


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


Vocabulary skills: Collocations Read the text. Then find verbs that collocate with the words and phrases below. Write the infinitive of each verb. KEY VOCABULARY SKILLS STUDY SHEET 7, PAGE 164 The Duke of Edinburgh’'s Award The Duke of Edinburgh's Award (known as the DofE) began in the U.K. in 1956. It gives young people from all backgrounds an opportunity to experience challenge and adventure, acquire new skills, and make new friends. Each year, participants between the ages of 14 and 24 complete many hours of voluntary community work. There are three levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each one requires increasing commitment, so you can choose which level is best for you. There are four sections at Bronze and Silver level, and five at Gold. These sections combine practical, cultural, and adventurous activities. Achieving a Duke of Edinburgh's Award helps young people to develop a sense of responsibility, and promotes values of persistence, commitment, and enterprise. It has a lasting impact on young people's behavior, skils, and life chances. In 1988, the DofE was expanded to become international. These days, over 635,000 participants around the world are achieving a DofE at any one time. Since the DofE began, Over six million young people in over 123 countries have taken part, and it continues to grow in popularity. 1 an appointment / small talk / progress success / your goals / independence dark / older / crops 2 4 a course / a form / an exercise someone a chance / a talk / feedback 5 awareness / growth / competition a qualification / knowledge / a reputation for something a problem / dificulty / something at first hand a friendship / a taste for something / an idea 6 7 8 9 Predicting Look at the title of the information sheet you’re going to read. Discus with a partner what. think you'll read about. Gnbal Youth Service Day

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