


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

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USEFUL EXPRESSIONS 下の欄から適切な熟語を選び、 次の日本語の意味を表わすような英文を作りなさい。 1. 多くの自治体が、廃棄物処理に費用がかさんでいることを心配している。 Many municipal governments ( cost of waste disposal. 2. 規則的な運動は、私たちの日常生活で大変重要な役割を果たすものだ。 Regular exercise ( ) our daily life. 3. 科学者たちは、なぜそのクジラが浜辺に打ち上げられたのか、困惑している。 Scientists are puzzled ( why the whale. had swum to the shore. 4. 大雨に加えて強風が、その地域の家々を完全に破壊してしまった。 The strong wind, ( completely destroyed the houses in that area. ) the rising 5. 雨が降り続くうちに、川の水がうちの表玄関にまで来てしまった。 As the rain ( up to our front door. ) the heavy rain. WRITING 次のそれぞれの英文の( を完成させなさい。 ) pour down, the river came as to be concerned about continue to in addition to play a role in の中の語句を並べ替え、日本語の意味を表わすように英文 1.他の数種の鳥と違い、カツオドリは水中に垂直降下できる。 (other/unlike/ birds/some), gannets can dive vertically. gannets can dive vertically. 2. 彼女は日々の心配事を全て忘れて、 3週間の休暇にハワイ旅行へと旅立った。 She took off on a 3-week holiday for Hawaii, (all / behind / worries / her / leaving) her. She took off on a 3-week holiday for Hawaii, her. 3. 台風が東京を直撃する可能性は無いように思える。 (possibility/seems/be/there / to / no) of the typhoon hitting Tokyo. of the typhoon hitting Tokyo.

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


4. ライティング 15 ● 以下の TOPIC について、あなたの意見とその理由を2つ書 きなさい。 ●POINTSは理由を書く際の参考となる観点を示したもので す。ただし、これら以外の観点から理由を書いてもかまいませ the future Ⅰ have Two reasons why I think ん。 so. To begin with, father increase telework 語数の目安は80語〜100語です。 ●解答は、右にあるライティング解答欄に書きなさい。 なお、解 these days. It makes him so relay and no 答欄の外に書かれたものは採点されません。 ● 解答がTOPIC に示された問いの答えになっていない場合や、 strees. In additon, I think so that spreds TOPIC からずれていると判断された場合は、0点と採点され Internet technology. Insing ipad in school. ることがあります。 TOPIC の内容をよく読んでから答えて 53 ください。 合う There are young people using it. For these reasons, I think the number of these people will increuse in the fature. TOPIC Nowadays, more and more people are at home and teleworking. Do you think the number of these people will increase in the future? POINTS Communication • Infectious disease • Internet technology 英検2級 weknow by Interstate 練習シート interstate.co.jp 練習日: 2/2 ④ ライティング解答欄 指示事項を守り、文字は、はっきりと分かりやすく書いて下さい。 太枠に囲まれた部分のみが採点の対象です。 Skype セッションで添削を予約>> I think the number of these people will increase in 10 15

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

総合英語FACTBOOK English Grammar Advanced New Editionの第7章p25の問題の答え持っている方がいましたら教えて頂きたいです!よろしくお願いします。

PP.86. できごとが 37~88 未来の時点 058 > 参照)。 p.88 059 がずっ はあ い Exercise 7 →A 1 Change the verb to the appropriate form and complete the sentences. 1) When I (arrive) at school, the class (already start). My teacher was angry. ¹0 2) I (never see ) Kabuki until I became a college student. A NO TEN 3) The actor (be) an extra for 20 years before he became famous. Helsink Doy bedefimar O 4) Miki noticed that she (lose) the key somewhere. the concede lbovoilen od tamm DOY Sevorse J'nei yu 2 Change the verb to the appropriate form and complete the sentences. leum JAKO-O 1) It (stop) raining by this time tomorrow. 2) Brazil (win) the World Cup six times if it wins it again. Menur of SVBIl (3) She (be) a math teacher for 30 years by March next year.m alterow hat bedone. 4)She will email us when she (read) the report (「読んだら」の意で lanks isla (0707 754300 penlo sitt bus no 3 Change the verb to the appropriate form and complete the sentences. →C 1) Kate (watch) TV since she came home from school. 2) yem 8 My father (work) for over 15 hours when he left the office. 3) She (travel ) abroad since last month. Sni smoo I ysM O つける 4) We (run) for 10 minutes before the teacher shouted, "Stop!" in nisqe of og ysm sW 25 VEAU CO 20 4 Choose the appropriate form of the verb and complete the sentences. → A B C 1) I (read/ have been reading / had been reading) the book for six hours until I realized it was dark outside. compl c513 VIBEE 2) I want to read your novel first after you (wrote / have written / will have written) it. VE met / will have met ) him before. 3) I suddenly remembered I (have met / had 4) He (tries / has tried / has been trying) to solve the problem since this morning. 5 Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences. 1) [in/people/ already / long before / arrived / America / had ] Columbus came. 2) Yesterday I found the book [ had / for a long time / for / been / looking /I]. 3) [long/you/ French literature / studying / have / how / been ]?ow an ingin W 4) The news says that they [ for / stayed / space / have / in / a month / will ] tomorrow. Put it into English - Context writing - 1) 父が帰宅したとき 私はテレビを2時間見ていた。 llow idgim \ yam I 078 11m B II WOTTOmol nis: lliw (O naquad Hiw etnobis.A 2) 彼は雨の中を歩いて帰宅したと私に言った。 3) 彼がバス停に着いたときには,最終バスはすでに出発していた。 nato biwow beh yM 4) その夜以前に父が歩いて帰宅したことは一度もなかった。 basd 6 yoy ovig ILO MA 312) Imid ymise I X40).sgo f'ow toob aidT ABC 25

