


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


英語 Amy: Hey Jake, I was thinking about online shopping this weekend. Do you shop online often? Jake: Yeah, I do it quite a bit. It's so ( house and you can ( ) almost anything online. That's true. I love the convenience, too, especially with a busy schedule. But I've heard there are some downsides to it. What do you think? Well, one obvious downside is not being able to ( ) or try the product before buying. Sometimes, what you see on the website isn't exactly what you get. Amy: Yeah, that's a good point. I've had a couple of instances where the color or size was ) from what I expected. ( Another thing is the shipping time. Even with express shipping, you might have to ( ) a few days for your stuff to arrive. It's not great if you need Amy: Jake: Jake: Amy: Amy: Jake: Jake: Jake: something urgently. True, waiting can be frustrating. But what about the ( that sometimes the prices are higher online. It depends. I've found some great deals online, especially during sales. But you're right; in some cases, the prices can be a bit inflated, and you might end up paying more than if you bought it in-store. Amy: And returns can be a hassle, too. I had to return a shirt once, and the process took forever. It's not as easy as just going to a store and returning it on the spot. Yeah, returns can be a pain. Also, there's the whole security issue. You must be careful about where you're buying from to avoid scams or stealing your ( ). Amy: Oh, definitely. I always make sure the website is secure before entering any payment details. 日本語 L ), you know? No need to leave the On the bright side, online ( ) can be super helpful. I always check them before making a purchase. It gives you an idea of the product's quality and whether it's worth the money. Amy: That's a good point. I do the same. It's like having the opinions of a bunch of friends who've already ( ) the product. Jake: Exactly. So, while there are some drawbacks, I think the ( ) of online shopping, like the convenience and variety, outweigh the ( ) for me. Yeah, I agree. It's all about finding a balance and being cautious about where and what you're buying. )? I've heard

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物理 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


平面から30°傾いた斜面X と, 45°傾いた斜面 Y が水平面の両側になめらかにつな がっている。水平面上のBC間には摩擦があるが, それ以外の水平面および斜面 X,Y は なめらかである。 BC間の距離は2hで, 小物体とBC間の水平面との間の動摩擦係数は 4 である。また、小物体の運動は同一鉛直面内で行われるものとし、 重力加速度の大き さをgとする。 下図のように、斜面X 上で水平面からの高さがんの点Aに質量mの小物体を置き, 静 かにはなしたところ, 小物体は斜面上をすべり下りて、 水平面上を点Bへ向かった。 斜面 X 斜面 Y A m h 小物体 1 2 - mg 2 30℃ 1ERSON √3 2 2h (1) 次の文章中の空欄 ア エに入れる式として最も適当なものを,下の①~⑨の うちからそれぞれ一つずつ選び, 番号で答えなさい。 但し, 同じ番号をくり返し選んで もよい。 小物体が斜面上をすべり下りているとき, 小物体にはたらく重力の斜面に沿った方 向の分力の大きさはア垂直抗力の大きさはイである。 このとき, 小物体が斜 面上を点Aから最下点まで移動する間に重力が小物体にする仕事はウ 垂直抗力 が小物体にする仕事はエである。 mgh √√3 2 B 水平面 mg mgh mg C ⑧ mgh 50 (3) 28.3 ④2mg ⑨2mgh 245゜ 8110 (2)点 B に達する直前の小物体の速さはいくらか。 最も適当なものを、次の①~④のうち から一つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 high ②√gh igh 0 4√2gh

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