


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

8番ですが、本文の内容に合っているか合っていないか、どちらにもとれそうで迷っています。 教えていただきたいです。

20 D 007 feel guilty about eating so much. People tease me for being fat and I pretend it Hello Sarah) I've put on a lot of weight recently. I make myself sick when I doesn't bother me, but I cry myself to sleep. My family says nasty things about my size, too. Please help me lose weight. 5 15歳の女の子の悩みの相 Barbara, 15 Sarah says: Hello, Barbara. Please try to stop making yourself sick. Beauty comes from within and in all shapes and sizes. The main thing is to be healthy. This can be done through your diet and by exercising. (It's unkind of your family to tease but pl" t ↳ To Tease 10 maybe they don't know that it upsets you So tell them how you feel. Ask your mom to help you follow a healthy, low-fat diet. Cut back on potato chips, cakes and sweets. Why not take up swimming or jogging? By eating healthily and exercising, your body will naturally reach a healthy weight. Don't skip meals, go on a crash diet, or make yourself sick. You may damage your body 15 if it doesn't receive the right nutrients. If you can't talk to your mom, your doctor will help. If you are unable to stop making yourself sick, call the Eating Disorder Association Helpline. Eating Disorder Association Helpline 01603765 050 Monday-Friday, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Email: eda@netcom.co.uk

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


11:26 88% 閲覧のみです。 トライアルを開始して編集する。 STEP|1 Q1 )内から適切な語を選びなさい。 次の( F113 (1) I know a student ( who/which ) can play the piano well. Cor F114 (2) This is the bag ( whom/which ) I bought yesterday. F115 (3) I saw aman ( whose/whom ) wallet had been stolen. (4) I know the boy and the dog ( that/who ) are running in the park. F116 F117 (5) That is the house in (which/that ) a famous actor lives. F119 (6) I watcheda movie, ( which/what) I thought interesting. F121 (7) This is the apartment ( where/which )I lived 5 years ago. (8) There are some situations ( which/where ) we have to tell a lie. F121 F123 (9) This is the reason ( why/what ) I like dogs. 22 次の2文を that 以外の関係詞を使って1文にしなさい。 F113 (1) This is a book. It makes us happy. (2) The man was kind. F114 I met him in the park. (3) Ill lend you the comic book. I read it yesterday. F114 (4) I know the girl. F115 Her father is a doctor. (5) This is the man. F117 I traveled with him. (6) Do you remember the house? You were born there. F121 (7) Tim stayed here untill nine. My parents came back then. F 125 1/3。 レー-AュL=- 諏訪住宅公園 週末は諏訪住宅公園へ。あなたのモデルハウスを ×見学してお家づくりをサポート 開く **ャ .… ………………ャ… … O O O

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

コミュ英です 解ける方いましたらお願いします 提出が迫っている科目がいっぱいありすぎて、手が足りないので助けていただけると助かります…

1.次の英文に主部と述部の境界線を例のように入れなさい。 そのあと全文を日本 語に訳しなさい。 dT (1 T (S M (8 例:European countries / can be divided into three groups. ① The watch stolen from the shop was a valuable one. ②) The bookI wanted was written by Natsume Soseki. wIO ③ The girl with long hair gave the police some information. 0 b of 4 The missing girl wandering about the woods was found dead. 5 The news of the accident makes me sad. 6 The telephone on the desk rang loudly. の Takeshi, my brother, used a knife to open the letter. 8 Mastering a foreign language takes longer than learning to ride a bicycle. bag 設問2.次の英語の下線部の品詞名を書きなさい。また英文を日本語に訳しなさい。 1) My father is younger than he looks.(183mの意 2) He worked hard to provide for his old age. 3)I have often been to India. 4)I always use a dictionary for the use of students. 5)I remember the man very clearly. 開 190 noidom adT ((I Nbollid uor ) () lusittib 19ukngt6 9d g, olig .019) 0slqis ) () 6) Stationary cars in traffic jams cause a great deal of pollution. kti2z0q 設問3.次の文の主語S、 動詞V、目的語O、補語C、付加語Aなどに下線を引き分析 をしてから、全文を日本語に訳しなさい。 例:I like dogs and cats. 私は犬と猫が好きです。 SV diw baans bns zad 1) His mother handed him a bag. 2) My sister taught me Japanese history. ob Juods gnidaidt al sde 2aniand 3) 16 149 n 9ob buedaud Tod 2ai2 (8 He had a chance to meet his father. 4) You have made me what I am today. 入る 設問4.次の日本語を指定された文型を用いて英語に訳しなさい。 1)私たちは父の誕生日を祝うためにパーティをした。SVOA 2)父は私に新しい靴を買ってくれた。 SVOO 3)私は危険に気づいていた。 SVCA hnイー

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


s not something you Want 9 eir horme5・ It* 8 。 tak eople out of th 村 K you are ga ing 1 other than definitely needing to 9" 叶 dose 』 do lightIy , for 「@d rter to taKe shelter・ 1f is a plum, radiation・ Tn S0TTe accldents, IE 15 DTP indows 2 d or puf人 relea5e, people shelter In hou5e5 witl nt いい rhead2/" 58yS・ the puff has passed overheady Milligan 58Y : NeceSsarY changeS? In Japan, even the wake of the deadIy earthquake and ME d i ins25 We left local infrastructure ruin5, thousands of people た 抽 ta from the vicinity of the nuclear POWeT plant within 24 hourS・ MM 3 Milligan, dt least, does not anticipate anY chan9ges to the「Uu e5 ー し from27 less0nS learned from Fukushimaa ro nuclear DOWe「 plants stemmin9 now Provide adequate? ion for public| ww e Can See i ゞThe planning ZOneS in place There IS nothing W cate that We would need to expand、 zio る le health and safety,′ She SayS・ Fukushima meltdowns that would indi the_.plume eXxDOSU「 pathway“" an aircra介 mi ar USS Ronald Rea9 gase5?1 On ah dioactIVe noble e aircraft carrier found ほぼ: s for civilianS, after miles from the plant| e case of Fukushirma, the carrier? sailed into the plume of escaping「す March 12. More than 100 miles aWay, sailors on th jevels high enough to exceed the EPA'Sデ guideline zo roughly 10 hours of exposure. "They went up to 130 and we were St reading a direct gamma shine33 of 0.6 milirem pe 因 nour” explained the NRCS Stephen Trautman on March 12, according t9 s34. Garmma「ayS d「e among the most energetic 一 and tnerefore forms of radiation. Nevertheless, in th transcript dangerous tO health 一 2。 Tn the end, the question i5 One of risk. No one has died from radioactiwe contamination as a result of the Fukushima meltdowns, at least not yeW And it may prove impossible to disentangle3* any extra cancers due 0 Fukushima S radiation, from those that happen as a result of all the othW carcinogenic37 factors a DerSOn is exposed to in the modern world froW diet to smoke. But it remai i jns unclear how far radioactive emissions3 might reach In WW Case of a another 0 央0 1 Fukushima. "At that point its from We ? Another five miles? Another 10 miles? Do you 8 a Sense?” ask 1] Sked NRC chairman Gregory Jaczko on March 12, as he t his staff anal yzed computer modeling of a catastrophic meltdown す

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