
2 ifの問題です。

2 この問題は、 解答欄 21 34 に解答すること 次の英文を読んで、後の問いに答えなさい。 (36点) You'll be surprised by how much a flight attendant can learn about you simply by greeting you at the door of an airplane. V People fly for all sorts of reasons, which means their moods, their expectations, and their baggage will differ greatly. These days, with air travel A due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the simple act of flying has taken on a whole different character with new rules and questions about existing policies (like whether you can bring food on a plane). Flight attendants are experts on every aspect of air travel. They know B to look for, what sets off alarm bells and C to handle a variety of situations at a moment's notice As soon as you step onto the plane, you can bet that they're making some quick observations - it's one of the things your flight attendant won't tell you.) When you step onto the planel you're usually giving off some kind of energy, and flight attendants are in a special position to observe it since they're usually welcoming passengers onto welcoming Far (1)) the aircraft. "Greeting at the door, we notice if we are acknowledged by a smile or a returned (2) hello," says Avalon Irizarry, a flight attendant for American Airlines. And unsurprisingly, if you do return their greeting, you're automatically going to make a better impression. The [7 you / (3) 1 make / will / I flight attendant/one word / like / a]. [If If you notice a flight attendant examining you up and down, the chances are that they're observing your clothing and accessory choices. "You'd be surprised at what people wear!" says Irizarry. "When you're sitting for hours in a metal tube, it's interesting to see people wearing high- heeled sandals and complicated clothing that looks uncomfortable and impossible to adjust and
問4 下線部 (2)の言い換えとして最もふさわしいものを、次のア~オの中から1つ選 び 解答欄 24 にマークしなさい。 Xalth whenever however Walthough why I which


✨ Jawaban Terbaik ✨

目的語が欠けている、というときは関係代名詞を使うときにthe girl who I know is〜というようにknowの目的語が欠けてwhoの前に行ってるよね〜というときです。

また、whenever は後ろは完全文なのはあっています。ですが、2通り役割があるのを覚えておいてください。
①〜はいつでも Call me whenever you are in trouble .(困った時はいつでも私に電話をかけてね)
②(いつ)〜しようとも Whenever you come ,I don’t mind .(あなたがいつ来ても、気にしません)

which、これは関係代名詞、または疑問詞になりますね。疑問詞になったとして、notice の目的語としても取れるかもしれません。でも、間接疑問文のwhichにするときよほど珍しい英文でない限り大体の場合、どの〜が…なのか、という意味になります。でも後ろの文はそんな意味ですか?違いますね。なので❌


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