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Bahasa Inggris SMA

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sent 2... to a Catholic boarding school in Jakarta. I live with my brothers. 3)... eldest brother i your pen pal. I'm a seventh teen-year-old school student from Pangkal Pinang, Indonesia. My pas Physics. I like drawing and calculating very much; I want to be an architect as my brother. At sches How do you do, Bangkit? I'm Frian from University of Technology Bandur Indonesian. .. am fond of doing sports. I really love Basketball. So that's why I join Basketball te movies, especially action movie. Different with my brother, I don't like reading. Someday, Td rel e hometown. I would really ike rd. actgray th hicah hide amD Complete the conversation below Frian 1. a) : Excuse me. do? Bangkit : Yes. I'm Bangkit Senjaya. How do Frian you b) : Bangkit : c) Frian : Nice to meet you, too. Complete the following text by using the suitable pronoun. your 2. It was very interesting to read .. mail about yourself and s are Math "... are supposed to use English at all times, so we have become quite fluent although we al At sco at my school. My favorite basketball player is Lebron James. "... really inspires me. I also like love to come to America to improve "... skills. What about do you want to visit .? you, Best Wishes Abraham Damar 3. Read again the text above to answer the following questions. a. Where does Abraham live? b. What are his hobbies? How many brothers does he have? d. C. What language does he usually use at school? Why does he want to go to America? You invite your friend to your house. Make a conversation to introduce your friend to your patci e. 4. your home. 5. Write a pen pal mail to a foreign friend by using your own words. Score Kapefens Oasar

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Bahasa Indonesia SMA

tentang penjelasan/keterangan🙏

Laporan Hasil Observasi/ Modul Bahasa Indonesia/ Kelas X /KD 3.1 dan 4.1 E. Latihan Soal 1. Cermati teks laporan hasil observasi berikut! Kelinci Kelinci merupakan salah satu termasuk hewan mamalia dari keluarga leporidae. Hewan kelinci ini bisa ditemui dengan mudah diberbagai daerah di muka bumi. Dahulu kelinci sendiri merupakan hewan yang sangat liar yang hidupnya di Afrika sampai kebagian Eropa. Sampai saat ini, secara umum kelinci sendiri dibagi menjadi dua yakni kelinci liar atau bebas, serta kelinci peliharaan. Jika melihat dari fisik terutama pada bulunya, kelinci bisa dibedakan menjadi 2 jenis yakni kelinci yang berbulu panjang dan kelinci yang berbulu pendek. Sedangkan, menurut ordonya, kelinci diklasifikasikan menjadi beberapa jenis yakni lyon, anggora, american, english, himalayan, serta ducth. Adapun, makanan untuk kelinci identik memakan sayuran wortel. Namun setelah dilakukan observasi, faktanya kelinci juga dapat diberi pakan sayur-sayuran hijau, biji-bijian, umbi-umbian serta ampas tahu. Setelah diteliti juga, daging kelinci sendiri bisa digunakan sebagai obat yang bisa menyembuhkan penyakit asma Berdasarkan teks tersebut, isilah identifikasikan isi laporan dengan mengisi tabel berikut! No. Ciri-Ciri Penjelasan/Keterangan 1. Mengandung fakta 2. Bersifat objektif Ditulis lengkap dan menyeluruh 3. @2020, Direktorat SMA, Direktorat Jenderal PAUD, DIKDAS dan DIKMEN 13 Laporan Hasil Observasi/ Modul Bahasa Indonesia/ Kelas X /KD 3.1 dan 4.1 Bersifat kekinian/terbaru • daging kelinci bisa digunakan sebagai obat yang bisa menyembuhkan penyakit asma 4. 5. Menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan

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Cara Menggunakan Clearnote SMA

Hai! aku mau tanya, kalian lebih suka catatan yang aku share itu yang kayak mana? yang foto biasa atau hasil scan? contohnya bisa kalian... Baca Lebih Lanjut

Conditional Sentence @ZCALLMEHAN -fect De fini tion Con ditio nal sentence is a sentence Which States a result 0f a Condition. Con ditional Sent ence con sts of if clause and main da se . Type 2 Type 2 is used to express dreames, un real. Situations, thing s that are unlikely to kappen or a Condition that is Currently being imagined 13 example: I will Join the party, if my mom allows me to go Formula : Subject t past modal tVI+ Complement + if + Subject +VZ t Complement main Clause example : 4 I would go to the mall if she gave me the money W I would pass the ekam if I Studied hard if clau se Nowever, if clawse can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In the case, a Comma. ave Vse Type 3 TYpe3 is used to expre ss the past and the im possible htuations that Can no longer be chan ge. In other words, an ima ginary or Unreal or impofble Condition in the past that did not kappen. example: If my mom allows me to go, 1 will jonr the party ed If clau se Main clau se Type O Type o is used to ex press Some thing that is always true / fact/ general truth/habits. Formula: Subjelt + past modul t have t V3 + Complement t if t Subject + had + v3+ Complement For mul a: Subject + V1 t Complement t ift Subject + V1 + Complement examele: Would have gone to the mall if she had me the money 4I would have passed the exam if I had Studied had and given example: If it rains, the ground gets wet oIf you boil water, it eva porates Pend it Additional formulas If clause + Jugges tion = lf+ S+U1+ Should /ough to/ Type 1 Type 1 is used to express a posibility in the future. (it is nor certain that it will happen, but it is possible). had better + Vi + Complement 1f clause + remin der = IftS+ V1 + Have to/ has to /must t V1 Formula: Subject + mo dal +V1+ Comple ment + ift Subject + Vi+ Complement If + general truth : If + S+V1 + StV1 present/ V1 future Ift Stv1 + Complement + S + V1 future Ift dre am exam ple: 4 I will go to the mall if she gives me the mo hey to I will pass the exam If studies hard

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