

英語 高校生


BWA 1 With approximately 200 countries and 8 billion people on earth, it is not hard to imagine that many diverse cultures exist. Here in the U.S., our cultural landscape has been shaped by Native Americans and by African, Latin American, Polynesian, Asian, and Middle Eastern countries. This is the reason that the term "melting pot" fits our country, as different cultures have contributed distinct flavors. 2 5 Like many others, I came to this country when I was young, in my case in my twenties. While we adapted to most cultural norms here in the U.S., some of us have kept a few from our origin. This has been the marvel of this country; it lets you assimilate easily into its culture, while you keep your distinct identity. To me, cultural diversity means merging different cultures-introducing good aspects of your culture to others, but 10 also incorporating the superlatives of a new culture. 3 Culture shapes our identity and influences our behaviors. Also, cultural diversity makes us accept, and even to some extent, integrate and assimilate with other cultures. Cultural diversity has become a key buzzword in today's world. Whether we work or study or even stay at home, our chances of interacting with people from various races, 15 ethnic groups, and cultures are far more prevalent now than they have been ever before. 4 By learning about people of different cultural backgrounds, we can expand our horizons, have better interpersonal dialogue and communicate more on a personal level. If you put aside any prejudices or biases you might have, and you are open to other people, it can help prepare you to listen, talk and learn about other people and their 20 cultures. 35

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英語 高校生


□ 21. 明日の会議に来ることはできますか。 [語順整序] Is (you/for/possible / come / it / to) to the meeting tomorrow? it possible for you to come 22. Anne Sullivan taught Helen Keller, who was ( because of an illness. Dcapable ②impossible ③overcame ( 広島経済大) ) to see, hear, or speak ( 大東文化大 ) ④unable 23. We are (take / supposed/off/to) our shoes here. supposed to take of 24. I'm ( ) up with their complaints. off (跡見学園女子大) ( 福山平成大) ③fed closed Daught 2 gone ☐ 25. I am ( Ito will ) to assist you with your payments. ②will ③would (中央大) ②willing to rain. (国士舘大) likely 26. Today's outdoor concert may be postponed because it is ( Olikable like ③likes 27. (with/familiar / you / the novels / are) written by Soseki Natsume? (AĦĦA) Are you familiar the novels with 28. 父はよく、 人と違うことを恐れるなと言ってい (甲南女子大) My father often told me, "( afraid / be / being / different / don't / of)." don't be afraid of being different 29. They weren't ( ) of the dangers of mountain climbing. ①aware ②familiar ③known (東北学院大 ④understand □ 30. 彼は, ヴァイオリンを弾くのが上手だ。 適語補充 He is (good)( at ) playing the violin. ■ 31. 彼は寝坊したので授業に遅れた。 He (for overslept / late / because / was/class/he). was late for class because he overslept 32. The girl understood she was ( ) for what she did. Dresponsible unreasonable ②visible ①sensible ( 兵庫県立大 (尾道市立 (九州ルーテル学院

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英語 高校生

丸がついている番号のところがわかりません 分かる方解説お願いします🙏

15. You (didn't have better / had not better/ had better nor / had better not to ) attend the あなたはその会議に出席しない方が良い。 meeting. 18 16. I think you (can/should/ ougbt/must) not to take a walk at this hour alone. kyou( 私はあなたが1人でこの時間に散歩すべきではないと思う。 17. I will make him go there. He ( 行かせる must ) go there. 彼はそこに行かなければならな 18. We should )( have ( come. ) home earlier. 19. That watch of yours ( (私たちはもっと早く家に帰って来るべきでした。) must (その時計は高かったでしょうね。) )( have ( been) very expensive. (20. He suggested that we ( ) play baseball. 21. I am sure that he rode the bicycle. = He ( must ( have ( ridden ) the bicycle. 彼は自転車に乗ったに違いない。 22.I ( would ) often take her for her sister. 私に彼女を彼女の妹だと思いこんでいた。 gra 23. There ( used ( to )be a railway service as far as the hot spring. (昔はその温泉まで鉄道の便があった。) /24. You may get up late tomorrow morning. =You ( can ( 25. The news cannot be true. = The news ( 26. It is better for you not to smoken so much. あり =You ( had )( better)( 27. I had a habit of taking a hot shower in the morning. =I would ) take a hot shower in the morning 28. You shall have à short lesson today. ( ) get up late tomorrow morning. must (.. be ) false. そのニュースは間違いに違いない。 まちがい hot あなたはたばこをあまり吸わない方が ) smoke so much. よい 私は朝にシャワーを浴びたものだった。 私はあるだけ短いレッスンを受けさ たもたったい。 =I( will ( give " 29. The mother may ( well It is no wonder that the mother( 不思議でない you ) a short lesson today. かしこい )be proud of her bright son. 30. A: He has not come yet. (Won't / Shall/Will) I telephone him? B: No, you will / do / need) not. I'm afraid he (may/shall/ has) not come today, because h was absent from school yesterday. He (must/ need/shall) be in bed now. )( fake) pride in her bright son.

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