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


Questions 5-7 refer to the following letter. a new member to the club To welcome confirm To | continued membership Mr. Leonardo Harper 571-45 Heiligenstàdter Street Vienna 1190 の) December 15 Dear Mr. Harper, Thank you for your continued support of the North Vienna Concert Hall We are writing to confirm receipt on December 14 of your North Vienna Club membership renewal payment for next year. Alnterviews with musicians To celebrate our 30 year anniversary, we are happy to announce some new special benefits for club members. Starting next year, club members can receive a 10% discount on any concert held during the first three months of the year. Call our ticket office at 1-5123098 and use the promotional code CZ1713 when you order your tickets. Please note that discounts only apply to pre-orders placed during this special period. IC) Commentaries on 0 The concert schedule performances As always, members will receive our monthly magazine, North Vienna Club, which features concert reviews and interviews with various artists and musicians, together with news and schedules of all of the events at the concert hall. Next month's issue will feature a six-page interview with the world famous conductor Franz Minsky. Once again, we thank you for being a North Vienna Club member and for supporting arts and music in our community. Sincerely, Roy Pophins Roy Hopkins Director North Vienna Concert Hall の の)

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


¥ Samuel Pepys is the earliest diary- keeper that is famous today. for it gives personal insight into London's Great Plague and the Great Fire. Pepys took diary writing from the realm of business to the individual. His diary is being published on the Internet, and it is interesting to note that there has beena new entry every day since Anne Frars 1929-194。 n January of 2003. It will continue over the course of several years to come. Reading his diary is fascinating. and it makes his life all the more real to us. 63 Today's electronic version of the diary, the web READING PASSAGE log, or “blog," has once again stretched the diary to fopic sentences and supporting sentences of each paragraph be much more than a personal account of the dav's events. There are blogs to document recipes, traveling. ロ movies, independent news, product announcements, allowance." It refers to a book for fragmentary writings by date and is photos, and anything else that needs to be recorded over time. Search engines like Technorati.com have 会 the six volumes of Samuel Pepys diary manuscript 35 been created to keep track of the more than 112 million blogs that are $ diary is a good form of self-study. 日(In America, from the 1940s through the 1980s! a diary was thought of currently public. In its newest incarnation, the diary has become more popular mostly as a way to privately express one's deepest thoughts while keeping notations about the day, In those times, pnd even continuing on today, writin。 in a diary was like writing to a special friend. Many times, movies would show than ever. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS 9 teenage girl beginning to write in her diary while she said aloud, "Dear diary Decide if each statement is true [T] or false [F]. If it is false, write the sentence correctly. What followed was a synopsis of the day, usually filled with emotion. Those private reflections may have historical significance long after the 1.[]The word “diary" means a collection of stories written every ロ day. author's death. A diary kept by a young German Jewish girl by the name of Anne 2.[] Diary writing in movies illustrates how similar it is to writing to a special friend. Frank provides us with invaluable lessons about history, for she documented Anne kept a record of her private events and thoughts in her diary after she moved to Germany. 15 her experiences while she hid from the Nazis during their occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. Her diary became one of the world's most widely 4.[]Pepys was one of the first diary writers to include his own personal observations of historical events. read books and is the basis for many films. Samuel Pepys, who lived during the 17th century, is the earliest diary-keeper that is famous today. His diary is also an important documentation of history, ロ 5.[、]Today's diaries on the web are changing their characteristic of being secretive. 12

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