
想請問我理解錯了嗎?文章寫前三 但最下面那個是fifth🤔

(30~32) Joyce's latest music video Hold It Up has been uploaded for a year, but it has only got around forty million views, which isn't even a quarter of her best yet. That makes this MV the least popular of all Joyce's music videos. Many of the viewers think the song is good, but it says nothing new. The dance is too difficult, so it is not easy for children to follow. Some say the video looks boring and cheap, but in fact, we spent the most on it. Others even say Joyce has grown a little too old for this children's MV, and honestly, I agree with them. However, Joyce is a very popular star. We'd better work out something new quickly, or the star may stop working with us soon. Here I summarize the reviews of Joyce s Top 3 MVs before Hold It UP, hoping they can help us with Joyce's new MV. In My Dream This is Joyce's third MV. The dance moves look funny and easy to learn. The story in the video has funny moments that make children laugh and want to play it over and over, so it has the second-highest views. ● • Getting Better This is Joyce s best MV. It reached about two hundred million views in one year. The story in the video works well with the lines. Older children feel the song speaks about how they feel and what they think, while younger children can sing along and dance to the music. • In a Candy Store a This is Joyce fifth MV, which was uploaded two years ago. Though she doesn't sing or dance in front of the camera, the video still got over a hundred million views in one year. Many viewers say watching the narrative MV is like enjoying a four-minute movie in which Joyce also plays a part. view(er)觀看(者) summarize review while narrative # 357 ABC 晴天 G


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Top 3指的是最有名的三個吧


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