
這裡的take a shot是什麼意思?(101學測),看了翻譯仍不懂

(0D) They ensured the meatwould nor (wist whi江being cu 一才 寢 說下、 te Subject Qf many QaDIGES ats, dogs, and other pets top the veVer beGagSS 1說 hard to get them to sit Still and “perform on phot避人 Tefuse to 此Raph pets. 時 8 portrait ofacat or do is to hold &biscuit or tara ard the food WillMOe captured by the camera, ft thc_treat wom'tappear 2 六 誰Decause itS QUI Qf the camerals range. When you show the 襄hey 1l be impressSed bX youipetls loving express1on. os?人 tfil yGeaiutake some Qod, uiek 9 「 tb 廬計1 St 8QOd (WuLGS Sa De mply Shiapping ling its name。 Woulll get ARerenLexpresslo rom your Sing this technique- the Biefere Will capture an interested, curious expression or possibly a gon your pet S mood, te pIettre w1 Woyance, especially MYeuVe avGKenedeTSin anap. aittle-moyre-pattehee. After all, you can't Wake up alion! 人 to your friends 和eus ht after 仿pictures of zoo animals requires- ave to wait for-a while untiltth al soOmething interesting or moves into a posittion 參 geta good shot. When photographing zoo animals, don t get too close to the ceages。and gn the glass or throw things between the bars ofa cage. Concentrate on shooting Some good always respect the animals you are photographing-
M locapture acute look, HITo lteasShpeclal atmosphere. C) To arouse the appetlte ofthe pet. D lo keep the pet from_]oo 人 53 What is the advamtage 0f calling your pet's name_whe takingashototit2 : 計 &g ! 1 OUT Det S hame_when 同 Ing As SnO I To help your pet look its best 生 To make sure that your pet Sits Stil. CO) To keep your pet awake for a while, 0 To eateh a different expression of your pet 學 In what: Way 8 photographing Zoo animals different from photographingpets


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