


物理 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

量子力学の教科書で「非相対論的な計算では付加定数を適当に取るのでε=hνから求めたνの値にはあまり意味がない」とはどう言う意味ですか? この教科書ではεをエネルギー、hをプランク定数、νを振動数としています。

12 p=√2meV となり (1) の第2式から陰極線の波 長入は 1 量子力学の誕生 h h Þ √2me V と計算されることがわかる. me に数値を代入すれば, i= 入= 150 A (1Å=10-10m) V 14 1-8図 Si 単結晶 (111) 表面の低速電子 線回折写真(入射エネルギー 43eV) ( 村田好正氏 (東京大学名誉教授) によ る) となる. V~100Vの程度では陰極線 の波長は1Åの程度になる. この程度の波長の彼ならば, X線と 同様に, 結晶内に規則正しく並んだ原 子によって回折現象を起こすはずである. 事実 , アメリカのデヴィッスンと ガーマーはニッケルの単結晶で電子線を反射させ,X線のときと同様な干渉 図形を得た (1927年). また, わが国の菊池正士は薄い雲母膜で, イギリスの トムソンは薄い金属膜で,電子線の回折像を得て,ド・ブロイの予言の正し いことを実験的に立証した. ド・ブロイの原論文では,相対論的考察が用いられているが,p=h/入は 以下の非相対論的な議論でもそのまま使われるエネルギーの方は,普通の 非相対論的な計算では付加定数を適当にとるので,ε= hv から求めたの値 そのものにはあまり意味がない. しかし、 実際に測定値と比較されるのはい つもショー vmという差の形になるので、不定の付加定数を気にする必要はない. §1.4 波動力学の形成 よく知られているように張られた弦や膜とか管内の空気の振動のように 有限の範囲内に局在する波は定常波 (固有振動) をつくり, そのときの振動 数 5

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


英語 Amy: Hey Jake, I was thinking about online shopping this weekend. Do you shop online often? Jake: Yeah, I do it quite a bit. It's so ( house and you can ( ) almost anything online. That's true. I love the convenience, too, especially with a busy schedule. But I've heard there are some downsides to it. What do you think? Well, one obvious downside is not being able to ( ) or try the product before buying. Sometimes, what you see on the website isn't exactly what you get. Amy: Yeah, that's a good point. I've had a couple of instances where the color or size was ) from what I expected. ( Another thing is the shipping time. Even with express shipping, you might have to ( ) a few days for your stuff to arrive. It's not great if you need Amy: Jake: Jake: Amy: Amy: Jake: Jake: Jake: something urgently. True, waiting can be frustrating. But what about the ( that sometimes the prices are higher online. It depends. I've found some great deals online, especially during sales. But you're right; in some cases, the prices can be a bit inflated, and you might end up paying more than if you bought it in-store. Amy: And returns can be a hassle, too. I had to return a shirt once, and the process took forever. It's not as easy as just going to a store and returning it on the spot. Yeah, returns can be a pain. Also, there's the whole security issue. You must be careful about where you're buying from to avoid scams or stealing your ( ). Amy: Oh, definitely. I always make sure the website is secure before entering any payment details. 日本語 L ), you know? No need to leave the On the bright side, online ( ) can be super helpful. I always check them before making a purchase. It gives you an idea of the product's quality and whether it's worth the money. Amy: That's a good point. I do the same. It's like having the opinions of a bunch of friends who've already ( ) the product. Jake: Exactly. So, while there are some drawbacks, I think the ( ) of online shopping, like the convenience and variety, outweigh the ( ) for me. Yeah, I agree. It's all about finding a balance and being cautious about where and what you're buying. )? I've heard

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