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Bahasa Indonesia SMA

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vivo Y12s Perbal: Jurnal Pertanian Berkelanjutan Volume 12 No.2 Juli 2024 ISSN 2302-6944, e-ISSN 2581-1649 UJI BEBERAPA EKSTRAK TUMBUHAN TERHADAP HAMA KUTU DAUN PADA TANAMAN CARAI (Capsicum annum L.) Test Several Plant Extracts Against Aphid Pests on Chili Plants (Capsicum annum L.) Asri Jaya', Fenny Hasanuddin, Nining Triand Thamrin 1.2.3 Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang "" ABSTRAK Cabal rawit merupakan salah satu komoditas sayuran yang banyak dibudidayakan petani di indonesia karena memiliki harga jual yang tinggi dan dijadikan sebagai bumbu dengan rasa pedas pada aneka masakan. Salah satu kendala yang kerap ditemukan dilapangan adalah adanya serangan kutu daun pada tanaman cabai sehingga berkurangnya produk tanaman cabal. Kutu daun (Aphis gossypii) dapat menyebabkan kerugian secara langsung yaitu mengisap cairan tanaman. Tanaman yang terserang daunnya menjadi keriput dan terpelintir, dan pertumbuhan tanaman menjadi terhambat (kerdil). Kerusakan pada daun muda yang menyebabkan bentuk daun keriput menghadap ke bawah adalah ciri spesifik gangguan kutu daun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ekstrak tumbuhan terhadap hama kutu daun pada tanaman cabai dan untuk mengetahui ekstrak tumbuhan mana yang memberikan pengaruh terhadap hama kutu daun pada tanaman cabai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari - Maret 2024 di lahan percobaan Desa Abbokongang, Kecamatan Kulo, Kabupaten Sidrap. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK). dengan 5 perlakuan, diulang sebanyak 3 kali terdapat 15 unit percobaan, PO : Tanpa perlakuan (kontrol), P1 Pemberian ekstrak tembakau sebanyak 40 ml + 100 ml air, P2 :Pemberian ekstrak sereh sebanyak 40 ml + 100 ml air, P3 Pemberian ekstrak daun jeruk sebanyak 40 ml + 100 ml air, P4 :Pemberian ekstrak daun pepaya sebanyak 40 ml + 100 ml air. Setiap unit percobaan terdiri atas 3 sampel tanaman, sehingga terdapat 45 unit tanaman percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak tumbuhan memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap pengendalian hama kutu daun. Diantara beberapa perlakuan yang digunakan, ekstrak tembakau memiliki persentase mortalitas tertinggi yakni 55,56% dengan intensitas serangan terendah 14,3% kategori ringan. Kata kunci: cabai, daun jeruk, daun papaya, kutu daun, sereh, tembakau ABSTRACT Cayenne pepper is a vegetable commodity that is widely cultivated by farmers in Indonesia because it has a high selling price and is used as a spice with a spicy taste in various dishes. One of the obstacles that is often found in the field is the attack of aphids on chili plants resulting in a reduction in chili plant products. Aphids (Aphis gossypii.) Can cause direct harm by sucking plant fluids. Plants that are attacked have their leaves wrinkled and twisted, and Search IA

