

英語 高校生


58 Grammar 11 次の各文がほぼ同じ意味になるように, ( 1. We don't have a key, so we can't get into the house. If we ( 内に適語を補いなさい。 (各2点) ) a key, we could get into the house. 2. The dictionary is so expensive, so I won't buy it. If the dictionary ( ) not so expensive, I would buy it. 3. I can't help you because I don't have time. I( ) ( ) you if I had time. 4. I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat the hamburger. If IC ) ( ) hungry, I would have eaten the hamburger. 5. He didn't give me his number, so I couldn't telephone him. If he had given me his number, I ( ) ( ) him. 2( 内から適当なものを選びなさい。 (各2点) 1. If he (had taken, took) his grandmother's advice at that time, he (would be, would have been) a rich man now. 2. If he (had gone, went) to the doctor at that time, he (would be, would have been) alive today. 3. If you had had breakfast, you (wouldn't be, wouldn't have been) so hungry now. CAN-DO リスト Points 1. don't have had, can't get could get 2. be- 動詞の仮 定法過去形は、 were が原則。 4. wasn't → had been, didn't eat would have eaten Writing 3 日本語に合うように,( 内の語句を並べかえて, 英文を完成させなさい。 (各4点) 1. こんなに車が多くなければ,こんなに公害もなくなるのですが。 If there weren't so many cars, (be/much/so/there/wouldn't) pollution. 簡単な語句や仮定法を用いて短い文を書くことができる。 1. If ... had+a 去分詞 would+動詞の 原形 ~ 「もし も(あの時)...な らば、(今)~ず るのだが」 2. 先週あなたが来てくだされば, 私の庭は花盛りでしたのに。 You (have / my garden/seen/would) at its best if you had been here last week. 3. 地図を持って来ていたら、 どの道を行けばいいかわかるのに。 If we (amap/ brought/had/us/with), we would know which road to take. DEL 4 4人の いませ 状況 ある の 条件 F メモ ① (3 LO t a 6

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13 20 速読 問題 Reading 1/52 Reading €77 Grammar /16 Writing have no choice but to~ /12 "Unless you're frank here, you'll go hungry all the time." When I was invited to an 次の英文を3分15秒で読んで, 1. の問いに答えなさい。 American woman's house for Christmas, her mother said to me, "We usually don't have a regular breakfast. Will you need breakfast tomorrow?" Out of reserve, I was not able to say "Yes, I will," because (1)that would require her to prepare breakfast for me 5 alone. I had no choice but to say, "No, thank you. (2)Her mother took me at my word, and assumed that I was also in the habit of skipping breakfast. When I was back at the university after the holidays, I (3)brought up the subject with a few Americans. 4)"If you had been in my place, and had needed breakfast, what would you have said?" One person said, "Your friend's mother was being frank, so I'd 00.00% 10 have said frankly, 'If you could prepare a little breakfast, I'm sure I'd enjoy it. (5) Otherwise, I'll eat out." Another person said, "That's not so polite. I'd have asked her politely, 'If you could prepare breakfast for me, I'd appreciate it." They asked me why I had been reluctant to give a frank opinion. I explained the Japanese cultural viewpoint. In Japan, immediately accepting an 15 offer of a meal is regarded as impudent; such an invitation is supposed to be declined at least once. But the host realizes that the guest has declined out of reserve, and makes it a rule to ask a second time. A Japanese guest never insists on being served a meal. The host understands the situation and the feelings of the guest and reacts appropriately. (7) "That idea has no chance at all of working here," one American said with total frankness. She continued, "Unless you're frank here, you'll go hungry all the time." (294 words) /11 reserve [rizá:rv] , be in the habit of ~ing 〜するのが習慣になっている 15 decline [diklain] (丁重に) 断る 19 appropriately [ǝproupriǝtli] 〜するしかない 13 reluctant [rilíktant] 気が進まない 嫌がる 精

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英語 高校生

高校1年論理表現のbe clear grammar bookの lesson10が全く分かりません。よければ教えて欲しいです🙏後、これ以降のページの答えも教えて欲しいです🙏

