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22.45 Check for updates O 61% Editorial Effective Strategies for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders H HAMMILL INSTITUTE ON DISABILITIES Beyond Behavior 2021. Vol. 30(1) 3 Hammill Institute on Disabilities 2021 Artide reuse guidelines: DOI: 10.1177/10742956211004242 SSAGE Students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) experience a combination of academic and social-emotional- behavioral deficits in comparison to their peers. This is why focusing on comprehensive support programs for students with EBD is a logical approach for school-based profession- als who work with this population. This first issue of Beyond Behavior's 30th volume encompasses six articles that pro- vide exceptional guidance for practitioners on a variety of topics that can have a positive impact on both their profes- sional actions and outcomes for students with EBD. Effective management of paraeducators is the focus of the first article, authored by Sarah Douglas and Denise Uitto. Described within is a collaborative four-stage model to ensure paraeducators are trained on the necessary knowl- edge and skills required to support students with challeng- ing behaviors and support specially designed programming. The model clarifies paraeducator responsibilities and defines training needs, creates training plans that align with adult learning principles, implements training using coach- ing with performance feedback, and documents paraeduca- tor performance. Intensification of special education programming efforts is central to the issue's second and third articles. Skip Kumm and Daniel Maggin provide an overview of goal- setting interventions that can be tailored to a myriad of dif- ferent student behavioral profiles and functions. The authors describe a goal-setting implementation process as well an intensification process when outcomes fail to meet expecta- tions. Their intensification process focuses on addressing treatment dosage, alignment, and comprehensiveness. The third article by Kary Zarate and Daniel Maggin shows how video modeling (VM) can be used as a powerful tool to sup- port skill acquisition and generalization for students with and without EBD. The authors offer an overview of VM's positive evidence base, reasons why VM is effective, and step-by-step guidance for VM implementation and intensi- fication that meets the needs of students with challenging behavior. The fourth article by Sanikan Wattanawongwan, S. D. Smith, and Kimberly Vannest focuses on guidance regard- ing how to improve social and emotional learning outcomes using cooperative group activities. Their implementation framework highlights the five instructional steps of plan- ning, introducing, monitoring, assessing, and processing. The authors also address skills generalization. In the fifth article, Ashli Tyre and Laura Feuerborn give professionals a host of suggestions for addressing staff per- ceptions that can interfere with successful implementation of positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) frameworks. The authors coin problematic personnel per- ceptions as "misses." Their article identifies 10 common misses and then offers research- and/or practice-based sug- gestions to promote staff engagement, professional devel- opment, and support for implementation. The final article details the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders' (CCRD) position statement on the use of physical restraint procedures in schools. In the posi- tion paper, Lee Kern, Sarup Mathur, and Reece Peterson outline the ethical and safety concems regarding the use of physical restraints with students and make recommenda- tions for best practice. The latter include (1) conducting a comprehensive screening to identify all students with edu- cational and/or mental health needs, (2) completing appro- priate assessments (e.g., FBA) for those suspected of having intensive needs, (3) implementing a continuum of research- or evidence-based interventions directed at identified needs, (4) intervening in such a way as to preserve personal dig- nity, and (5) ensuring parents and caregivers are partners and informed of school, district, and state policies pertain- ing to the use of restraint. Paul Mooney Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA Joseph B. Ryan Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA = ||| U