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

tolong kak buat kesimpulannya

09.05 42 *l.l LTED 1] 2. Read the two stories carefully. Story 1 Once upon a time, there was a boy who had a pet fish named Tommy. He kept the fish in a barrel until it got pretty big. The boy had to change a good deal of water for Tommy. His laziness in changing the water gave him the idea to teach Tommy to live without water. He took Tommy out of the barrel. After only a few minutes, Tommy began to cry for water. "Stop crying!" said the boy, "I will teach you how to live without water." But how could Tommy live without water? The boy was persistent. He kept taking Tommy out of the barrel. Day by day, Tommy lived on the land for longer periods of time. After a while Tommy could wag its tail on the wet grass and he was happy to show off to the boy. Eventually, Tommy could live on the wet grass all night. "I can live on the land just fine if I am in the shade," said Tommy. The boy was very pleased with Tommy's progress. He told Tommy to live without water for the rest of his life. He promised to bring Tommy everywhere if he learned to stay under the sun. Tommy now lived without water. He could walk down the dusty road under the hot sun. He followed the boy around like a dog with its owner. When the boy looked for worms to eat, Tommy tagged along and got some for himself. The townspeople were amused looking at a fish walking on its tail. They wondered how the boy had taught Tommy. "That's a long story," answered the boy. Those who were rolling in money offered to buy Tommy, but the boy never wanted to sell Tommy. The story of how the boy lost Tommy is sad and unusual at the same time. On Tommy's birthday, the boy took Tommy to town. He had warned Tommy about the town's old bridge they would cross because there were a lot of holes in the bridge. When they walked on the bridge, the boy forgot about Tommy, who was tagging along behind him. He was looked back to warn Tommy about the holes, but it was too late. Tommy was nowhere to be seen. The boy braced himself to look through the holes. From one of the holes, he saw Tommy floating on the water. Tommy had fallen through the hole into the river and drowned. (PR/100%/GG) Otorisasi sistem untuk mengedit file ini. A 10 Edit × Otorisasi Isi & Tanda Anotasi Konversi Semua Tangan

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

unsur unsur intrinsik dalam cerita tersebut

07.17 ← 2. Read the two stories c... LTE1 4G+ .ill .ill 95% A 2. Read the two stories carefully. Story 1 Once upon a time, there was a boy who had a pet fish named Tommy. He kept the fish in a barrel until it got pretty big. The boy had to change a good deal of water for Tommy. His laziness in changing the water gave him the idea to teach Tommy to live without water. He took Tommy out of the barrel. After only a few minutes, Tommy began to cry for water. "Stop crying!" said the boy, "I will teach you how to live without water." But how could Tommy live without water? The boy was persistent. He kept taking Tommy out of the barrel. Day by day, Tommy lived on the land for longer periods of time. After a while Tommy could wag its tail on the wet grass and he was happy to show off to the boy. Eventually, Tommy could live on the wet grass all night. "I can live on the land just fine if I am in the shade," said Tommy. The boy was very pleased with Tommy's progress. He told Tommy to live without water for the rest of his life. He promised to bring Tommy everywhere if he learned to stay under the sun. Tommy now lived without water. He could walk down the dusty road under the hot sun. He followed the boy around like a dog with its owner. When the boy looked for worms to eat, Tommy tagged along and got some for himself. The townspeople were amused looking at a fish walking on its tail. They wondered how the boy had taught Tommy. "That's a long story," answered the boy. Those who were rolling in money offered to buy Tommy, but the boy never wanted to sell Tommy. The story of how the boy lost Tommy is sad and unusual at the same time. On Tommy's birthday, the boy took Tommy to town. He had warned Tommy about the town's old bridge they would cross because there were a lot of holes in the bridge. When they walked on the bridge, the boy forgot about Tommy, who was tagging along behind him. He was looked back to warn Tommy about the holes, but it was too late. Tommy was nowhere to be seen. The boy braced himself to look through the holes. From one of the holes, he saw Tommy floating on the water. Tommy had fallen through the hole into the river and drowned. (PR/100%/GG) Story 2 Unit 1 New Ways of Looking at Life O III = 5

