Had our sun Ocen ten times as massive、it would have evhonsted itself after ten million years instead of do. 1o0 much nearer and evervthing on Farth would have boiled away. Much rarther away and everything would have frozen. の14 m 1978, an astrophysicist named Micheel Hart made some calculations and Concluded that Earth would have been uninhabitable had it been just 1 percent rartner That's not much, and in fact it wasn't enough. percent 10 from or 5.percent closer to the Sun. The figures have since been refined and made a little more generous 5 nearer and I5 percent farther are thought to be more accurate assessments 1oI om zone of habitability - but that is still a narrow belt. To appreciate just how narrow, you have only to look at Venus. Venus 1s only ©10 15 twenty-five million miles closer to the Sun than we are. The Sun's warmth reaches it just two minutes before it touches us. In size and composition, Venus is very like Earth, but the small difference in orbital distance made all the difference to (3)how it turned out. It appears that during the early years of the solar system Venus was only slightly warmer than Earth and probably had oceans. But those few degrees of extra 20 warmth meant that Venus could not hold on to its surface water, with disastrous consequences for its climate. As its water evaporated, the hydrogen atoms escaped into space, and the oxygen atoms combined with carbon to form a dense atmosphere of the greenhouse gas CO2. Venus became stifling. Although people of my age will recall a time when astrononmers hoped that Venus might harbor life beneath its padded 25 clouds, possibly even a kind of tropical vegetation, we now know that it is much too fierce an environment for any kind of life that we can reasonably conceive of. Its surface temperature is a roasting 470 degrees centigrade (roughly 900 degrees Fahrenheit), which is hot enough to melt lead, and the atmospheric pressure at the surface is ninety times that of Earth, or more than any human body could withstand We lack the technology to make suits or even spaceships that would allow us to visit Our knowledge of Venus's surface is based on distant radar imagery and som。 disturbing noise from an unmanned Soviet probe that was dropped hopefully into the

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英語 高校生

これについて意見を書かないといけないのですが、 意見の書き方教えてください。。🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

Date Reading TR 15-18 The solar system* is known to have eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Mars seems to be an especially interesting planet to the scientists who study planets. Robert Zubrin* is one of those scientists. There are two main reasons why he is so interested in Mars. の 5。 One reason is that Zubrin wants to determine if human beings will be able to live on Mars in the future. Though Mars is now a cold and dry planet, 。it is more similar to Earth の- than any other planet in the solar system. So there is a possibility that Mars is a place where human beings can live. In what ways are Mars and Earth alike? First, the soil and atmosphere of Mars is similar to those of Earth. Scientists found that the soil and 10 atmosphere of Mars contains many of the main elements* essential for human life. A Mars exploration rover* named Curiosity has been working on the surface of Mars to gather various scientific information about its environment. Second, the rotation* period of Mars is 24 hours and 39 minutes, which is very close to that of Earth. Third, there are seasons on Mars as there are on Earth. 15 等 The other reason is that, studying Mars, Zubrin thinks we can better predict the future of Earth. It is believed that there used to be a liquid like water on Mars a long time ago. If we can find out how and why Mars has changed into a (A) and (B) place, we may be able to better understand the Earth's future. Zubrin says, “We humans have changed the Earth's environment through our actions and activities. From our research on Mars, 20 we may be able to solve such problems as global warming. Mars may be the key to our survival on Earth." Not only Zubrin but also many other scientists are doing research on Mars. Studying Mars might not seem to be connected with our daily life, but actually it is. New discoveries can influence our future. We should remember that in that regard* Mars is a 25 very important planet for our future. (357 words) Robert Zubrin:ロバート·ズブリン main element:主要元素(人間の生命維持に必要な元素。窒素, 水素など) rotation:自転 (注) solar system: 太陽系 exploration rover : 探査車 in that regard:その点で

