


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

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20 D 007 feel guilty about eating so much. People tease me for being fat and I pretend it Hello Sarah) I've put on a lot of weight recently. I make myself sick when I doesn't bother me, but I cry myself to sleep. My family says nasty things about my size, too. Please help me lose weight. 5 15歳の女の子の悩みの相 Barbara, 15 Sarah says: Hello, Barbara. Please try to stop making yourself sick. Beauty comes from within and in all shapes and sizes. The main thing is to be healthy. This can be done through your diet and by exercising. (It's unkind of your family to tease but pl" t ↳ To Tease 10 maybe they don't know that it upsets you So tell them how you feel. Ask your mom to help you follow a healthy, low-fat diet. Cut back on potato chips, cakes and sweets. Why not take up swimming or jogging? By eating healthily and exercising, your body will naturally reach a healthy weight. Don't skip meals, go on a crash diet, or make yourself sick. You may damage your body 15 if it doesn't receive the right nutrients. If you can't talk to your mom, your doctor will help. If you are unable to stop making yourself sick, call the Eating Disorder Association Helpline. Eating Disorder Association Helpline 01603765 050 Monday-Friday, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Email: eda@netcom.co.uk

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


未習長文E インフォメーションリスト untrustworthy profession psychology not able to be relied on as honest or truthful ajob that needsa high level of education and training the study of the mind and how it influences people's behavior often rewards society often understands and accepts lying. S0ociety deception. 0cupation |confess a job or profession to admit, especially to the police, that you have done something wrong or illegal Something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work someone who trains a person or team in a sport a manager in an organization or company who helps make important decisions to express your disapproval of someone or something, or to talk about their faults accomplishment coach executive criticize at times sometimes%;B on occasions an idea or story that many people believe, but which is not myth true exaggerate to make something seem better, larger, worse etc. than it really is to not include someone or something behavior in which you deceive or cheat people relating to feelings of love or a loving relationships intended to make someone believe something that is not leave out dishonesty romantic deceptive ture Conversation an informal talk in which people exchange news, feelings, and thoughts something that is very bad or a failure, especially when this is very annoying or disappointing not often; seldom disaster seldom

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


未習長文D インフォメーションリスト |adopt medicine to start to deal with or think about something ina particular wav 1. a substance used for treating an illness, especially a liquid you drink the treatment and study of illnesses and injuries 2. to depend on someone to provide help, advice, etc. to think that you are better than someone else, for example because you are more sucessful, or of a higher social lass than they are fair and sensible look to look down on reasonable can/could afford people were better off using It would be better for people to use traditional traditional medicine rather than medicine rather than having no medicine. no medicine at all. establish to have enough money to buy or pay for something to start a company, organization, system, etc. that is intended to exist or continue for a long time 1.(n) the work of a doctor or lawyer, or the place where they work 2.(v) to use a particular method or custom the act of starting an organization, relationship, or system the process or fact of being received as adequate, valid, or suitable practice establishment acceptance a small creature such as a fly or ant, that has six legs, and sometimes wings anything that is living, such as an animal, fish, or insect, but not a plant a plant like a small onion, used in cooking to give a strong insect creature garlic taste bacteria very small living things, some of which causes illness or disease a chemical substance found in your blood. cholesterol in your blood may cause heart disease. to absorb something into the body, for example by breathing or swallowing a scientific test done to find out how something reacts under certain conditions, or to find out if a particular idea is true (v) to make something less dense or numerous look at something again closely if someone has a stroke, an artery (tube carrying blood) in their brain suddenly bursts or becomes blocked, so that they may not real or not made of natural things but made to be like something that is real or natural a substance used in chemistary or produced by achemical cholesterol Too much take in experiment thin take a second look at stroke die or be unable to use some muscles artificial chemical process to help to make something happen to help to make something happen Contribute think highly of o place Migh value on

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


ER 試験に出る単語など 未習長文A インフォメーションリスト 単語など 定義·例文情報 現代美時信: Contemporary | contemporary art works be pleased to Japan Museumis pleased to present 'Sōsaku hanga. exhibition Collection of things, for example works of art, that are shown to the public. feature The hotel features a magnificent ocean view. Lacquerware are objects decoratively covered with lacquer. The work of a joiner. lacquerware joinery Coat a metal coated with gold Lacquer sap has been used by humans from long time ago. It was treated as a luxury item. sap resistant heat-resistant moisture small amount of water that are present in the air. decorative a decorative design sprinkle Silver powder is sprinkled on its surface. appear Dimples appear on her cheeks when she smiles. range We sell a wide range of goods. a box, bottle, etc. a pot or other object made of clay that has been made permanently hard by Container ceramic heat bowl tea bowl glue a sticky substance that is used for joining things together transform The new bridge will transform the island's tourism industry. emphasize give special importance to something highlight emphasize imperfection a fault or weakness in something a skilled person, especially one who makes beautiful things by hand craftsman specific specific regions of Afirica metallic powder metallic

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


¥ Samuel Pepys is the earliest diary- keeper that is famous today. for it gives personal insight into London's Great Plague and the Great Fire. Pepys took diary writing from the realm of business to the individual. His diary is being published on the Internet, and it is interesting to note that there has beena new entry every day since Anne Frars 1929-194。 n January of 2003. It will continue over the course of several years to come. Reading his diary is fascinating. and it makes his life all the more real to us. 63 Today's electronic version of the diary, the web READING PASSAGE log, or “blog," has once again stretched the diary to fopic sentences and supporting sentences of each paragraph be much more than a personal account of the dav's events. There are blogs to document recipes, traveling. ロ movies, independent news, product announcements, allowance." It refers to a book for fragmentary writings by date and is photos, and anything else that needs to be recorded over time. Search engines like Technorati.com have 会 the six volumes of Samuel Pepys diary manuscript 35 been created to keep track of the more than 112 million blogs that are $ diary is a good form of self-study. 日(In America, from the 1940s through the 1980s! a diary was thought of currently public. In its newest incarnation, the diary has become more popular mostly as a way to privately express one's deepest thoughts while keeping notations about the day, In those times, pnd even continuing on today, writin。 in a diary was like writing to a special friend. Many times, movies would show than ever. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS 9 teenage girl beginning to write in her diary while she said aloud, "Dear diary Decide if each statement is true [T] or false [F]. If it is false, write the sentence correctly. What followed was a synopsis of the day, usually filled with emotion. Those private reflections may have historical significance long after the 1.[]The word “diary" means a collection of stories written every ロ day. author's death. A diary kept by a young German Jewish girl by the name of Anne 2.[] Diary writing in movies illustrates how similar it is to writing to a special friend. Frank provides us with invaluable lessons about history, for she documented Anne kept a record of her private events and thoughts in her diary after she moved to Germany. 15 her experiences while she hid from the Nazis during their occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. Her diary became one of the world's most widely 4.[]Pepys was one of the first diary writers to include his own personal observations of historical events. read books and is the basis for many films. Samuel Pepys, who lived during the 17th century, is the earliest diary-keeper that is famous today. His diary is also an important documentation of history, ロ 5.[、]Today's diaries on the web are changing their characteristic of being secretive. 12

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