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Bahasa Inggris SMA

past tense dan present perfect tense dari nomor 22 sampai 26

s. P hy I went ble at the Fersity in rom niversity? D eekend? house. don't like Ocabulary Windi Aska 137 Setiabudhi Street Bandung 17th May, 2018 Dear Yoga, Yesterday, I received your very interesting letter. I remember I 22)... you my last letter about three months ago. Since then a lot of things happened. To begin with, I. must tell you that my uncle and aunt from America visited us last week. They 23)... in New York for ten years now and they still like it there. As a teacher of English I 24). obliged to make the most of this opportunity to speak English. I 25... so much English in such a short time. It was a good chance to practice my English. Before I forget, I 26).. a ticket for a pop concert, which will be used on next Saturday. 27).. at a concert? Well, I haven't. So, I am really looking forward to it. In the letter, you 28) me three months ago you asked me if I like my new job. Well, Yoga it is the best thing that 29)... to me in my life. Please write back soon. Warm Regards, Windi Aska 22. a. b. C. 23. Wing text is for questions number 22 to 29. a. b. C. 24. a. b. C. 25. a. b. C. d. e. 26. a. b. C. send sent has sent lives lived has lived feel felt Has feel Don't' ever speak Never speak Didn't ever speak Has never spoken Hasn't ever spoken get Did get Has just get d. e. d. e. d. e. d. e. has send have sent have lived living has felt have felt Have just got Gotten The Wright Brothers 67

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Bahasa Indonesia SMP

tolong dong, ubahlah beberapa kalimat pasif di bawah ini menjadi kalimat aktif.

Kerjakan soal-soal ber Kutipan teks berikut untuk soal nomor 1-3. Total kandungan sukrosa pada gula aren diuji menggunakan hidrolisa enzimatik dan HCI yang kemudian diikuti dengan analisis Lane- Eynon yang dilakukan dengan cara titrasi. Pada awal penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan metode terlebih dahulu dengan sampel yang digunakan. Sukrosa sebanyak 10 g ditambah 1 g dekstrosa sehingga volume total brix pada sampel adalah 11 dan pH buffer 4,6. Selanjutnya, dilakukan titrasi pada sampel yang menggunakan enzim dan tidak menggunakan ALASSEll ponen Kutipan teks berikut untuk Minuman susu fermentasi dibuat dengan cara memfermentasi susu bubuk krim (susu UHT) yang mengandung bakteri asam laktat hidup Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain. Pada 1930, almarhum Dr. Minoru Shirota, pendiri perusahaan susu fermentasi, telah berhasil mengulturkan berbagai jenis bakteri asam laktat dan memilih satu jenis bakteri bersifat paling tahan terhadap cairan pencernaan. Dr. Minoru Shirota juga. memperkuat bakteri menjadi strain baru unggul. 4. Tentukan penggunaan kato come enzim. Titrasi dengan enzim digunakan beberapa variasi konsentrasi enzim dan lama waktu inkubasi dengan tiga kali ulangan. Enzim glukoamilase sebanyak 0,4 mg dilarutkan ke dalam 50 mL akuades. Larutan ini menjadi larutan baku untuk enzim. Variasi konsentarsi enzim yang diuji dengan melarutkan masing- masing sebanyak 200, 400, 600, 800 dan 1.000 uL larutan enzim ke dalam larutan gula. Sumber: viewFile/2068/1641, diakses 16 Februari 2021 Oleh karena itu, berbeda dengan bakteri lain, bakteri ini dapat menaklukkan berbagai hambatan physiological. Salah satu hambatan tersebut, seperti asam lambung dan cairan empedu sehingga dapat mencapai dan bertahan hidup dalam usus manusia. Sumber: KUNJUNGAN_ STUDI LAPANGAN_Proses Pembuatan_Yakult_ MAKALAH_Diajukan untuk Memenuhi_Salah satu Tugas Oleh_TEDY_TARUDIN_NIM_1000684_ JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN TEKNOLOGI_ AGROINDUSTRI, diakses 16 Februari 2021

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

Tolong dibantu 🙏🙏

Make a caption based on the picture with your own ideas creatively. The total of XII Students in Mentari Jaya Activity 2 Aeria Text 2 Exhi Text 1 High School for 5 years. Out Female Total "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; Year Male No. 2017 98 107 205 1. 110 133 243 I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend." 2. 2018 124 131 255 I. C 3. 2019 2020 102 98 200 4. - Albert Camus - 108 102 210 5. 2021 Text 3 An aerial view of the Pibor River flowing across the landscape between Boma and Badingilo National Parks in South Sudan on February 4th, 2020. (Source: AFP/Tony Karumba) Activity 3 National Character Answer the questions based on the captions on Task 2! 1. What kind of captions are they? 2. What does the caption of Text 1 mean? 3. What information can we get from the caption of Text 2? Communicative, creative, disciplined, hard- working, and responsible Students do the activity in a controlled way, not likely to cheat, not influenced by others, and having control over the task. Students also practice to tell about the message of some captions creatively and independently, make their own captions independently and creatively, and practice some dialogues which contain some captions with ther friends communicatively. 4. What is the purpose of the caption of the Text 3? 5. What information can we get from the caption of Text 3? Activity 4 Do the following tasks! Take a picture of an activity in your school. Present your work in front of the class. Bahasa Inggris XII

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