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英語 高校生

要約(日本語で)お願いします🙇‍♀️🙏急ぎです💧 できる範囲で大丈夫です。

Reading 88点 Grammar 30 Writing 10点 100点 Conversation 10 Listening 12点 Reading TR. 15-18 C C 6 The solar system* is known to have eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Mars seems to be an especially interesting planet to the scientists who study planets. Robert Zubrin* is one of _those scientists. There are の two main reasons why he is so interested in Mars. の 5 One reason is that Zubrin wants to determine if human beings will be able to live on Mars in the future. Though Mars is nowa cold and dry planet, it is more similar to Earth than any other planet in the solar system. So there is a possibility that Mars is a place where human beings can live. In what ways are Mars and Earth alike? First, the soil and atmosphere of Mars is similar to those of Earth. Scientists found that the soil and 10 atmosphere of Mars contains many of the main elements* essential for human life. A Mars exploration rover* named Curiosity has been working on the surface of Mars to gather various scientific information about its environment. Second, the rotation* period of Mars is 24 hours and 39 minutes, which is very close to that of Earth. Third, there are seasons on Mars as there are on Earth. The other reason is that, by studying Mars, Zubrin thinks we can better predict the 15 future of Earth. It is believed that there used to be a liquid like water on Mars a long time ago. If we can find out how and why Mars has changed into a (A) and (B) place, we may be able to better understand the Earth's future. Zubrin says, “We humans have changed the Earth's environment through our actions and activities. From our research on Mars. 20 we may be able to solve such problems as global warming. Mars may be the key to our survival on Earth." Not only Zubrin but also many other scientists are doing research on Mars. Studying Mars might not seem to be connected with our daily life, but actually it is. New discoveries can influence our future. We should remember that in that regard* Mars is a 25 very important planet for our future. (357 words) (注)solar system: 太陽系 main element:主要元素 (人間の生命維持に必要な元素。 窒素, 水素など) exploration rover: 探査車 Robert Zubrin : ロバート ズブリン rotation:自転 in that regard :その点で

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

問題の回答わかる人教えてください!! もしくはこの問題集の名前わかる人教えてください! (出来たら和訳も!出来たら!!)(急ぎです!)

ie 880分 ノ43 以下の英文を読んで 次の問いに答えなさい。 Our solar system is full of asteroids*, which are rocky bodies that orbit our sun. Most asteroids are found in an "asteroid belt' between Mars and Jupiter and range in size from a few meters ( (1) ) several kilometers in diameter. While Smaller asteroids are generally harmless, scientists and astronomers Worry about the risk posed by larger ones. Recently, they have been hunting for “near-Earth" asteroids, which are asteroids that come particularly close to our planet and could actually hit us. ( (2) ).more than 5.000 near-Earth asteroids have been identifed. Fortunately, most asteroids never reach our planet Small asteroids generally ei up in Earth's thick atmosphere, and large asteroids are rare. gsGiven their rge number」 however. one will hit Earth eventually. Asteroids 5 kilometers or ieter hit Earth only about once every 10 million years, but when they 3 Scientists believe that a 10 kilometer asteroid would kill most the jnifial tsunamis and fires. the dust and smoke ES NE 5 \ aly cover our planet. _blockin 1 空所①).②, (⑥). (8⑧) に入れるのに最も適切なものを選び, くるものも小文字で与えてある。(各 8 点) 部 号で答えなさい。ただし, 文頭に の旨Dy イ for ウ upto エ with オ regrettably カ inaddition キ hopefuly ク sofar ①⑪ ⑨ ⑥ (⑧) ら 下線部 (3) を和訳しなさい(5 点) リン - ーー gas ーー> 門 3 下線(4④ の具体8な内容を本文中の英語る語で答えなさい』 (6 記 時 4 下線部(⑤) に2 点) ーー 5 下線部(7) を可能にするらつの方法を,。 それぞれらO 字以内の日本画で答えなさい。(各4 点) @① @ gy 6 本の内容と合うものにはOを, 合 きわな6のにはXを記しなさい。 中3 somag e縮 eo 、 3 THhere are very large asteroids which are several kilometers across。。 Ya b Most asteroids in the *asteroid bel are very small bu pose agreat 4太夫際立) mw② sogw@

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