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17:39 G ← DOC-20240302-WA0048._053234.pdf - Baca-saja K 7 KY L Clara Nuhermaria Agusta", Lydia Freyani Hawadi² 1,2Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia Depok E-mail korespondensi: " Keywords: academic hope, academic resilience, covid-19, student engagement, subjective well- being Kata kunci: academic hope, academic resilience, covid-19, student engagement, subjective well- being Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic has brought challenges to the field of education, especially with the student learning process. The situation has affected students' emotional state and level of subjective well-being. Therefore, this study examined the mediating role of academic hope on the associations between academic resilience, student engagement, and subjective well-being. The participants consisted of 509 senior high school and vocational students [402 females (79%), and 107 males (21%)]. Data were collected using the Brief Adolescence Subjective Well-Being Scale in School (BASWBSS), Academic Resilience Scale, Student Engagement during Learning Activities, and Domain Specific Hope Scale. The structural equation modeling (SEM) results indicated that academic hope fully mediates the impact of student engagement on subjective well-being, and partially mediated the impact of academic resilience on subjective well-being. The findings of this study can be used. as a reference for school psychologists to develop academic resilience, student engagement, and academic hope to improve students' subjective well-being. 69 Abstrak Pandemi Covid-19 telah membawa sejumlah tantangan pada bidang pendidikan, khususnya pada proses belajar siswa. Situasi pandemi telah mempengaruhi kondisi emosi siswa dan tingkat subjective well-being. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran mediasi academic hope dalam hubungan antara academic resilience, student engagement, dan subjective well-being. Partisipan dari penelitian in iadalah 509 siswa tingkat SMA Negeri dan swasta [402 perempuan (79%), dan 107 laki-laki (21%)]. Data penelitian diambil dengan menggunakan kuesioner Brief Adolescence Subjective Well-Being Scale in School (BASWBSS), Academic Resilience Scale, Student Engagement during Learning Activities, dan Domain Spesific Hope Scale. Hasil analisis data yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan structural equation Clara Nuhermaria Agusta, Lydia Freyani Hawadi 231 JURNAL PSIKOLOGI Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan modelling (SEM) menunjukkan bahwa academic hope memedlasdarih22bungan antara student engagement dan subjective well-being, dan memediasi secara parsial hubungan antara academic resilience dan subjective well-being. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat digunakan oleh konselor dan psikolog sekolah sebagai referensi untuk mengembangkan academic

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Bahasa Indonesia SMA

hallo minta tolong kerjain ini pliss besok sabtu dikumpulkan plisss

berikut! lah sebuah laporan membaca buku dalam bentuk infografik, diagram tulang ikan (fishbone diagram), atau peta pikiran. Publikasikan hasilnya di mading sekolah atau media sosial agar dapat bermanfaat untuk orang lain. Lengkapi pekerjaan Anda dengan unsur-unsur laporan membaca berikut! Identitas Buku Judul Buku Penulis Penerbit No. Hal 1. Ringkasan/ikhtisar buku 2. 3. 4. Hal Manfaat buku Kekurangan dan kelebihan Kritik dan saran 5. 6. Simpulan unik/menarik/berkesan ester 2 Tahun Terbit Cetakan Ke- Tebal Halaman : Mari Beraktivitas Untuk menambah pemahaman Anda tentang teks negosiasi, kerjakan tugas berikut! 1. Bacalah teks negosiasi antara Pak Arif dan Pak Hardi berikut dengan cermat! Arif: "Selamat siang Bapak Hardi. Saya Pak Arif, pengusaha di bidang laundry." Hardi : "Selamat siang, ada apa ya, Pak?" Arif : "Saya bermaksud menyewa tanah Bapak yang ada di depan rumah Bapak untuk dibangun toko tempat usaha laundry saya Pak. Kebetulan lokasinya strategis di pinggir jalan dan dekat dengan kompleks perumahan. Saya ingin menanyakan berapa harga sewa tanah Bapak selama setahunnya?" Hardi: "Iya, Pak kebetulan saya juga ingin menyewakan tanah tersebut karena membutuhkan dana untuk biaya kuliah anak saya. Saya tawarkan harga Rp10.000.000,00 per tahunnya Pak." Arif : "Saya rasa jika Rp10.000.000,00, terlalu mahal mengingat lahan Bapak tampaknya tidak mencapai luas satu are." Hardi: "Kalau begitu saya turunkan menjadi Rp8.000.000,00 per tahunnya Pak." Arif : "Bagaimana kalau Rp6.000.000,00 saja Pak. Saya juga membutuhkan modal untuk mendirikan toko sendiri. Jika Bapak setuju saya akan menyewa selama 5 tahun dan Bapak bisa langsung menandatangani surat kontrak." Hardi: "Baiklah Pak, saya setuju." Arif: "Terima kasih Bapak karena telah menyetujui kontraknya." Hardi: "Iya Pak Arif, sama-sama." 2. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan isi teks tersebut! a. Siapa pelaku dalam dialog tersebut? A hard. b. Bagaimana cara penawar melakukan penawaran harga? c. Apakah dalam negosiasi tersebut tercapai kesepakatan? Jelaskan kesepakatan tersebut! Fum Deskripsi d. Mengapa dalam negosiasi tersebut dapat dicapai kesepakatan? e. Ubahlah teks negosiasi dalam bentuk dialog tersebut menjadi bentuk narasi! Bahasa Indonesia X GP 13. Diagram 17 J. Lat 6. Inf OOPY Manfaat 1- Pendataan Potensi SOF 12.-11- Pembangu 3. Penentuan lokasi da can

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