


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


/18 30秒) 1 次の文が下線部Oと同じ意味になるように、( )に適切な語を入れなさい。 (完着8点) mo ( ) ( ax) for 40 years in which creative writing ( at the talent ication, can is it that a 2(0)に入れるのに最も適切な語句をa~dの中から選び, 記号で答えなさい。 (8点) a. had b. had been C. has d. have vears, has 3( ③ )に入れるのに最も適切な語をa~dの中から選び, 記号で答えなさい。 (8点) Creative a. guilty b./ successful suitable d. wrong C. v, was to writers, 4 第1~3段落の内容と一致するものをa~eの中から2つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。(完答10点) rse. i bodeinn d w 1 The talent needed to write a novelmust be developed in university courses. a. y those ut they -hieved b. If creative writing not really a skill that can be taught in university courses, one cannot explain how the UEA's course has produced so many successful writers. About 40 years ago, the creative writing course at UEA was established to C to be train future writers, but now its original purpose has totally changed. d. Some in the literary world were doubtful of the UEA's creative writing course, ed as claiming that the craft of writing fiction should not be taught at universities. e. The creative writing course at UEA is so popular that every student who applies is accepted to the course. ain's most nual 5 第4~6段落の内容と一致するものを a~eの中から2つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。(完答10点) not a. Rose Tremain, a former student of UEA, is writinga success story about the DSd beti creative writing course. m re b. Those who achieve excellent grades in UEA's course are promised to have 1. their works published. S c. The author of The Underground Man, Mick Jackson, feels that UEA's course was useful to him in his career as a writer. d. Students of the creative writing course at UEA come together to talk about strengths and weaknesses of each other's writing. e. Mick Jackson describes the education system in the creative writing course as a “support mechanism” because its program provides the opportunity to work on his own. 解答·解説集 p.16 か を世料する |重要単語·熟語チェック 辞書で意味を確認しよう 1. the case /6a kérs/ 圏 4. acknowledge /akná:lid3/画® 2.a succession of ~ 5.criticize /kritasàrz/■ ® 分の様にする 6. pursuit /pars(j)ú:t/図 3. take credit for ~

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

高一英語です。 これは僕が学校で使用する教科書で比較のところです。 この教科書のにおけるLesson22(1枚目)のBの③とDの⑧の違いとCの⑦のmuch, far, a lot の使い分け、Lesson23(2枚目)のAの③の by far と much の使い分けとCの... 続きを読む

oraっ2・ Teteme dlleeme fuHを作のがae.)となる| なのちと ゅ4 de に し jmoney 9 1 eearns 9 md s .…)の閣順に潤考。 PD TRI as ag00d Student as とはしない、| RM 2 5 orasto+ 95: 衝 Se0 すべき応上を全比較の丈 中 ice as exDenSiVe a8 that N ー mW possible: 5 Cc Tas+原統+as.…) 「…の〇倍ごだ] G+原最+as possible〉 「できるだけ…」 : はは蘭+8Scan)る同じ意味。 ReDI 19 the ISHef a9 900m a8 YO cam 3 C 比級を使う比較の文 TREETO 上 @ Tokyo Tower is taller than the Eifiel Tower am @ Imagination is more important than knowledge. 思 に @Ithink he is much smarter than me 3 9 (than ….) 「…よりもだ] (5比較表のつく方 時還、) (@還es+原板+than.…) 「…よりーでない」 (motaslso] +原級+as .…)で表現するのがー抽 This car was less expensive than my previous One。 E Tis earwas not ss expensive as my previoUS @ This iower is six meters talleW 到 9 The populaton ofKobe js about This toweris alerthan okyo To 0 上の対象の表し方:as やham 2 DP86 (he+還rof。)語

回答募集中 回答数: 0
TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

高一英語です。 これは僕が学校で使用する教科書で比較のところです。 この教科書のにおけるLesson22(1枚目)のBの③とDの⑧の違いとCの⑦のmuch, far, a lot の使い分け、Lesson23(2枚目)のAの③の by far と much の使い分けとCの... 続きを読む

oraっ2・ Teteme dlleeme fuHを作のがae.)となる| なのちと ゅ4 de に し jmoney 9 1 eearns 9 md s .…)の閣順に潤考。 PD TRI as ag00d Student as とはしない、| RM 2 5 orasto+ 95: 衝 Se0 すべき応上を全比較の丈 中 ice as exDenSiVe a8 that N ー mW possible: 5 Cc Tas+原統+as.…) 「…の〇倍ごだ] G+原最+as possible〉 「できるだけ…」 : はは蘭+8Scan)る同じ意味。 ReDI 19 the ISHef a9 900m a8 YO cam 3 C 比級を使う比較の文 TREETO 上 @ Tokyo Tower is taller than the Eifiel Tower am @ Imagination is more important than knowledge. 思 に @Ithink he is much smarter than me 3 9 (than ….) 「…よりもだ] (5比較表のつく方 時還、) (@還es+原板+than.…) 「…よりーでない」 (motaslso] +原級+as .…)で表現するのがー抽 This car was less expensive than my previous One。 E Tis earwas not ss expensive as my previoUS @ This iower is six meters talleW 到 9 The populaton ofKobe js about This toweris alerthan okyo To 0 上の対象の表し方:as やham 2 DP86 (he+還rof。)語

回答募集中 回答数: 0
TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

171番について教えて頂けないでしょうか?🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ 文章が長くてすみません。 正解はBですが、Dも正解ではないのかな?と思いました。 消去法で考えて一番妥当なのはBだというのは分かりますが、 “ Please bring your resume” っ... 続きを読む

23:37 2月8日(土) た3 描画 Study Sapuri English 実 ピロ 滞題集 VoL1 白黒 Questions 169-171 refer to the following Web page. Sector: Real Estate>Property management>Entry level positlons ぁ History | Initiatives | Volunteerng| Donate Posted on 11 March Enereetic person required by central Birmingham property management firm. WTT Partners manages a large number of rental apartments and houses throughout Birminsgham on behalf of their owners. Duties will include: *・ Finding tenants for vacant DrOperties ・ Mediating between tenants and owners to solve any Droblems ・ Checking that properties are well maintained ・ Ensuring prompt payment of monthly rents The successful candidate must: ・ Beable to work on his or her own ・ Be fully computer literate ・ Be able to relate to people from different backsrounds ・ Possess a driver's license and preferably own a vehicle ・ Have a minimum of a high school diploma ・ Be willing to work irregular hours and days We will provide: *・ Full training and support Applicants should contact Amanda Cummings at 0191-S55-3399 within the week to arrange a face-to-face interview at our offices on Broad Strcct. 逢6Sbming7Ow@SMm@. We cxpect candidates to be professionally dressed to reflect their seriousness about the job. The Position will begin on 1 May. No exceptions can be made concerning the start date. ・ Astarting salary of 1.650 with annual raises based on performance | | 169. What is implied about the job? (A) It is a management-level position. (B) It involves travel. (C) Its duties include bookkeeping. (D) It is focused on building maintenance. 170. What are candidates NOT required to have? A) Managerial experience B) Skills to use a computer C) Educational qualifications D) Communication skills ( ( ( ( 171. What should applicants do? (A) Send a career summary before calling the company 人 Wear business attire at an interview (C) Get in touch with Ms. Cummings on May 1 (D) Bring a completed application form to the firm's office

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