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Ekonomi SMA

revie tentang analisis pertumbuhan ekonomi

03.29 4G KB/S + :D 52 i Analisis kausalitas pertumbuhan ekonomi terhadap ketim 1 dari 10 + e-Jurnal Perspektif Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Daerah Vol. 11. No. 1, Januari - April 2022 ISSN: 2303-1255 (online) Analisis kausalitas pertumbuhan ekonomi terhadap ketimpangan distribusi pendapatan di Indonesia (1999-2019) Granger Causality Rizky Enggar Wishartama*; Zulgani; Rosmeli Prodi Ekonomi Pembangunan, Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Jambi Abstract *E-mail korespondensi: The theory of economic growth states that an increase in economic growth will increase per capita income, decrease inequality in income distribution, and will have an impact on reducing the number of poor people, but an increase in economic growth also has an impact on an increase in the poor population, and an increase in income distribution inequality. So that the purpose of this study is to analyze the causality of economic growth and inequality of income distribution in Indonesia. The data that will be used in this research is secondary data which is time series from 1998-2019 obtained from the World Bank and the Central Bureau of Statistics. The analysis model used is the Granger Causality Test analysis. The variables that will be used in this research are GDP Indonesian at constant prices and the Gini ratio. Based on the results of this study, the development of Indonesia's gross domestic product based on the results of the Granger causality tends to affect the Gini Rato variable longer than the other way around. Keywords: Economic growth, GDP, inequality in income distribution, Gini ratio causality granger Abstrak Teori pertumbuhan ekonomi menyatakan peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi akan menaikkan pendapatan perkapita, menurunnya ketimpangan distribusi pendapatan, dan akan berdampak pada penurunan jumlah penduduk miskin, namun yang terjadi peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi juga berdampak pada peningkatan penduduk miskin, dan meningkatnya ketimpanan distribusi pendapatan. Sehingga tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kausalitas Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Ketimpangan Distribusi Pendapatan di Indonesia. Data yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang bersifat time series dari tahun 1998-2019 yang diperoleh dari World Bank dan Badan Pusat Statistik, Model analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis Granger Causality Test. Variabel yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah PDB Indonesia atas dasar harga konstan, dan gini ratio. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini bahwa perkembangan produk domestic bruto Indonesia berdasarkan hasil kausalitas granger mengalami kecenderungan mempengaruhi variabel gini rato lebih lama dari pada sebaliknya. Kata kunci: Pertumbuhan ekonomi, Produk domestik bruto, Ketimpangan distribusi pendapatan, Gini ratio causality granger. PENDAHULUAN Pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan sebuah proses peningkatan pendapatan berjangka panjang. tolak ukur dari pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan suatu ukuran kuantitatif dalam menggambarkan perkembangan suatu perekonomian dalam tahun tertentu dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya. Dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi belum 37 e-Jurnal Perspektif Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Daerah Vol. 11. No. 1, Januari - April 2022 ISSN: 2303-1255 (online) tentu adanya pembangunan ekonomi. Pembangunan Ekonomi adalah suatu proses yang menyebabkan pendapatan perkapita suatu masyarakat meningkat dalam jangka panjang, dimana tujuan pembangunan ekonomi ialah untuk memakmurkan masyarakat melalui pendapatan perkapitanya. Pembangunan ekonomi adalah suatu proses multidimensional yang melibatkan berbagai perubahan-perubahan mendasar dalam struktur sosial, tingkah laku sosial, dan institusi sosial, disamping akselerasi pertumbuhan ekonomi, pemerataan ketimpangan ☐

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

Tolong bantu jawab task 2 saja terimakasih ^^

Task 1 Rend the text carefully and then underline the past form sentences and find out their meaning. The Youth Pledge (Indonesian: Sumpah Pemuda) was a declaration made on October 28, 1928 by young Indonesian nationalists in the second Youth Congress (Indonesian: Kongres Pemuda Kedua). They proclaimed three ideals: one motherland, one nation, and one language. The first Indonesian Youth Congress was held in Batavia, capital of the then-Dutch East Indies in 1926, It produced no formal decisions but did promote the idea of a united Indonesia. In October 1928, the Second Indonesian Youth Congress was held at three different locations. In the first session, the nope was expressed that the congress would inspire the foeling of unity. The second session saw discussions about educational issues, In the third and final session, held at Jalan Kramat Raya No. 106, on October 28" participants heard the future Indonesian national anthern Indonesia Raya by Wage Rudolf Supratman. The congress closed with a reading of the Youth Pledge. In Indonesia, with the original spelling, the pledge reads are: Pertama: Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia, mengakoe bertoempah darah jang satoe, tanah Indonesia. Kedoea: Kami poetra dan poetri Indonesia mengakoe berbangsa jang satoe, bangsa Indonesia. Ketiga: Kami poetra dan poetri indonesia mendjoendjoeng bahasa persatoean, bahasa Indonesia. (Source: Task 2 Answer the questions based on the text above. 1. What is the passage about? 2. How many times was the Youth Pledge held? 3. When did the first Indonesian Youth Congress take place? 4. Where did the lirst Indonesian Youth Congress happen? 5. When did the second Indonesian Youth Congress take place? 6. Where did the second Indonesian Youth Congress happen? 7. What is the result of the first Youth Congress? 8. What is the result of the second Youth Congress? 9. Have you read other texts that tell about historical events? 10. What are they (texts about historical event)?

