

医療保健 2019A

和光の美坊を謎A 中から是も身 なさい。 答えは1一4 の Nere is 。 aimple connection betmeen the smount cf moneyfeople make and their body shape. For example計 you cannot get enough to ea becaus you are poor. you will be thin. in rich countries, igsweyer being overweight is strongly linked to poverty。People with high incomes an afford high quality food and drink, gym memberships, Sports equipment. amd leisure facilities.n ich countries 人erefore。 ich people tend to be a lot healthier amnore active than poor people: Demsee/ehed to obesity 語3 a huge percentage をan costs in rich countries./Therefore/ governments want people to stay active at ees panese men feeKainple。 are expected to fllowr governmemt guidelines suggesting that they keep their waist measurementき3 below ight crimees This beoones more dificu as cne get der and kes ac / surromnded by lots of lovely food and drink: Opse dhis seion js not measurement にとニーゴー hen he was a young man_He was auch taler thamrRdinary Briish people and he was an excelent sportsman/ People thought he was exremely handsome. 2 1596.半 tne age cf でRhe became kess acthe afer le any ーー At that dime。 Pitish wool exports were very proRtable。 devoted to sheef and less to crops。 rere hg smounts of meafn the jings kitchens pfewer edible plants he British grew less of their own od and bougte more high gedhty food fom emwss/Enermous otantties of sugar were imported. Hをnrys kitchens were designed to feed more than a thousend people eyery day adhe /roriic ciiii 近 the royal cooking ane shocked many foreign visitors./ At the same time wood was being replaced by coal as a source of heat 門 England had a waist
1 1 1 1 I l 上 ] and new technologies Were being introduced 6 improve cooking techniquef Greater quantites of food could be served more easilx AHso) Henry had brokn with the Catholic church so Catholic pt dgys/hen people had break from eating, were abandoned and 1ess fish was eaten. 2 Large numbers of new_ingredients from abroad were also finding their way into British kitchens。 Pumpkins from France soon became popular in 2 By the end of the sixteenth century, potatoes, tomatoes, kidney beans. olives, and anchovies had become familiar ingyedients。 /' Now beng unable to exercise, ル became a victim of these changes in diet His waist measurement increased to an enormous one hundred and forty centimeters and he was unable to move at all without the use of a special machine.
0) Tn the fourth paragraph, gc ez07が 1S closest in meanin, of the following? 1.Jarge numbers of people eating the meat of a sheep 2.members of staff buying food from oVerseaS chen staff working hard tO DreDaTe food .sugar being prepared for export to foreign countries gto which



1 たくさんの人が羊肉を食べること
2 数人のスタッフが海外から食品を買うこと
3 食事を準備するため料理人が必死に働いていること
4 外国へ輸出するために準備された砂糖


franticは大あわての、あわてふためいた の意

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4のパタグラフの最後の行を読むと、ヘンリーがdesignしてfeed、すなわち食べ物を与えると、意味はとれますね。その後thousand〜と続くので多くの人に食べ物を与えると意味がとれますね。で、誰が?と主語を探しますとHenry kitchenとなる訳です。で全体的に意味があっている3番を選ぶと解けます。

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