EXERCISES 不定詞① (名詞用法) 日本語に合うように,( (1) その試合に勝つことはほぼ不可能だろう。 ) ( (2) ケンの夢はアメリカで事業を始めることだ。 Ken's dream is (444) (7 (3) 適した仕事を見つけることが重要だ。 It is important ( )( 2 下の )に適語を入れなさい。 ) the match will be almost impossible. (4) インドで大学に入るのは難しいですか。 Is ( ) difficult ( (1) Mami promised ) ( (5) 彼は夜ひとりで外出するのは危険だとわかった。 He found ( ) dangerous (2) I want ( (3) We're planning ( (4) It is expensive ( (5) It was necessary ( (6) It's not easy ( ) a business in the U.S. ) out at night alone. ]内から動詞を1回ずつ選び、 適切な形にして, 英文を完成させなさい。 ) care of the cat. ) a suitable occupation. ) enter college in India? ) ( ) ( ) to that school. ) a welcome party. ) in Hong Kong. ) the homework on time. ) a company. ) ( [finish / live/ hold/go/take / run] 3 与えられた状況に合うように ( )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 (1) 状況 駅から徒歩3分のところに引っ越したユキ。 つくづく思うのは...。 It is (live / convenient / the station / to / near). (2) 状況 彼は夜型の生活から朝型に変えようとしたが・・・。 ( it / hard / was / change / to) his daily schedule. (3) 状況 卒業後の進路を聞かれて, あなたはこう言いました。 I (to/to/go/ decided / Taiwan) to study after graduation. (4)状況 レイカはプロのピアノ奏者になるために、本格的に学びたいと思っています。 Reika's (is / music / wish / study / to) in Germany. (1) 私の~(人)は将来、・・・することを希望している。 [hope ] My AB 41 AB []内の語を参考にして~・・・に自由に語句を入れ, オリジナルの英文をつくりなさい。 (2) 私の夢・目標)は…..することである。 [ is ] My A B in the future.

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英語 高校生


Grammar Practice 例を参考に、以下の語句を使って1~10のセンテンスを完成させなさい (文頭は大文 字にしなさい)。 everyone herself its them everything him one we he his our you her it ours and yourself 3. The design for the product is (0) manufacture ( hers it their 例 The financial year ends in March, so (everyone) must work hard. 会計年度は3月で終わるので誰もが一生懸命に働かなければならない。 1. Gap was established as a small store in 1968. Now ( global company. ギャップは1968年に小売店として開店した。 今ではグローバル企業である。 2. (hamnar dini aradusi b) dream of becoming entrepreneurs has finally come true. 彼らの企業家になる夢がやっと実現した。 ), but another company will ). ‚2'blnmo¤¤M Yoman a'inemERSI その製品のデザインはうちのものであるが、 製造は他社がすることになる。 4. After the 1990s many Japanese banks merged, and many of( have become mega-banks. mo) is a 1990年代以後、日本の銀行は合併し、そしてそれらの多くはメガバンクになった。 5. The customer went to talk to the company's sales manager (dowl aft S) about ( ) return policy. その消費者は返品の方針についてじかに販売部長に話しに行った。 6. ( olci ) company is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Fifty-one percent of the stock is ( ). 彼女の会社は東京証券市場に上場している。 51パーセントの株は彼女のものである。 7. The president wants to control ( ). Now most decision making is done by ( 社長は何でも支配したい。 こうなると、ほとんどの意思決定は彼によってなされる。 8. The senior manager was transferred to a local branch in Okinawa. ( ) has to live away from (insinqiupa) family now. 次長は沖縄の支店に異動になった。 彼は今では家族と離れて暮らさなければならな い。 9. To be a good businessperson, ( ). よいビジネスマンになるには自分のことを信じなければならない。 |||| ) have to believe in 7

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英語 高校生


45 English Logic and Expression I UNIT 4 FACTBOOK GRAMMAR Fill in the blanks and complete the senteces. 1. 100,000 liters of water 100 個のハンバーガーを作るのに 10万リットルの水が必要です。 2. If you use this tool, most of the bacteria Y 2. ). この道具を使えば、ほとんどのバクテリアは除去することができます。 3. ( Was ) this food ) from abroad? この食品は外国から輸入されたのですか。 4. The water problem in this country ( ) yet. この国における水問題はまだ解決されていない。 1. These Tools heres to make 100 hamburgers. Is the tool 3. S 2 Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences. 1. Thanks to your help, I given / people / these tools / to/ are] in developing countries. みなさんのおかげで、これらの道具は発展途上国の人たちに提供されています。 2. Why [ the Hippo Roller/is / called / the tool ]? なぜその道具はヒッポローラーと呼ばれているのですか。 3. The tool [ made / plastic /is/of]. その道具はプラスチックで作られています。 are Aver To Team exlled the s plastic made of net ) ts Class 1-0 ) _! [割れている] Com Fur Boun - yo 3 Fill in the blanks and complete the conversation. (In their classroom, after the P.E. class.) A: Look! The window B: Before we left the room, we didn't notice that. A: While we were away, something must have happened. B: Anyway, the window soon. [修理しなければならな A: Let's go and tell our homeroom teacher. He was surprised at it. It

