

行く国 ルクセンブルク
訪れる場所 ヴィアンデン城
食べるもの クェッシェンタールト、クニーデレン
買うもの villeroy&boch
みるもの ボックの砲台


### はじめに

### 訪れる場所

### 試したい料理

### 買いたいもの

### 見るべき景色

### 結論



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### Introduction
Hello everyone. Today, I would like to share my travel plan to Luxembourg. Luxembourg is a small but beautiful country in Europe, known for its rich history and stunning landscapes.

### Places to Visit
One of the main places I plan to visit is Vianden Castle. This is one of the largest fortified castles west of the Rhine. It was built between the 11th and 14th centuries and offers a fantastic view of the surrounding area. The castle is a must-see for anyone interested in medieval history.

### Food to Try
While in Luxembourg, I want to try some traditional dishes. One of them is Quetschentaart, which is a delicious plum tart. Another dish is Kniddelen, which are Luxembourgish dumplings, often served with bacon and cream sauce. These dishes are famous in Luxembourg and represent the country’s culinary traditions.

### Things to Buy
I also plan to buy some items from Villeroy & Boch. This is a renowned brand known for its high-quality ceramics and tableware. Buying something from Villeroy & Boch will be a great way to remember my trip and bring a piece of Luxembourg back home with me.

### Sights to See
Another fascinating place to visit is the Bock Casemates. These are a series of underground tunnels and galleries carved into the rock. The casemates have a long history, dating back to the 17th century, and offer an intriguing look at the city’s military past. The views from the Bock Promontory are also stunning.

### Conclusion
In conclusion, Luxembourg offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. I am very excited about this trip and can't wait to explore all that Luxembourg has to offer. Thank you for listening to my travel plan.

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