


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


英語 Amy: Hey Jake, I was thinking about online shopping this weekend. Do you shop online often? Jake: Yeah, I do it quite a bit. It's so ( house and you can ( ) almost anything online. That's true. I love the convenience, too, especially with a busy schedule. But I've heard there are some downsides to it. What do you think? Well, one obvious downside is not being able to ( ) or try the product before buying. Sometimes, what you see on the website isn't exactly what you get. Amy: Yeah, that's a good point. I've had a couple of instances where the color or size was ) from what I expected. ( Another thing is the shipping time. Even with express shipping, you might have to ( ) a few days for your stuff to arrive. It's not great if you need Amy: Jake: Jake: Amy: Amy: Jake: Jake: Jake: something urgently. True, waiting can be frustrating. But what about the ( that sometimes the prices are higher online. It depends. I've found some great deals online, especially during sales. But you're right; in some cases, the prices can be a bit inflated, and you might end up paying more than if you bought it in-store. Amy: And returns can be a hassle, too. I had to return a shirt once, and the process took forever. It's not as easy as just going to a store and returning it on the spot. Yeah, returns can be a pain. Also, there's the whole security issue. You must be careful about where you're buying from to avoid scams or stealing your ( ). Amy: Oh, definitely. I always make sure the website is secure before entering any payment details. 日本語 L ), you know? No need to leave the On the bright side, online ( ) can be super helpful. I always check them before making a purchase. It gives you an idea of the product's quality and whether it's worth the money. Amy: That's a good point. I do the same. It's like having the opinions of a bunch of friends who've already ( ) the product. Jake: Exactly. So, while there are some drawbacks, I think the ( ) of online shopping, like the convenience and variety, outweigh the ( ) for me. Yeah, I agree. It's all about finding a balance and being cautious about where and what you're buying. )? I've heard

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


Progress test (Part 1) Drag the words into the correct spaces. some of few 1/2 some a few enough neither lots of both little every each no information about attractions in the city. There are Coming to London for a weekend? Here's interesting places to visit - you won't have time to see them all. Firstly, visit to London would be complete without seeing Big Ben. The clock at the Houses of Parliament has become a symbol of London, but few✔ tourists know that Big Ben is actually the name of the bell, not day, so arrive early. the clock or the clock tower. On the opposite side of the river is the London Eye, the world's biggest observation wheel. holding 25 people, but there are still queues nearly There are 32 sections, If you'd like somewhere scientific, you could go to the Natural History Museum or the Science Museum. Entry to of these appeal to you, you may prefer Madame Tussaud's, the museum where is free. Or, if you can meet the world's most famous people made of wax. You could meet the Queen of England there, or you could hope to see her at Buckingham Palace, her London home, just the most valuable jewels in the world. stops away on the London Underground 'Tube' train. If you want to see more royal palaces, try the Tower of London, where you can see the Crown Jewels, If that isn't for one trip, why not go to Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, a reconstruction of the 1599 theatre extra money, you can even see a play there. where his plays were performed. If you have a

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

()のなかで当てはまるものを教えてください。 お願いします。

lounon 01. (Can/May) I ask where (do you come from/you come from)? 02. Today I (shall be working/will work) after school. 03. Do you want to go with usi i would/can) if (could/would/can) but I (couldn't/wouldn't/can't). 04. To the extent he was able, our English composition teacher taught us (construction/ to construct) a group of words with a (completed/completing) thought, a sentence. 05. If I (am/is/are/was/were) asked a question in English, I try to answer in English. 06. He (has eaten/had eaten/ate) breakfast by the time he left the house. 07. What (will/would/can/could) you choose if you (will/would/can/could) choose between Pascal's wager and cryonics? 08. If I (am/is/was/were) a rich man, 1 (could/can) build a five story house. og. If I (was/were) speeding, I slowed down. 10. If I (am/was/were) a king, my wife (would have been/would be) my queen. 11. Would you please tell me what (is your name/your you mind lending me a hand? 13. I (couldn't/can't) see well for the snow was so heavy. 14. (After having/When became/had become) the shift manager. 15. The doctor would not (have given/give) vaccinations (would of/would have/had) (he/she) is)? 12. (Would/Could) name 1) worked part time a few weeks, I (have become/ (know/knew/known) (because/that) they (have/had) never been (proved/proven) to save a single life. 1-03 1-04 (spoken/speaking).