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英語 高校生

この問題の答えを教えてください🙇 Elixir3三訂版です。

26 29 27 28 UNIT 5 不定詞 ① Reading 44 Grammar & Expression Writing /28 (268 words) 18 Arda Tur 8 宇宙エレベーター (イメージ) Cross Reference 12 Listening 8 Reading 29.08 People have always been fascinated by the stars. In the late 1950s, we began using 929 916 Jeriw blb rockets to explore space. Today, rockets remain the only method for space travel. However, some scientists and companies are discussing other ways to travel into space. They are even suggesting that it may be possible to build a space elevator. Such an elevator would be ideal to take people or equipment to a satellite in Earth's vs m orbit, the moon, or even Mars. They believe it would be expensive to build, but cheap oved) snosili saporio of bedes bi 2515JmT: 63 to operate. It would be 3,000 times cheaper than rocket travel, and it would also be Jodm Tolvo Station and Tokyo Joy trw 59728 safer. These are all positive reasons for trying to construct a space elevator. Obayashi Corporation is a Japanese company that built Tokyo Skytree, and improved the Golden Gate Bridge in America to protect it against 10 earthquakes. It has now promised to make a space elevator, which will allow people itsetovnoj anti mon doiniqo ono ar jedW (1) to go to a space station. Currently, the firm is researching the materials and costs. in einbiguier Obayashi Corporation wants to complete its project by 2050. Insoningie pig sabi gdT Most experts say that such a space elevator is not realistic. They also say it biq SILP 10 would be too would be too expensive. Other experts, however, think that a space elevator will be 15 built one day. It may all depend on human imagination and ambition. In fact, when in 1961 President John F. Kennedy announced the dramatic and ambitious goal to send an American rocket to the moon, many people doubted it could be done. But his goal was achieved in July, 1969, when the astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the Moon's surface. ange Total ⑨25分 0:40 大意把握 SW.Y 問1 次は ア. イ. ウ I 問2 20 E て 19

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英語 高校生


Past Tense, Past Progressive (2) Warm Up! (1) ( に入れるのに正しくないものを1つ選んでください。(b) Warm Up He began to practice karate only ( ). 1. recently 2. two weeks earlier 3. these days 4. one week ago Part 2: Grammar Section 《解説と解答》 「彼はつい最近 (2週間早く; 先週) 空手の練習を始めた」 という意味ですから、 3. these days のみが、 過去形の動詞と共に使えない表現です。 these days は 「このごろ (最近)」 という意味で すが、 現在形 現在進行形や現在完了形とともに用います。 Warm Up! (2) ( に入れるのに最適な表現を1つ選んでください。 John didn't want to see me because he () his lunch. 1. once had 2. was having 3. has 4. took 《解説と解答》 「ジョンは昼食中だったので、私に会いたがらなかった」 という意味ですから、 ジョンが私に会い たがらなかった理由を完成させます。 私に会いたがらなかった時に進行していた動作が「昼食を取る」 ことですから 2. was having の過去進行形にするのが適切です。 なお、 have lunch の have は 「食 べる (eat) 」 の意味ですから、この意味の場合haveは進行形で用いることができます。 Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks in these sentences with one of the choices below. 3. A pine tree (a) stands 1. While Cindy. (a) was playing (b) is playing (c) played her violin yesterday, two of her strings broke. (d) has played up late the night before to 2. My paper was due yesterday, so I complete it. (a) stayed (b) stood (b) would stay (c) stay (d) am staying at the gate, and a girl was standing in its shade. (d) standing (c) was standing 4. The car wasn't here yesterday because Jane takes the bus, but the drivers were on strike. (a) uses (b) is using (c) has used 5. One of the boys (a) fall (b) falls 6. When the door bell rang, I (a) take (b) am taking 7. Mr. Brown (a) leave (b) is leaving (d) was using in the river, but I dived in and saved him. (c) were falling (d) fell a shower. (c) was taking the office only a minute ago. (c) was leaving 8. During the last earthquake books (a) fall it. She generally (b) are falling (c) had been falling (d) taking (d) left from the shelf. (d) fell Unit 4 Exercise 6: Fill in the blanks in the passage below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. The first one is done for you. Mark (live) lives in Japan. His family (come) five years ago, when his father (start) Osaka. At that time Mark was still only 10 years old, and he (do) not want to leave America. But now, he (have) Osaka, and he likes living there. During the last summer vacation, Mark (go) United States with his parents. They (visit) Washington D.C., and Boston, and (enjoy) They also (go) Mark's grandparents. His grandparents (be) see Mark. One evening, as they (eat) the telephone (ring) Mark and his parents (talk) over one hour. Now Mark is back in Osaka. He (want) his grandparents again. He is (plan). America by himself next time. to Japan his own business in many friends in back to the New York, seeing the sights. to a small town in Connecticut to (see) very happy to a big chocolate cake, It was Mark's aunt in California. with her one after another for to (visit) to go to

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