


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


65-67 refer to the following conversation. W: Richard, we were deeply impressed with your presentation this morning. You concentrated on the benefits the customers 65. What did the man do this morning? OEIC (A) He had a talk with an executivetsTENING will get from our new products. That was awesome. The sales manager wants you to give a presentation on the same topic to the board of directors next week. (B) He gave a talk. (C) He made a presentation to the board of directors. (D) He put together handouts. 66. What does the woman suggest? I'm glad you liked it. I'l try my best to please the board of directors. Maybe l could use some technology to supplement my presentation. Don't you think using a video allows the audience to understandit (A) Preparing more informative materials (B) Using a video (C) Getting advice from the sales manager (D) Choosing a new topic M: ,Com, /。 better? W: That's a good idea. You should prepare more extensive handouts as well. I will be free this afternoon, so l can help you put them together. M: I'd appreciate it. Let's make it our top priority to ensure that our executives are satisfied. Even the CEO will be there. 67. What does the man say about next week's presentation? (A) It will take place in the afternoon. (B) It will concentrate on the benefits of video presentations. (C) The president will see it. (D) The sales manager will help them prepare for it. 65B 66A 6

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