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

英読解の問題です。 すっかり忘れてしまったため何も分かりません。 2問教えて欲しいです。お願いします><

2022 P=HT 6. 次のお知らせを読み、 (1) ~ (2) のA~Dで適切なものに○をつけなさい。 [4×2=8] TO: All staff From: Erin Liner, Manager Date: July 15 Subject: Our survey Dear all. We have finished reviewing the data which we received from the recent customer satisfaction survey. I would like to share the most important findings, and how we can improve on certain areas of our work. Overall, customers were happy with the quality of our service. the helpfulness of our staff, and the range of products we offer. However, there were some negative comments which we can begin to work on. A common complaint was that there are not enough foreign titles in the store, especially Japanese comics. I will ask John Calman to research some of the most popular series and make sure we start carrying them from the fall. As Gita Pradesh spent her college years in Tokyo, I will ask her to assist. Better signage was another thing which people wanted. They spend a lot of time looking for the right section and it frustrates a lot of customers. This is something we can improve immediately, so I will speak to Alice Moore today about making the signs easier to see, and adding more if necessary. Finally, we got some comments about having a small cafe in the store. Nowadays, people want to have a coffee while reading or browsing, and it could be a new source of profit. Mario Venetti will make a report on the feasibility and deliver it next month. Thank you for all your efforts in making us the best we can be. Erin Liner Manager (1) What is the purpose of the e-mail? (A) To ask staff to create survey questions (B) To share details of customer feedback (C) To inform staff of recent changes (D) To invite staff to apply for new positions (2) Where does Ms. Liner most likely work? (A) At a café (B) At a movie theater (C) At a clothing shop (D) At a bookstore 以

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

自分の回答があっているか不安なので、4第答えて頂きたいです。 自分の回答はこちらには見にくくなってしまうため書いていません。

Working with words 1 Complete the review of a hotel. Use the answers to complete the puzzle and find the European city where the hotel is located. HOTEL REVIEWS This first-class hotel and conference centre welcomes guests from all over the world. Its 1 facilities are second to none. There are 300 en-suite rooms and five apartment suites. For business guests, it has ten meetings rooms, two of which are big enough to be used as halls. 2 The hotel can also organize events such as guided 3 around the town centre for conference 4 and hotel guests who enjoy a bit of 5 For food-lovers, the four-star restaurant serves regional 6 every evening. All in all, this is a top-class for business and for pleasure. 7 6 1 A fa 0 il i t 1 e S 2 Replace the words in italics (1-8) with the phrases from the list. Add a pronoun if necessary. you hotel? look around meet up with show someone around 3 freshen up eat out pick someone up check in drop someone off Pedro It's difficult to park here. Can I stop and leave drop you off in front of the 1 Sabrina Sure, I'll register 2 and then I'd like to have a wash, and change my clothes 3 Pedro If you like, tonight I can give you a tour of 4 the old city. We could by eat in a restaurant 5 the port. Sabrina That sounds great! I'd rather walk about and See 6 the city than stay in my hotel room. Pedro I'll collect you 7 8 8.30 p.m. We'll see Alberto and Maite in the main square. at Business communication 1 Put the words in the correct order to make expressions. 1 meet person / it's / nice / to / you / in It's nice to meet you in person 2 have / did / finding / you/ any / trouble / us? 3 worry / signing / don't / about / in 4 through / programme / I'll / run / today's 5 this my / come / way / to / office 6 need building / you'll / this / enter / badge/ the / to 7 reception / sure / make / in / at / you / sign 2 Raymond Roberts has an appointment with Janet Rose. He has just arrived at HBG premises. Complete their conversation with the phrases from the list. let me take your bag can I get you a drink Welcome to HBG publishing I thought you could catch up again how was your journey You'll need this Make sure you 1 Raymond Good morning, I'm here to see Janet Rose. Janet Hello, I'm Janet. ¹ Welcome to HBG publishing. Raymond It's nice to meet you in person. Janet Likewise. So, 2 Raymond Well, there were traffic jams on the motorway and I got a little bit lost in the industrial park. Janet Don't worry. That happens to everyone. Anyway, 3 - I'll store it in my office. Raymond I'll hang on to it if you don't mind. It's got all my stuff in it. Janet Well, if you change your mind just tell me. And 4 Raymond Thanks. I'll have a cup of tea, please. Janet Sure, I'll just get that for you in a second. First of all, I'll run through the schedule. 5 start by meeting Karen Rankin this morning and then we'll 6 at lunchtime. Raymond OK. And will I see Malcolm Briscoe? Janet Yes, in fact he's joining us for lunch. One other thing. security pass. at all times. 7 It's your 8 wear it

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