


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


Entrance Exam 否定表現 1. almost 2. I( 1()に入れる最も適切な語句を1~4から選びなさい。 1. I don't think David would make a good leader because he can ( difficult circumstances and tends to give up too quickly. 2. extremely 3. hardly ) go to karaoke, I go only once or twice a year. ) be expected to act honorably in 4. neither (明治大) (芝浦工業大 4. never 1. often 3. Unfortunately, ( seldom ) of the 1. a few 2. few 3. ever passengers escaped injury. 3. many (大阪学院大 推) 4. much 4. ( ) children are born with musical talent. (日本大) 1. none of 2. not all. 3. not every 4. no one 5. ( 2. No 1. as far as 2. far from ) of the workers accepted the director's proposal to cut bonuses. 1. Not 6. The future of English society looked ( 7. I didn't like the food at that restaurant. It was (. (東海大 3. Never ) promising in the 1840s. None (立命館大) 3. for far 4. too far ) delicious. (福岡大) 1. anything but 2. nothing but 3. without 4. out of 8. He was so drunk that he could ( ) walk. (大阪学院大) 9. 1. all 1. able 2. unable This train doesn't stop at ( a few 3. hard 4. hardly ) station. 大阪商業大推) 2. 3. little 4. every 2. few 12. " Can 10. The latest model of this mobile phone is ( 1. not seldom 3. all not 11. Before I watched the documentary, I knew ( 1. little à you come to the party tonight?" "( 1. Yes, I can ) easy to use. (獨協大) 2. not necessarily 4. ever not 3. seldom ) about life under the sea. 4. hardly (東京工科大) ). I have a lot of homework." (拓殖大) 2. Yes, I do 3. No, I'm afraid not 13. Japan has ( 1. a little 2. few 4. No, I hope not ) oil and therefore is almost entirely dependent on imports. (センター) 3. little 4. small

回答募集中 回答数: 0
TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

2つ質問があります。 一つ目のマーカーのところの「to be」、これはSVOCを振るとすればO(目的語)でしょうか。 二つ目のマーカーの分構造はどうなっているのでしょうか。where以下で動詞が見つけられず、意味がとれません。

Type 8 意図問題 Exercise 19 The author mentions "a cellphone call" in order to ni ed nsp pniwaliofanit toallanitý A compare how different ways of receiving information affects memory emsp erit vert A ® emphasize the importance of repetition to absorb information on ob on ob veriT (8 O demonstrate ways to counteract retroactive inhibition work so ton ob O show how new information can hinder the retention of previously learned TO information € it vit vedT 0. vedtok れ れ to that can changed copia Tvo There are a number of events that can cause humans to forget information they have already learned and stored in their memory. One cause is believed to be a type of interference phenomenon known as retroactive inhibition, where a sudden influx of new information blocks the retention of older learned material. A driver might hear a phone number on the radio that he wants to call, so he repeats it out loud until he can recite it from memory. Then, the driver receives a cellphone call from his manager. In the time it takes the driver to absorb the information from his manager, he has forgotten the number he repeated just a few seconds before. Vildo L

解決済み 回答数: 1