


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

なぜ赤線のやくになるのかわかりません また半インテリ 四半分インテリとはどういう意味ですか?

たの文を読み,要皆を二つに分けて, それぞれ (1) 「普通教育普及の人害 ) ② 「その届害をのぞく可能性は…] という書き出しで, 1) は45字 5 字まで. (⑫) は30 字から 40 字までの宇数で記せ。ただし指定の書き 出しの文句も字数に入れる。 (名読点も字数に入れる。) j Our modern system of popular education was indeed indispensable and has conferred great benefits on the country, but it has been a disappointment in some important respects.②Generally speaking, has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish : what is worth reading, an easy prey to sensations and cheap appeals. ③Consequently both literature and journalism have been to a large extent debased since 1870, because they now entertain millions of halfeducated and quarter-educated people, whose forbears, not being ④The small highly educated class no longer sets the standard to | | tme extent (hat it used to do, and tends to adopt the standards ot the majority. ⑤ Whether in the twentieth or twenty-first century the Jower forms of literature and journalism will completely devour the higher has yet to be seen. ⑥If they do not,it will be due to 5 improved Secondary and Higher Education forming a sufficiently ]arge class to perpetuate a demand for things really worth reading GZ5 [注] forbears = ancestors perpetuate = preserve, keep up

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