

man for (1) a onnectedness is, in fact, a virtue bothered. If the clerk always wants to chat ates should be prohibited at a gift makes a (2A). The French anthropologist Claude where. I just want a hacksaw blade. ss tells of Léx (3) seemingly trivial ceremony during a meal in cheap rants in France. The guests sit at a long, *communal table, and each pour bottle of wine before his plate. Before the meal begins, a man will e not into his own glass but into his neighbor's. And his neighbor will the gesture, filling the first man's empty glass. In an economic sense has happened. (4) No one has any more wine than he had originally. ety has appeared where there was none before. The French tend to trangers, but in these little restaurants, strangers find themselves (5) close relationship for an hour or more. "A conflict exists," says Lévi- "not very keen, but real enough to create a state of tension between of privacy and the fact of community. ... This is the temporary but ituation resolved by the exchange of wine. It is an * assertion of which does away with the mutual *uncertainty." Just sitting at the becomes social life through an exchange of gifts. Further, the the wine allows another exchange - ( 2C ). dware store: 金物店 munal: 共用の hacksaw: (金属を切るために用いる) 弓のこ uncertainty: 半信半疑 assertion: 表明
問4 下線部(4) とほぼ同じ意味になるように以下の文の空所を埋めよ。 Each person has ( ) ( ) ( ) as he had originally.


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