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Ekonomi SMA

revie tentang analisis pertumbuhan ekonomi

03.29 4G KB/S + :D 52 i Analisis kausalitas pertumbuhan ekonomi terhadap ketim 1 dari 10 + e-Jurnal Perspektif Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Daerah Vol. 11. No. 1, Januari - April 2022 ISSN: 2303-1255 (online) Analisis kausalitas pertumbuhan ekonomi terhadap ketimpangan distribusi pendapatan di Indonesia (1999-2019) Granger Causality Rizky Enggar Wishartama*; Zulgani; Rosmeli Prodi Ekonomi Pembangunan, Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Jambi Abstract *E-mail korespondensi: The theory of economic growth states that an increase in economic growth will increase per capita income, decrease inequality in income distribution, and will have an impact on reducing the number of poor people, but an increase in economic growth also has an impact on an increase in the poor population, and an increase in income distribution inequality. So that the purpose of this study is to analyze the causality of economic growth and inequality of income distribution in Indonesia. The data that will be used in this research is secondary data which is time series from 1998-2019 obtained from the World Bank and the Central Bureau of Statistics. The analysis model used is the Granger Causality Test analysis. The variables that will be used in this research are GDP Indonesian at constant prices and the Gini ratio. Based on the results of this study, the development of Indonesia's gross domestic product based on the results of the Granger causality tends to affect the Gini Rato variable longer than the other way around. Keywords: Economic growth, GDP, inequality in income distribution, Gini ratio causality granger Abstrak Teori pertumbuhan ekonomi menyatakan peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi akan menaikkan pendapatan perkapita, menurunnya ketimpangan distribusi pendapatan, dan akan berdampak pada penurunan jumlah penduduk miskin, namun yang terjadi peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi juga berdampak pada peningkatan penduduk miskin, dan meningkatnya ketimpanan distribusi pendapatan. Sehingga tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kausalitas Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Ketimpangan Distribusi Pendapatan di Indonesia. Data yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang bersifat time series dari tahun 1998-2019 yang diperoleh dari World Bank dan Badan Pusat Statistik, Model analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis Granger Causality Test. Variabel yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah PDB Indonesia atas dasar harga konstan, dan gini ratio. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini bahwa perkembangan produk domestic bruto Indonesia berdasarkan hasil kausalitas granger mengalami kecenderungan mempengaruhi variabel gini rato lebih lama dari pada sebaliknya. Kata kunci: Pertumbuhan ekonomi, Produk domestik bruto, Ketimpangan distribusi pendapatan, Gini ratio causality granger. PENDAHULUAN Pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan sebuah proses peningkatan pendapatan berjangka panjang. tolak ukur dari pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan suatu ukuran kuantitatif dalam menggambarkan perkembangan suatu perekonomian dalam tahun tertentu dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya. Dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi belum 37 e-Jurnal Perspektif Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Daerah Vol. 11. No. 1, Januari - April 2022 ISSN: 2303-1255 (online) tentu adanya pembangunan ekonomi. Pembangunan Ekonomi adalah suatu proses yang menyebabkan pendapatan perkapita suatu masyarakat meningkat dalam jangka panjang, dimana tujuan pembangunan ekonomi ialah untuk memakmurkan masyarakat melalui pendapatan perkapitanya. Pembangunan ekonomi adalah suatu proses multidimensional yang melibatkan berbagai perubahan-perubahan mendasar dalam struktur sosial, tingkah laku sosial, dan institusi sosial, disamping akselerasi pertumbuhan ekonomi, pemerataan ketimpangan ☐

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Cara Menggunakan Clearnote SMA

riview kan jurnal tersebut

17:39 G ← DOC-20240302-WA0048._053234.pdf - Baca-saja K 7 KY L Clara Nuhermaria Agusta", Lydia Freyani Hawadi² 1,2Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia Depok E-mail korespondensi: " Keywords: academic hope, academic resilience, covid-19, student engagement, subjective well- being Kata kunci: academic hope, academic resilience, covid-19, student engagement, subjective well- being Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic has brought challenges to the field of education, especially with the student learning process. The situation has affected students' emotional state and level of subjective well-being. Therefore, this study examined the mediating role of academic hope on the associations between academic resilience, student engagement, and subjective well-being. The participants consisted of 509 senior high school and vocational students [402 females (79%), and 107 males (21%)]. Data were collected using the Brief Adolescence Subjective Well-Being Scale in School (BASWBSS), Academic Resilience Scale, Student Engagement during Learning Activities, and Domain Specific Hope Scale. The structural equation modeling (SEM) results indicated that academic hope fully mediates the impact of student engagement on subjective well-being, and partially mediated the impact of academic resilience on subjective well-being. The findings of this study can be used. as a reference for school psychologists to develop academic resilience, student engagement, and academic hope to improve students' subjective well-being. 69 Abstrak Pandemi Covid-19 telah membawa sejumlah tantangan pada bidang pendidikan, khususnya pada proses belajar siswa. Situasi pandemi telah mempengaruhi kondisi emosi siswa dan tingkat subjective well-being. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran mediasi academic hope dalam hubungan antara academic resilience, student engagement, dan subjective well-being. Partisipan dari penelitian in iadalah 509 siswa tingkat SMA Negeri dan swasta [402 perempuan (79%), dan 107 laki-laki (21%)]. Data penelitian diambil dengan menggunakan kuesioner Brief Adolescence Subjective Well-Being Scale in School (BASWBSS), Academic Resilience Scale, Student Engagement during Learning Activities, dan Domain Spesific Hope Scale. Hasil analisis data yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan structural equation Clara Nuhermaria Agusta, Lydia Freyani Hawadi 231 JURNAL PSIKOLOGI Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan modelling (SEM) menunjukkan bahwa academic hope memedlasdarih22bungan antara student engagement dan subjective well-being, dan memediasi secara parsial hubungan antara academic resilience dan subjective well-being. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat digunakan oleh konselor dan psikolog sekolah sebagai referensi untuk mengembangkan academic

