

5 UNIT3 Reading Passage 10 15 20 20 25 30 Listening When important events are happening around the world, most people turn to traditional media sources, such as CNN and BBC,¹ for their news. However, during the invasion of Iraq by the United States and its allies in early 2003, a significant number of people followed the war from the point of view of an anonymous² Iraqi citizen who called himself "Salam Pax" (salam means "peace" in Arabic, and pax means "peace" in Latin). Salam Pax wrote a diary about everyday life in Baghdad during the war, and posted it on his web site. Pax's online diary was a kind of web site known as a "blog." Blogs, short for "web-logs," are online diaries usually kept by individuals, but sometimes they are written by companies and other groups of people. They are a rapidly growing type of web site on the Internet. There are estimated to be several hundred thousand blogs on the Internet, and with the popularity of other social media sites, the number of people writing online about their lives continues to grow. may find A blog differs from a traditional web site in several ways. Most importantly, it is updated much more regularly. Many blogs are updated every day, and some are updated several times a day. Also, most blogs use special software or web sites which are specifically aimed at bloggers, so you do not need to be a computer expert to create your own blog. This means that ordinary people who computers difficult to use can easily set up and start writing their own blog. In 2003, the Internet company AOL³ introduced their own blogging service, enabling its 35 million members to quickly and easily start blogging. There are many different kinds of blogs. The most popular type is an online diary of links, where the blog writer surfs the Internet and then posts links to sites or news articles that they find interesting, with a few comments about each one. Other types are personal diaries, where the writer talks about their life and feelings. Sometimes these blogs can be very personal. There is another kind of blogging, called "moblogging," short for "mobile blogging." Mobloggers use cell phones to take photo's, which are posted instantly to the Internet. When the content and images posted online involve news subjects, mobloggers become citizen journalists. In fact, the Korean web site OhMyNews was a well known source for articles from international citizen journalists. However, in 2010, OhMyNews stopped posting new articles. Instead, it is now a blog site where citizen journalists can choose what makes the headlines, or just share ideas about how regular people are changing the news world. Anyone who visits the web site of a big media company can clearly see how the idea of blogging has changed the reporting of news. Quite often, a list of reader comments follow news articles. It seems that the news is becoming less like a report or a lecture, and more like a conversation, where anyone can join in. CNN, BBC Cable News Network, British Broadcasting Corporation anonymous not named; unknown 3 AOL America Online
5 10 15 20 20 25 25 30 UNIT 4 Reading Passage Listening Movies are probably the most popular form of entertainment today. Today's full-length movies began with short motion pictures' developed in France in the late 1800s by the Lumière brothers.² However, the world's first full-length movie, The Story of the Kelly Gang, came from Australia. This silent movie, which showed the life of the notorious criminal Ned Kelly, opened at the Melbourne Town Hall on December 26, 1906. It was over an hour long. The movie industry has come a long way from its humble beginning, and today millions of dollars are spent producing and advertising movies. Some of the most expensive movies ever produced include Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (US$300 million), Spider-Man 3 ($258 million), and Avatar ($237 million). In comparison, the most expensive Bollywood movie ever made, Endhiran (The Robot), cost only $35 million to make. However, when you compare the cost of an older movie with the value of money at the time it was made, Cleopatra remains the most expensive movie ever made. Elizabeth Taylor played Cleopatra in this movie made in 1963. One of the reasons why this movie cost so much money was because Ms. Taylor had 65 different (and very expensive) costumes in the movie! This movie, if made today, would cost a minimum of $306 million to shoot. Some people, however, think that one movie beats this record. For All Mankind, a documentary about NASA's nine Apollo space missions, was produced from film taken by NASA aboard its spaceships over several years. If the cost of the spaceships is taken into account, the movie cost billions of dollars to make! The average budget of most Hollywood movies is over $65 million, and this rises to about $100 million when promotion costs are included. Often, the movie itself cannot make enough money from ticket sales alone to cover the cost of production, and the studio relies on merchandising to help make up fot poor box office sales. For example, the Star Wars movies, which were a huge success in terms of box office sales (averaging over $700 million each at the box office), have gone on to make more than $20 billion from toys and other merchandising connected to all of the Star Wars movies in the series. The problem that Hollywood studios are finding is that as movie budgets increase, audiences expect more and more spectacular special effects all of which cost increasing amounts of money. "You have to drive the audience into the theater, and they will not be driven into the theater unless you can show them something they have not seen before," says Joel Silver, the producer of the three Matrix movies. "You have to wow them." With audiences taking expensive special effects for granted, it seems that for the time being, big budget movies are here to stay. 'motion pictures films, moving pictures, movies 2 Lumière brothers Auguste (1862-1954) and Louis (1864-1948) 3 Ned Kelly (1854-1880) Australia's most famous historical criminal 4 box office cinema ticket sales office O minutes seconds 472 words


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