


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

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Topic Agree or Disagree: Help from the local community is crucial for raising children POINTS → discipline、safety、working parents、privacy 「肯定意見」 Iagree with the statement that help from the local community is crucial for raising children. There are two reasons to support this contention: the promotion in working for parents and the respect of discipline. These days, almost all the companies in Japan are facing the problem which is how they treat their employees who have children. In fact, these people, especially women, have difficulty in working. What the matters worse, many of them are forced to quit their job because of raising children. To deal with this problem, it is necessary for the local community to help parents raise children. Moreover, help from others will lead to promote the rate of women who continued working after childbirth. In other words, thanks to help from the local society, Japanese companies can improve their working environment. In addition to this, children will be sociable and polite if they are taken care of by another person of family. Also, children will realize the importance of cooperation with others. For these reasons, I strongly believe the local society should do more for parents who raise children.

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


文法·語量 会話 作文 ● 5 下線部の発音が他の3つと異なるものを選べ。Cirack 03 1. ア. wanted 2. ア.wool 3. ア.farm 1 日本語の意味に合うように( )に適語を入れよ。 イ. stopped ウ、marked エ, washed 詞1.私はその店に走って行ったが,結局閉まっていることが分かっただけだった。 I ran to the store, ( 2.その人は親切にも道を教えてくれた。 The person was kind ( 3.その先生が親切にも私を助けてくれた。 イ. foot ウ, through エ. pull ) find it closed. イ. star ウ) warm エ. garden 4. ア. act イ.salad ウ、 habit , calm エ. southern ) to tell me the way. 5.ア. loud イ. honey ウ. country The teacher was so kind ( to ) help me. 6 次の会話が成立するように( )に適語を入れよ。 ただし,( )内に文字がある場合は 4.私は一言も開き漏らさないように注意深く耳を傾けた。 I listened carefully so ( 5.彼は成長して偉大な科学者になった。 その文字から始まる語を答えること。 Track 04,05, 06,07,08 ) not to miss a single word. 1. A:I'm going to New York next week. He grew up( )a great scientist. B:Iwant( ) call me when you get there. 2. A:Anne, I'd like to (i B:Nice to meet you, Ken. I'm Anne. 3. A:Iwant to learn Chinese. Isn't there anyone who can teach me? ) to my son, Ken. 2」 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適語を入れよ。 S Do you mind if I open the window? ) Yoko's brother? He speaks Chinese B:(H 1. Do you mind ( *My mother insisted that I should see a doctor. 2. My mother insisted on ( I )(opehing ) the window? very well. )a doctor. 4. A:Do you know that woman? A:The tall one with long hair. 3 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適語を入れよ。 She spent the whole day just watching television. 1. She did nothing ( 5.A:What country are you from? B:India. A:What's the climate (1 B:It's often very hot in the summer. ) watch television all day. ) in India? Why don't we go to the bookstore? 2. How about( ) to the bookstore? When I hear the song, I always think of my youth. 3. The song always ( 」次の文を英語に直せ。 1.君はそんなに速く歩く必要はない。 (0.5参照) )me of my youth. This bicycle does not belong to me. 4. This bicycle is not ( 2. あなたは将来何になりたいのですか。 (2.7参照) )内の語(旬)を並べかえよ。 4 日本語の文に合うように( 1.先生が私たちにその町の地図を見せてくれた。 (teacher / us / a / our / town / map / of / the / showed). 3. 心配するな。ぐっすり眠ったら気分も良くなるよ。 (ll.7~8参照) 2. エネルギーを浪費するのはいけないと思う。 I(waste / it/ to / energy / think / wrong). 7

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