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

past tense dan present perfect tense dari nomor 22 sampai 26

s. P hy I went ble at the Fersity in rom niversity? D eekend? house. don't like Ocabulary Windi Aska 137 Setiabudhi Street Bandung 17th May, 2018 Dear Yoga, Yesterday, I received your very interesting letter. I remember I 22)... you my last letter about three months ago. Since then a lot of things happened. To begin with, I. must tell you that my uncle and aunt from America visited us last week. They 23)... in New York for ten years now and they still like it there. As a teacher of English I 24). obliged to make the most of this opportunity to speak English. I 25... so much English in such a short time. It was a good chance to practice my English. Before I forget, I 26).. a ticket for a pop concert, which will be used on next Saturday. 27).. at a concert? Well, I haven't. So, I am really looking forward to it. In the letter, you 28) me three months ago you asked me if I like my new job. Well, Yoga it is the best thing that 29)... to me in my life. Please write back soon. Warm Regards, Windi Aska 22. a. b. C. 23. Wing text is for questions number 22 to 29. a. b. C. 24. a. b. C. 25. a. b. C. d. e. 26. a. b. C. send sent has sent lives lived has lived feel felt Has feel Don't' ever speak Never speak Didn't ever speak Has never spoken Hasn't ever spoken get Did get Has just get d. e. d. e. d. e. d. e. has send have sent have lived living has felt have felt Have just got Gotten The Wright Brothers 67

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

tolong bantuin pliss

Setelah memahami struktur teks diatas cobalah mengidentifikasi struktur teks b erikut. Cats Cats also called the domestic cat or house cat (with its scientific name: Felis silvestris catus or Felis catus) is a type of carnivorous mammal of the family Felidae. The word "cat" generally refers to a "cat" that has been tamed, but can also refer to the "big cats" such as lions and tigers. Cats are considered as "perfect carnivore" with teeth and particular digestive tract. The first premolar and molar teeth form a pair of fangs on each side of the mouth that works effectively as a pair of scissors to tear the meat. Page 9 Unit KegiatanBelajar Bhs. Inggris X 3.8 dan 4.8 Although the se features also exist in the Canidae or dog, but these traits are better developed in cats. Unlike other carnivores, cats eat almost non vegetable substance. Bears and dogs sometimes eat berries, roots, or honey as a supplement, while cats only eat meat, usually freshly killed prey. Ih captivity, cats can not adapt to a vegetarian diet because they can not synthesize all the amino acids they need from plant material; it is in contrast with domesticated dogs, which commonly are fed a mixture of meat and vegetables and sometimes it can adapt to a completely vegetarian meal. Cats have mingled with human life since at least 6000 BC, from the skeleton of the cat found on the island of Cyprus. The ancient Egyptians of 3500 BC have used cats to keep away the rats or other rodents from the barn where the crops were saved.Currently, the cat is one of the most popular pet in the world. Cats that his lines are recorded officially as a cat breeds or pure breed are Persian, Siamese, Manx, and the sphinx. These kinds of cat are usually bred in official captivity animal. The number of purebred cat is only 1% of all cats in the world; the est is a cat with mixed ancestry such as wild cats or domestic cats.

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