

右の語群からもっとも適切な関係詞を1つ選び、 英文を完成させましょう。 1. Tuesday is the day (when we practice judo. 2. Awajishima, (where) my uncle lives, is a very beautiful island. 3. You can sit (wherevel) you like. 4. (Whenever) I go to bed, I can fall asleep. 2日本語に合う英文になるように,空所に適切な語を入れましょう。 1. この夏はどこへ行っても、とてもむし暑かったです。 (Wherever) ( I ) ( go ), it was very humid this summer. 2. 私が必要なときはいつでも,あなたは私に電話をすることができます。 You can call me (whenever) you need me. 1831 (0 3.このようにして私たちは現代アートについて学びました。 This is (how) ( we when whenever where wherever ) ( learned ) about modern art. 4.2021年に美香は京都に住んでいましたが、そのときニックに出会いました。 In 2021, (when ) Mika ( lived) in Kyoto, she met Nick. 3 日本語に合う英文になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえましょう。 1. 私はなぜ彼女が私を見てほほえんだのかわかりませんでした。 I didn't understand (at / me/she/smiled / why). why she smiled at me 2. 奈良はたくさんの寺がある都市です。 Nara is a city (a lot of/ are/ temples / there / where). where there are a lot of temples 3. 天気がどうであろうとも、私たちは明日サッカーをします。 ( however / is / the / weather), we'll play soccer tomorrow. 4. 私たちは山頂に着き、そこでしばらく休憩しました。 We reached the peak, (for a while / we / rested / where ). where we re sted for a while Connectina Activity Lesson 12 However the weather is


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1. ✅

2.1 Wherever I went, it was very humid.
2.4 "when Mika lived in Kyoto" is not wrong, but I think that "when Mika was living in Kyoto" is better.

3. ✅

くさなぎ ねね

2-4でなぜlived ではなく、livingになるのでしょうか?


I'm sorry but I can only explain in English ...

The past continuous tense (過去進行形~she was living) is used for expressing an ongoing action (進行中の行動) in the past.

In Japanese you would use "~ていた" or "~ていました", for this, right?
その時、私は京都に住んでいました。== At that time, I was living in Kyoto.

However, for "to live", both answers are good:
✅ In 2021, when Mika lived in Kyoto --> express a state
✅ In 2021, when Mika was living in Kyoto --> express continuity

I hope this is helpful!

くさなぎ ねね

Is that so! Sorry!! I was able to understand that it can also be expressed in living! thank you very much.🙇‍♀️

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