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

Tolong dibantu 🙏🙏

Make a caption based on the picture with your own ideas creatively. The total of XII Students in Mentari Jaya Activity 2 Aeria Text 2 Exhi Text 1 High School for 5 years. Out Female Total "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; Year Male No. 2017 98 107 205 1. 110 133 243 I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend." 2. 2018 124 131 255 I. C 3. 2019 2020 102 98 200 4. - Albert Camus - 108 102 210 5. 2021 Text 3 An aerial view of the Pibor River flowing across the landscape between Boma and Badingilo National Parks in South Sudan on February 4th, 2020. (Source: AFP/Tony Karumba) Activity 3 National Character Answer the questions based on the captions on Task 2! 1. What kind of captions are they? 2. What does the caption of Text 1 mean? 3. What information can we get from the caption of Text 2? Communicative, creative, disciplined, hard- working, and responsible Students do the activity in a controlled way, not likely to cheat, not influenced by others, and having control over the task. Students also practice to tell about the message of some captions creatively and independently, make their own captions independently and creatively, and practice some dialogues which contain some captions with ther friends communicatively. 4. What is the purpose of the caption of the Text 3? 5. What information can we get from the caption of Text 3? Activity 4 Do the following tasks! Take a picture of an activity in your school. Present your work in front of the class. Bahasa Inggris XII

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Ekonomi SMA

bantu aku, aku mau kejar tugas yg lain dlnya cepat bgt😭

.ll Smartfren - Stay Safe ? 21.45 51% ( Kembali Pendapatan nasional Ekonom... 1. Pengertian pendapatan nasional yang benar adalah: a. Jumlah seluruh pendapatan negara dikurangi dengan jumlah pengeluaran b. Jumlah seluruh nilai balas jasa yang diterima oleh pemilik faktor produksi dikurangi pajak tak langsung c. Sisa GNP setelah dikurangi penyusutan dan penggantian barang - barang model d. Jumlah nilai barang dan jasa yang dihasilkan masyarakat dalam jangka waktu satu tahun e. Jumlah hasil ekspor selama 1 tahun setelah dikurangi impor 2. GNP dapat dihitung dengan cara: a. GDP – penyusutan b. GDP – Pajak tidak langsung c. GDP – Pendapatan netto terhadap luar negeri d. NNP – pajak tidak langsung e. NNI + transfer payment 3. Pendapatan bebas (disposible income) merupakan pendapatan perseorangan (personal income) setelah dikurangi dengan: a. Iuran jaminan sosial b. Penyusutan c. Pengeluaran konsumsi d. Pajak tidak langsung e. Pajak langsung 4. Dengan mempelajari pendapatan nasional suatu negara dapat diperoleh gambaran tentang: a. Struktur perekonomian negara tersebut b. Politik ekonomi negara tersebut c. Pembagian pendapatan nasional untuk setiap sektor produksi d. Distribusi produksi nasional untuk setiap sektor produksi Pertumbuhan ekonomi negara tersebut dari waktu ke waktu e. 5. Diketahui unsur – unsur yang memengaruhi pendapatan nasional sebagai berikut: PNB/GNP Rp 90.000,00 miliar Pajak langsung Pajak tak langsung miliar Penyusutan barang Rp 1.000,00 miliar Rp 10.000,00 modal Rp 5.000,00 miliar Dari data diatas, besarnya pendapatan nasional neto ( NNI ) adalah: a. Rp 59.000,00 miliar b. Rp 65.000,00 miliar .Rp 74.000,00 miliar c

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Bahasa Inggris SMA

write letter talking about you and others. yang bisa minta tolong buatin surat dalam bahasa inggris. contoh nya kayak difoto ya

TASK 10 Read the following text aloud. rawland_67@ Introduction To : From Hello, Roland. You must be surprised receiving this e-mail, You wonder how I know your name and e-mail address, don't you? Please allow me introduce myself. I am Yudi, Yudi Perwira, I know your name and e-mail address from the photography magazine "MIRROR". I admire all your photos and would like to be your friend. Would you mind? I was born on June 13, sixteen years ago, I am in the tenth grade of Harapan Jaya Senior High School. I have a younger sister named Amelia. She is now in the eighth grade. She is three years younger than me. We both like photography and traveling. You know, we're members of an online backpacker community and a photography club. I've attached our photos. The flowers are hers and the landscapes are mine. What do you think? I know, yours are much better than ours. That's why, I want to learn from you. Roland, next long holiday, we and our cousin Mega will be backpacking to Bali. Our uncle will join us from Ketapang Harbor before we cross the Bali Strait and dock at Gilimanuk Harbor. I will take as many photographs as possible. You know, Bali is very rich in culture, beautiful scenery and extraordinary places. Hopefully, it will turn out exciting. From the magazine, I just know a little about you. Please tell me about yourself. I would really appreciate being your friend. I'd like to hear from you soon. Thank you. Subject: Kind regards, Yudi Perwira Send

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