
"The Path to Acceptance"
Once upon a time, there was a young man named John who had a deep affection for a girl named Emily. Twenty years later, John and Emily decided to embark on their life journey together.

One day, John inadvertently mentioned to Emily that he liked women with a bit of muscular tone. To his surprise, Emily overheard his comment. While she felt a little hurt, she decided to transform herself for the sake of her boyfriend. She started going to the gym in secret, but the results were not as she had hoped.

On a fateful day, while Emily was out shopping, she came across a miraculous drink that promised to enhance muscle growth. She impulsively bought several bottles and consumed them all at once upon returning home. After about fifteen minutes, her body experienced intense pain, and she felt her muscles tightening. Suddenly, her arms became significantly larger and more muscular. John arrived home just in time, and Emily rushed to him. However, her appearance startled John. Emily quickly explained her situation, and eventually, John accepted her transformation. Their love remained strong.

However, their blissful moments didn't last long. Emily's growing muscles made it difficult for John to sleep as she frequently turned in her sleep, pressing her muscular arms against him. One morning, John expressed his desire for Emily to return to her original appearance. Emily was heartbroken, and at that moment, her arms experienced another round of intense pain, as if her muscles were growing once more. John immediately rushed Emily to the hospital, where they administered a shot to suppress further muscle growth. The doctor informed them that Emily's condition could only be maintained as it was. Eventually, John learned to accept Emily's muscular physique, and from then on, they lived happily together.

1. What is the protagonist's name in the story?
a) John
b) James
c) Michael
d) David
2. Why did Emily decide to transform her appearance in the story?
a) She wanted to become a bodybuilder.
b) She was influenced by societal pressure.
c) She overheard John's preference for muscular women.
d) She felt the need to change her personality.
3. How did Emily's body change after consuming the miraculous drink?
a) Her skin became smoother.
b) She gained energy and vitality.
c) Her muscles grew significantly.
d) She lost weight.
4. What caused a rift in John and Emily's otherwise happy life together?
a) Emily's muscular appearance.
b) Differences in their interests.
c) Financial problems.
d) Lack of communication.
5. How was Emily's condition resolved in the story?
a) Emily was given a shot at the hospital to prevent further muscle growth.
b) Emily's muscles were permanently removed through surgery.
c) Emily continued to build more muscle.
d) John and Emily broke up.



再一次John和Emily 的旅行中,Emily 無意間聽到John偏好有肌肉女性的事情,因此決定去健身房訓練,結果效果不盡人意,因此Emily 再一次購物中看到一種可以增加肌肉生長的飲料後,買了很多瓶回家喝,結果造成的肌肉過度生長,影響到兩人的之間的感情,最後Emily到了醫院打一種讓肌肉不再生長的針,但身材也變不回原本的樣子,可是John仍然接受Emily 現在的樣子,他們的愛情也繼續維持下去。
5.Emily 的狀況如何被解決

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