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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


5 Reading Passage 10 15 20 Yuna Kim is one of the world's best figure skaters. At the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, she set three world records. In fact, one of those world records broke a record she set in 2009. program and a At the Olympics, both male and female skaters perform a short seven program. In the short program, skaters have less than three minutes to perform required jumps, spins, or other moves. While doing these seven things, the skaters also have to show judges how well they can put these elements together into a kind of dance performance on the ice. The long program is similar to the short program except that skaters perform for a longer time and have more required moves. long Before the 2010 Winter Olympics began, many people thought Yuna Kim was likely to win a gold medal. Certainly, there were other women skaters who had the skill to win gold at the Olympics. However, Ms. Kim had an advantage. She had already set a number of world records. In 2007, she set the record for the highest score in a short program with 71.95 points in Japan. The same year she also set the world record for the highest score in a long program with 133.7 points in Russia. Then, in 2009 she beat her own record in the short program by scoring 76.12 in the United States. At that competition, she also became the first woman to score over 200 points with her short and long programs - her combined score was 207.71. The next year at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, she broke her records again. In the short program, Ms. Kim scored 78.5, a new world record. In the long program, she scored 150.06, another world record. This gave her a combined total of 228.56 points, a third world record! Needless to say, her score was enough to win gold.

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

8番ですが、本文の内容に合っているか合っていないか、どちらにもとれそうで迷っています。 教えていただきたいです。

20 D 007 feel guilty about eating so much. People tease me for being fat and I pretend it Hello Sarah) I've put on a lot of weight recently. I make myself sick when I doesn't bother me, but I cry myself to sleep. My family says nasty things about my size, too. Please help me lose weight. 5 15歳の女の子の悩みの相 Barbara, 15 Sarah says: Hello, Barbara. Please try to stop making yourself sick. Beauty comes from within and in all shapes and sizes. The main thing is to be healthy. This can be done through your diet and by exercising. (It's unkind of your family to tease but pl" t ↳ To Tease 10 maybe they don't know that it upsets you So tell them how you feel. Ask your mom to help you follow a healthy, low-fat diet. Cut back on potato chips, cakes and sweets. Why not take up swimming or jogging? By eating healthily and exercising, your body will naturally reach a healthy weight. Don't skip meals, go on a crash diet, or make yourself sick. You may damage your body 15 if it doesn't receive the right nutrients. If you can't talk to your mom, your doctor will help. If you are unable to stop making yourself sick, call the Eating Disorder Association Helpline. Eating Disorder Association Helpline 01603765 050 Monday-Friday, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Email: eda@netcom.co.uk

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