


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

70の問題の回答がなぜDになるのかが分かりません。 因みにTOEICのリスニング問題のPart3です。

68. Who is the man? M It's such a pleasure to finally meet you, Olivia. As coordinator of this year's international trade conference, thank you for Transportation modes and how they can affect your supply chain"(B) An event coordinator accepting our invitation to lead one of our sessions. Saturday, November 19 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (A) An expert in international trade Sponsored by Dupree Logistics - Drew Flint, Senior Partner (C) A trade representative (D) An owner of an agency Room 101 W The pleasure is mine, Ruben. Our agency is always happy to have representatives 12:00 Noon - 1:15 pm 69. What has the woman agreed to do? (A) Lead a conference session (B) Conduct an interview (C) Schedule an appointment (D) Accept a new position Lunch participate in your conference. Witon Hotel - Wolfgang Puck's Spoon M As requested by your assistant, Jamie, your session has been scheduled for the afternoon of November 19. Ilf you check the schedule, you will see the title of your presentation listed in the last time slot on that day. 1:30 am - 3:00 pm 「Asia: A strategic approach to effectively developing and executing your Asian marketing plan" Sponsored by Blackbox Associates - Olivia Ingersol, Chief 70. Look at the graphic, Who does the woman Operating Officer Room 102 work for? 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm Closing Ceremony Wisconsin Center Ballroom (A) DuPree Logistics (B) The Witon Hotel (C) Wolfgang Puck's Spoon (D) Blackbox Assodiates W Thank you very much, and I'l see you at the conference.

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


LES7S oN * Where Is A Drugstore? ※ 次の会話はアメリカを訪れている知子が, ★の地点で警察官に薬局 (drugstore) へ行く道を尋 ねているところです。 地図を参考にして下の問いに答えなさい。 次 ラ nibees sull ot POST OFFICE ansgeb s orde al £ High Street 100b lart deego f'ood 3de PARK PARK A mol! She humed pale so tcar the ny Green Street BOOK GAS BANK STORE STATION dw| 8 sd 1aurm o' DRUGSTORE 6 1gusb rd sbam er2 Tomoko :Excuse me, can you tell me the way to ① 19Valo drugstore? and you'll see a post office. Turn left there and Walk two blocks along the Park Stree. Then you'll see a bank. Police officer: Sure. ② 3 Tomoko : And then? Police officer: Walk ④ front of the bank, turn right, and go along the Green Street. You'1l find a gas station anda bookstore on the ⑤ side of the Street. There is a small road ⑥ the two buildings. The Wis drugstore is at the end of the road. wpund hogme Tomoko :Thank you very much. A 会話の②~6にあてはまる語句をア~カから選びなさい。 (ただし文頭にくる語も小文字で示し てあります) ウ、go along the High Street カ、you'll see an elementary school ア. across the Green Street イ. left エ, between オ、among ( レみ 2) B Oに入る「最も近い」の意味の英語を書きなさい。 Primer |ELEMENTARY 100H2S Park Street

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


) without an overcoat. (帝塚山学院大) It is warm here in winter. I can ( 0 do 2 hold ③ keep ④ bear し (3) 幸福は財産の多さにはない。(高知大) Happiness does not consist ( 2 at 3 of ④ in ) how many possessions you own. 0 on (3) 4 ) for this error. (中央大) (4) It's very hard to ( 0 make ② look ③ acount ④ take デ大) (4)と3 (5) That coat doesn't ( O go with )your shoes. (南山大) 3 suit for 4 fit at 2 match to 2 (6) The car crash ( 0 carried )in the death of three people. (南山大) caused 3 resulted ④ eliminated (6)_3 (7) Although he was drunk, he insisted ( 2 in ③ to ④ for ) driving. (北海道工業大) 0 on (7) 1 (8) 彼女の推測は正しいことがわかった。(専修大) Her guess turned ( 0 off 2 out ③ at ④ in ) to be right. 2 (路面が)凍結していたために多くの事故が起こった。 (専修大) Many accidents resulted ( 0 in 2 on ) the icy conditions. 3 for の from 1(10) The total fee for the summer course ( many classes you take. (中央大) O leans on ② depends on ③ counts on ④ relies on (10) (11)I certainly agree ( )you on this point. (駒淫大) ① with ② at ③ in ④ for ートフォン 、( を手に入れた。 (12)「すみません, このジャケットが気に入りました。 試着してもいいですか」 「もちろんです」 2 (愛知学院大) )?""Sure." “Excuse me, I like this jacket. May I try it ( 0 on 2 for ③ off ④ in (12) (13) そのスキャンダルの結果, 2人の大臣が辞任した。(中央大) The scandal ( O brought 2 led ③ took ④ made ) to the resignation of two ministers. (13) 2(14)1 ran ( ) one of my old friends on my way back home. (摂南大) 0 through ② out ③ away ④ into (14) _7 4

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